Showing posts with label McDonalds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McDonalds. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Two sketches at McDonalds, Anguk branch, Jongno

a young man having burger and beverage at McDonalds, Anguk branch,
pen and watercolor, 25 x 25 cm

Jongno police seen from the McDonalds, Anguk branch,
pen and watercolor, 25 x 25 cm

Today I dropped in McDonalds Anguk branch for having tea after lunch. The place was busy with young students and office workers around it. I liked to draw the wooden stools with blue colored long legs in that branch. But this time I tried to capture the window side scenes. After finishing the first one I moved to the window to look across the street. There were some demonstrators in front of the police. I had two apple pies while drawing two. It was very delicious!

오늘 맥도날드 안국점에 들러 스케치를 했습니다. 그 지점에 있는 푸른색 나무 의자가 멋있어서 종종 그립니다. 오늘은 종로 경찰서가 보이는 창쪽을 잡아 보았구요. 이 더운 날에 시위대는 얼마나 힘들까 생각하며 그렸습니다. 조계사 건너편 길에서 젊은 시위대가 "***석방이 웬말이냐 양심수 석방하라"하며 지나가는 것을 본지라 그분들이 아닌가 짐작했습니다. 
정권이 바뀌어도 요구 사항은 상존하는 것이 민주 사회라는 생각도 했습니다.

--근일 전시회 관계로 미술관측과 서류상 계약을 한 후 자세한 내용을 전달해 드리겠습니다.--

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

sketches at McDonalds

Jeong-dong branch, 27 x 19.5 cm

Myeong-dong branch, 27 x 39 cm

It gets warmer day by day. But blowing wind made me feel like sketching inside. After having lunch downtown I visited McDonalds branches for a cup of coffee. Branches' interior features are not all the same. The outside views and chairs and decorations are different from each other. I sketched the interior scenery including people who were busy with chatting. It's not easy at all to compose and draw exactly with perfect perspective points. And the decorated walls and lamp light add difficulty too. But challenging will bring development in handling them.

요즘 시내에서 점심후에 맥도날드 매장에 자주 갑니다. 매장마다 특색이 있고 분위기가 달라서 한가한 시간에 그려볼만 합니다. 물론 복잡한 실내 장식, 등불, 의자, 오가는 손님들로 쉽지는 않았지만 자꾸 도전해보면 발전이 되리라고 생각합니다. 그릴수록 어렵습니다.