Showing posts with label Jongno Tower. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jongno Tower. Show all posts

Monday, August 11, 2014

some sketches at Bosingak (보신각), Jongno-gu, Seoul

 Jongno Tower Building (종로 타워 빌딩) opposite to Bosingak, ( 21 x 29.6cm )

 the panoramic view of Bosingak, ( 16.3 x 29.6cm ) 

  the front view of Bosingak, ( 21 x 29.6cm )

 the side view of Bosingak, ( 21 x 29.6cm )

a scenery around Bosingak across the road, ( 21 x 29.6cm ) 

viewed from the 33rd floor of Jongno Tower, ( 21 x 29.6cm )

another sketch on the same spot, ( 21 x 29.6cm )

the royal guards in front of Bosingak, ( 21 x 29.6cm )

the chief gatekeeper (수문장), ( 21 x 29.6cm )

 the bell is rung 12 times everyday at noon, ( 21 x 29.6cm )

another sketch of the bell-ringing ceremony, ( 21 x 29.6cm )
( pen and watercolor )

The Bosingak Belfry (보신각), so-called Jonggak(종각), sits in a part of Seoul considered the most central in the city, both geographically and historically. It was originally constructed in 1396 but destroyed numerous times of the years from fires and wars. The current building, completed in 1979, is a replica of the original traditional design but a reinforced concrete structure, its significance lying in the site and its history rather than the building itself. In the Joseon Dynasty, the bell was hit to announce the opening and closing of the 4 gates around Seoul. Recently, to commemorate the history, everyday at noon except Monday, the building has opened to citizen and tourists for bell-ringing ceremony.
Last weekend, I sketched around the pretty historical landmark surrounded by high rise buildings and busy roads, feeling the harmony of old and new in central Seoul.
600년 넘는 보신각의 역사는 건축물과 범종의 운명적인 모습보다 장소성이 끈끈하게 가슴을 울립니다. 해가 바뀔 때마다 33번의 종소리와 함께 과거와 미래를 이어주면서 서울은 서서히 앞을 향해 변화해 갑니다.
고층 빌딩과 파도치는 삶의 물결 속에 둘러싸인 온고지신의 공간~~우리들 곁의 보신각은 스케치를 통해 마음을 정화시켜 줍니다.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

scenery seen from Jongno Tower (종로 타워에서 본 풍경)

scenery seen from 18th and 10th floor, Jongno Tower building, pencil, pen, 17.5 x 27.5 cm

Jongno Tower building could be found easily by its charateristic feature in Jongno street. Inside visitors can look out the street scene through big windowpanes every floor. I tried to sketch in 10th and 18th floor. The dark shadow thrown by the various kinds of buildings was changing and interesting. To sketch looking downward gave different fun from looking upward on streets. 

오늘 날은 추워도 햇살이 밝아 종로 타워에서 내려다 보는 풍경이 좋았습니다. 겨울이라도 강한 햇살에 크고 작은 다양한 그림자가 변화하면서 재미난 풍경을 연출하였구요. 보통 올려다 보는 풍경을 그리다가 따뜻한 건물안에서 조용히 내려다 보면서 그리는 또 다른 즐거운 시간을 보냈습니다. 못 그린 부분이 많아서 종종 가서 그려야 할 것같습니다. 원래는 따따한 곳에서 여유롭게 수채를 하려고 했는데 붓을 안가져가서 연필, 펜으로 마쳤어요.