Showing posts with label Jongno. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jongno. Show all posts

Monday, August 7, 2017

Invitational Exhibition of Topgoal Art Center / Seoul Urban Sketchers

billiard-room(당구장), 21 x 29.6cm

Gateball court(게이트볼장) on the rooftop, 21 x 29.6cm

exercise room(체력단련실), 21 x 29.6cm

singing on the stage(가요무대), 21 x 29.6cm

practicing traditional fan dance(부채춤), 21 x 29.6cm

library(도서실), 21 x 29.6cm

main lobby on the 1st floor, 21 x 29.6cm

the front view of the Senior Welfare Center of Seoul, 29.6 x 42cm
(pen and watercolor)
Days later, from Aug. 10 to Aug. 25, Seoul Urban Sketchers will have the 6th exhibition invited by the Topgoal Art Center. The gallery is located in the first floor of the Senior Welfare Center of Seoul(서울노인복지센터) in Jongno district of Seoul. The title of the exhibit will be "My Merry Jongno" symbolizing the location "Jongno" district. In this exhibit 14 sketchers will participate in.
The welfare center runs kinds of classes for the seniors and the users in lunch time amount to 2800 to 3000. I visited there from time to time for sketching having delicious lunch and juice and tea at cafe run by senior female members. For the coming exhibit I sketched more to introduce the activities and the features of the building. Though the center opened on April 2001 the increasing users show how much the programs held for the senior people have been necessary. And the gallery was opened on May 2013. It's very impressive that lots of male senior than female frequent to the building compared to the other welfare centers. Program and location may be some reasons. Sketching these ones many senior members showed interest in sketching and liked sketches.
최근에 종로 그림 전시를 앞두고 탑 미술관이 속해 있는 서울노인복지센타를 방문하여 이모저모를 그린 스케치 모음입니다. 훈훈한 분위기 속에 다양한 프로그램을 즐기는 어르신들이 이번 전시회에 많은 관심을 보여주셔서 좋은 결실을 맺기를 기대합니다.

Friday, August 4, 2017

One piece at the Burger King, Jongno District Office branch

pen, watercolor, 25 x 25 cm

I dropped in Burger King located at Susong-dong for having beverage. This time I was caught by the colorful contrast between the red color lamps and the blue dust layer of the building which was under construction at Gongpyeong redeveloping area. Compared to the roasting hot weather it was a paradise inside. I framed one piece for the coming exhibition, which was drawn in this branch with different direction. We can see that the inside structure of the shops keeps changing from time to time. So I learnt that I needed to draw on that time I was there because the scenery which I could see might disappear later, maybe never for the owner could hide the walls for the economical interest. Hope you to capture on the spot at the very time you see!

오늘도 굽는 날씨더군요. 점심 후 들른 버거킹 2층에서 평소에 그리던 수송동 풍경이 아닌 공평동, 인사동쪽을 바라 보았어요. 매장 내의 붉은 등과 멀리 보이는 공평동 재개발 지역에서 건설중인 빌딩의 푸른 방진막이 눈길을 끌었습니다. 급히 한장 했어요. 도시는 늘 변화하기에 보일 때에 그려야 하는 것을 경험으로 알게 되었습니다. 그것은 안과 밖이 따로 없더군요. 지난 번에 들른 두타 빌딩은 전에 보이던 13층 고객상담실에서 보이는 창을 제외하고는 디디피를 볼 수 있었던 여러 층의 커다란 창이 매장으로 가려졌더군요. 방문객은 그 내려다 보이는 풍광이 매력적이어서 밥 먹으러 가기도 했는데 기업은 이윤 창출이 우선이었던듯 싶습니다.

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Two sketches at McDonalds, Anguk branch, Jongno

a young man having burger and beverage at McDonalds, Anguk branch,
pen and watercolor, 25 x 25 cm

Jongno police seen from the McDonalds, Anguk branch,
pen and watercolor, 25 x 25 cm

Today I dropped in McDonalds Anguk branch for having tea after lunch. The place was busy with young students and office workers around it. I liked to draw the wooden stools with blue colored long legs in that branch. But this time I tried to capture the window side scenes. After finishing the first one I moved to the window to look across the street. There were some demonstrators in front of the police. I had two apple pies while drawing two. It was very delicious!

오늘 맥도날드 안국점에 들러 스케치를 했습니다. 그 지점에 있는 푸른색 나무 의자가 멋있어서 종종 그립니다. 오늘은 종로 경찰서가 보이는 창쪽을 잡아 보았구요. 이 더운 날에 시위대는 얼마나 힘들까 생각하며 그렸습니다. 조계사 건너편 길에서 젊은 시위대가 "***석방이 웬말이냐 양심수 석방하라"하며 지나가는 것을 본지라 그분들이 아닌가 짐작했습니다. 
정권이 바뀌어도 요구 사항은 상존하는 것이 민주 사회라는 생각도 했습니다.

