Showing posts with label Ilsan City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ilsan City. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Hanwha Aqua Planet Ilsan sketches

Hanwha Aqua Planet Ilsan building, conte, A 4

Walrus resting in the corner of aquarium, sepia conte, A 4

people in walrus aquarium, brush pen, pastels, A 4

trainers with walrus, conte, pastels, A 4

Deep blue ocean aquarium, conte, pastels, A 4

jaguar resting on rock, sepia conte, A 4

parrot on tree, sepia conte, pastels, A 4

It was too hot but lots of visitors didn't care about it for kids and parents. All the corridors were crowded with families. Young parents were eager to explain the fish and animal for kids taking photos here and there. How hard it is to be parents! I visit there for I could see different features which were made by visitors, fish and animals. This time I dared to draw the facade of the building though it blew harshly. I hope to know more about them and catch nice poses. 

전시회때문에 못갔던 아쿠아 플라넷에 가보았어요. 우선 입장에 앞서서 그려야지 머리에만 두었던 건물 외관을 주차장 연돌에 앉아 그렸어요. 간단히 점심을 먹고 올라갔어요. 와우...전에없이 입구에 줄이 겹으로 서서 입장객을 시간을 두고 들여보내는 것이었어요. 아뿔사 저는 항상 휴가중인데 젊은 분들은 휴가를 받아 아이들과 부모님을 모시고 온 것이었어요. 한참을 기다려 들어갔더니 역시나 입구부터 막혀있더군요. 보통 처음에는 꼼꼼히 보게 되는 것이라여기고 안으로 들어갔어요. 딥블루오션 앞의 넓은 공간이 꼭찼어요. 여름, 겨울 휴가중에는 피해야겠다 싶었습니다. 재규어가 모처럼 낮잠중이라 그릴 수 있었구요. 다들 더워서 지친 모습입니다. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

sketches in Aqua Planet Ilsan and Onemount

elephant seal in water, pencil, watercolor, A 4

fish experience for kids, pencil, watercolor, A 4

water park in Onemount next to the Aqua Planet Ilsan,
pencil, watercolor, A 4

It was my 4th visit to Aqua Planet Ilsan located at Ilsan city. It was cool inside and good to escape from hot weather in summer. I spent most of time to practice drawing of the Sand Tiger Sharks. Two sharks are in isolated aquarium. Repeating and observing them I could know the position of fins and the features in turning. Though the results were not satisfactory I was sure of that I would access more accurately to the exact shape of their features. Looking around the aquarium I become to see the fish and sea animal in detail, which means that I could know more about them. 

On the way coming home I tried one at the open space in Onemount looking up the water park slide. It was very hard for me to describe the exact shape. The place will be a nice spot for sketching with various features of shops and people in big building Onemount.

어제 7월 14일에 아쿠아 플래닛 일산에 다시 갔어요. 어차피 일년 회원권을 끊은지라 일주일에 한번은 가려고 마음먹고 있어요. 더구나 여름이라 그 안이 워낙 시원해서 더운 날에는 가고 싶어집니다. 네번째 가는 것인데 해양생물들을 좀더 자세히 보게 됩니다. 상어와 재규어도 한 곳에서 수없이 드로잉해봅니다. 참 멋있어요. 상어는 볼수록 중후함에 압도됩니다.  크고 작은 물고기들이 개성이 넘치고 아름답습니다. 오는 길에 인근 원 마운트에서 한장 시도했어요. 어려운 것은 말로 하기 어렵구요. 그저 갈때마다 꾸준히 그려보려고 합니다. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

sketches at the Aqua Planet Ilsan, Ilsan city

amacusa jelly, 말레이 원양 해파리, pen, pastels, A 4

flowerhat jelly, 꽃우산해파리, pen, pastels, A 4

aquarium of moon jelly, 보름달물해파리 수족관, pen, pastels, A 4

part of Deep Blue Ocean (9 x 12 m), pen, watercolor, A 4

part of Deep Blue Ocean, pen, watercolor, A 4

squall (aquarium tunnel), 
pen, watercolor, A 4

parrot, Hyacinth Macaw, pencil, watercolor, A 4

Last Sunday I visited Aqua Planet Ilsan located at Ilsan city. It was cool and dark inside. Various kinds of fish and big scale made me stay long and inspire to sketch over and over again. So I bought one year ticket for 70,000 won. I did sketch none on that day. Yesterday, Tuesday I went again for sketching. Different from the weekend it was not crowded with visitors anyhow. I could sketch enjoying the atmosphere better than Sunday. There was another small jungle with Jaguars, monkeys, and parrots, and so on. It seemed to be convenient for me to sketch both fish and zoo animals in same place. It's said that it will open domestic animal zoo such as chickens on roof top on July 15, 2015, which will add interest for children and sketcher too. 

어제 일산에 위치한 아쿠아 플레닛 일산에서 스케치했습니다. 지난 일요일에 일차 가보고 일년 회원권을 끊었어요. 자주 가서 물고기를 그려보려고요. 작은 동물원도 있어서 덤으로 재규어, 원숭이, 앵무새를 그려보는 재미도 있겠어요. 일요일과 달리 좀 한산하여 그릴만 했습니다.