Showing posts with label ARKO Museum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ARKO Museum. Show all posts

Monday, May 28, 2018

Sketches at sweet Marronnier Park

Daehangno street in Marronnier Park, pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

Korea National Open University near Marronnier Park, pen and watercolor, 
(29.6 x 42cm) 

a sketch of Marronier park square, pen and watercolor, (36 x 51cm)

attractive brick wall of Arko Arts Theater, pen, (36 x 51cm) 

an exciting dance performance in the open-air theater, pencil, (36 x 51cm)


It was a little windy, but a very fine day to sketch. We Seoul urban sketchers met at Marronnier Park located on the former site of Seoul National University, Daehangno, Seoul. I sketched around this attractive park several times before and was always fascinated with the exciting sensation of the lively city. The park was crowded with young people and children including foreign tourists. The landmark buildings, Arko Arts Theater and Gallery located in the park, where lots of performances are held all the year round. In the open-air performance hall or street stage the various musicians play music freely with the crowd. Especially, the red brick wall of the beautiful buildings in the sunlight is harmonized with the green leaves of the horse chestnut in Marronnier Park.
I had a good sketch time drawing and painting here and there in historic Marronnier Park, bringing back my childhood memories.
낙산과 대학천을 따라 흘러 온 지성과 낭만의 근대사~
붉은 벽돌과 마로니에 나뭇잎 사이로 빛과 색의 율동이 어우러지고
문화유산과 젊음이 공존하는 살아있는 역사의 마로니에 광장은
클래식과 현대를 넘나드는 조형, 연극, 뮤지컬, 길거리 퍼포먼스~~
문화적 상징과 감성적 소재가 넘치는 매력적인 스케치 장소입니다.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Information for May Sketch Meetup!

안녕하세요! 2018년 5월 26일 모임 안내입니다.

장소 : 대학로 마로니에 공원
만나는 장소 : 아르코 미술관 앞
그림 그리는 시간 : 오전 10시 30분 - 오후 4시 30분

토요일이라 복잡하리라고 생각합니다. 그러나 낭만과 문화가 살아 숨쉬는 도심을 그려보는 기회가 될 것입니다.
관심있는 분을의 용기 있는 참여를 기다립니다.

Hi sketchers,

We sketch on May 26th (Saturday) at Maronnier Park located at Daehangno where to be arrived from exit 2, Hyehwa station, Subway line no. 4. We meet in front of ARKO Museum on 10:30am and will continue to 4:30pm. And at same place we'll have an on-spot exhibit with all the works we've done. 

Hope all the sketchers to join us with great courage and interest! 
See you there! Thanks!