--근일 전시회 관계로 미술관측과 서류상 계약을 한 후 자세한 내용을 전달해 드리겠습니다.--

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Sketches at Jongno on July 22, 2017

DDP seen from Doota Tower, pencil, 23.5 x 33 cm

indoor scenery at Doota Tower, pencil, A 4

Though it didn't rain it was just like a boot camp training by heat with high humidity. I went to roof top, 8th floor of Doota Tower but I couldn't stand even a minute and retreated to the inside and went up to 13th floor where I could find a nice spot with great view. I did two pieces there. 
At 4 pm we met on the Majeon bridge over Cheonggyecheon. I really admire the sketchers who had accomplished sketching outdoor on the spot. Much thanks!

오늘 비가 올줄 알고 우산도 가져갔는데 비는 안 오고 후덥지근한 날씨가 제대로 찌더군요. 두타에서 두점 그리고(물칠은 보안 요원이 와서 제재하였고 서서 그렸음) 계획했던 동대문 역사 문화 공원행은 접었습니다. 4시에 마전교에 여러 스케쳐들께서 모였어요. 새로 오신 김정섭님 반가왔습니다. 그리고 김제에서 기차타고 오신 최현주님께도 감사드립니다. 자주 뵙기 바랍니다. 

참가하신 분들 : 이용환, 이지현, 오창환, 김해원, 곽윤환, 소말리 로이, 김재진, 최현주, 김정섭(새로 오신 분), 유병화

Sunday, July 16, 2017

sketches at Bukchon village, Jongno-gu, Seoul

a scenery seen from the hillside of Samcheong-dong(삼청동), 36 x 51cm

a streetscape of  Samcheong-dong Street of Culture, 26 x 37cm

the Dongsipjagak(동십자각) intersection viewed from the 3rd floor 
in Beomnyeonsa Temple(법련사), 36 x 51cm
( pen, pencil and watercolor )
It rained off and on yesterday. We Seoul urban sketchers met on Sagan-dong(사간동) near Gyeongbokgung Palace and sketched around Bukchon Hanok Village(북촌 한옥마을), where lots of traditional houses and new buildings coexist side by side harmoniously and has become a major tourist attraction. Despite the bad weather, the rainy sceneries of the beautiful village seemed like an atmosphere of "Watercolors in Rain". I couldn't but sketch inside building or take shelter from the rain under the eaves while painting watercolors. It was a very exciting sketch time practicing finish the sketches within a short period of time on rainy days.
경복궁과 주변의 북촌마을은 잘 정돈된 전통한옥과 고궁, 문화시설들과 카페거리...
종로 스케치에서 빼놓을 수 없는 다양하고 무궁무진한 소재를 지닌 명소입니다. 
온종일 장마비로 인한 애로가 많았지만, "비오는 날의 수채화"를 그리면서 색다른 분위기를 느끼고 또한 악천우에 대처하며 그리는 실전 경험도 큰 소득이라 생각합니다.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Sketches at Jongno on July 15, 2017

scenery captured passing the Nat'l Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul located at Samcheong-dong, Jongno-gu,
water soluble color pencils, pen, 32 x 24 cm

scene at the JINSUN BOOK CAFE, Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu,
brush pen and watercolor, 32 x 24 cm

National Folk Museum of KIorea located in Gyeongbokgung(Palace),
charcoal, 32 x 24 cm

 Andy Oh gave me this big fan on which he drew a mythical unicorn lion as a present.
Thank you so much, Andy!!!

It kept being fine and rainy repeatedly. Eight sketchers including one new comer(Yoon Jae Kyung) gathered at the National Palace Museum of Korea and the other three sketchers(JS Han, KW Baik, YK Jeong) kept sketching at Samcheong-dong.
Samcheong-dong seems to keep changing day by day. So it gives lots of fascinating spots for us. Sketching Jongno we may be the biggest earning party through often meetings. 
Much thanks for all the participants who joined in spite of bad weather condition!

비가 안 와도 후덥지근함으로 길을 걷기에도 힘든 날씨에 요소 요소에서 그림과 씨름하신 스케쳐 여러분들께 감사합니다. 이번 전시회를 핑계 삼아 종로를 많이 관찰하고 그려보는 귀중한 자기 발전의 시간이 되었으면 합니다.

다음 주에도 건강한 모습으로 만나 뵙기 바랍니다. 감사합니다!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

sketches around Jongno-gu office

a streetscape in Susong-dong(수송동), 29.6 x 42cm

Jongno-gu office(종로구청), 29.6 x 42cm

installing signboard in new office building(간판설치중), 26 x 37cm

Sejong Center for the Performing Arts(세종문화회관), 29.6 x 42cm

a street scene of Anguk-dong(안국동), 26 x 37cm

a scenery of Insa-dong (인사동) viewed from the Nagwon building, 29.6 x 42cm

( pen, pencil and watercolor )
For the last few days, I kept sketching various scenes in the center of Jongno to prepare for the exhibition. The colorful streetscapes around Jongno-gu office attracted my attention.
I sketched some buildings along the old streets in Jongno, downtown Seoul.
I was absorbed in midsummer sketching and cooled off from the heat with a cup of iced coffee.
주중 며칠간 점심시간을 이용해서 뜨거운 종로 한복판에 그늘과 시원한 곳을 찾아
펜대와 수채물감, 연필가루 날리며~~ 냉커피 한잔에 땀을 식히면서
새로운 소재들과 마주하며 "스케치 피서"를 즐겼습니다.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Sketches at Jongno

scenery seen from the entrance gate of Jogyesa, color pencil, 24 x 32 cm

scenery seen from the 'paradise building' of Jogyesa, pencil, 24 x 32 cm

two sketchers at Nagwon (musical) Instrument Mall,
pen, watercolor, 24 x 32 cm

drum shop in Nagwon Instrument Mall, pen, watercolor, 24 x 32 cm

These are the same size sketches done during two days at Jogyesa and Nagwon (Musical) Instrument Mall. Several sketchers could meet at Jogyesa and moved to the mall. Because the weather was hot and humid some enjoyed sketching in cool mall. We visited the Topgoal Art Center on the way to the mall. 
Hope to see you all this Saturday! Thank you!

위의 연필 그림 두장은 어제 조계사에서 그렸고 오늘은 스케쳐 몇분과 조계사를 들러 낙원 상가에서 스케치를 하였습니다. 날씨가 워낙 무더워서 시원한 낙원 상가에서 악기들을 그려보았구요. 상가내의 벤치에서 음악 소리를 들으며 즐거운 시간을 가졌습니다. 상가 가는 길에 절시장도 방문하였어요. 

토요일에 만나 뵙겠습니다. 감사합니다.

Monday, July 10, 2017

weekend sketches at Jongno

 Topgoal Art Center(탑골미술관) in Seoul Senior Welfare Center,  29.6 x 42cm

a scenery of Insa-dong viewed from Anguk-dong Mcdonald's,  36 x 51cm

an old street scene near Tapgoal Park (탑골공원) viewed from inside 
the Nagwon building(낙원빌딩),  36 x 51cm

indoor scene of the senior movie theater(실버극장) located at 4th floor 
of the Nagwon building,  26 x 37cm

a scenery of Jogyesa Temple(조계사),  26 x 37cm

street scene of Gongpyeong-dong(공평동),  26 x 37cm
(pen, pencil and watercolor)
The rainy season began. Last weekend, despite the bad weather to sketch outdoors, I tried to draw new subjects I didn't sketched before around Jongno. 
During rains, I sketched some old street scenes and an indoor scene inside the Nagwon building and the Mcdonald's. And after rain, I sketched outside the Topgoal Art Center where we'll exhibit next month. I'll continue working on my sketches around Jongno in my spare times.
무더운 날씨에 여름장마까지 겹쳐 온갖 시끌버끌 북적거리는 종로이지만, 
소재를 찾아 탐구하며 그리기에는 잘 정돈된 시가지보다 참으로 매력있는 장소입니다.
그동안 도심을 수없이 그렸지만 안그린 장면을 찾아보면 볼수록 소재가 무궁무진합니다.
이번 전시회는 무심히 스쳐버리는 주변을 소중히 챙겨보는 좋은 계기가 될 것 같습니다. 

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Sketches at Jongno on Jul. 9th

street (Samil-daero) scenery with the long wall of Unhyeongung seen from the Seoul Senior Welfare Center

I visited the famous senior movie theater located at 4th floor of Nagwon (musical) Instrument Arcade for sketching. But the high office staff said "You shouldn't work here again. like this. You are permitted this time though." 

charcoal, conte, water soluble color pencils, 30 x 42 cm

오늘 비가 소강 상태라는고 하여 전시회가 열릴 서울노인복지센터에 가보았습니다. 일요일에는 휴관이라 한적한 분위기에서 조용히 건너편 풍경을 그려보았어요. 점심 후에 낙원상가 4층에 있는 실버 영화관을 가보았습니다. 그림 도구를 간단히 펼치고 그리는 중에 책임자 되시는 분이 '이번만 허락하는 것이고 다음에는 작업하시면 안된다'고 하여 일단 마무리를 하였어요. 어쨋든 그곳 사정을 따라야 하는 것이겠지요.  모처럼 옛날 극장의 분위기에 젖어 보는 시간이었습니다.