Showing posts with label Ssamziegil. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ssamziegil. Show all posts

Monday, November 19, 2018

Sketches of colorful scenes around Insadong, Seoul

panoramic scene sketched at the 5th floor of Insa Art Center, 
pencil and watercolor crayon, (36 x 51cm)

sketched at the Maru building (마루빌딩), pen and watercolor, (36 x 51cm)

scene of the alley viewed from the Insadong-gil, pencil, (33.5 x 48.5cm)

scene of the alley by the side of the Nagwon Musical Instrument shopping mall 
(낙원 악기상가), pen and watercolor, (33.5 x 48.5cm)

Last Saturday weekend, usk Seoul members met at Ssamziegil building (쌈지길 빌딩) which is well-known as one of the famous tourist attractions in Insadong, downtown Seoul. There are lots of sketching subject matters such as art galleries, characterful tea houses, restaurants, cafes, and small shops selling arts and crafts. So I used to sketch this familiar hot place many times before.  A crowd of people including foreign tourist surged toward the Insadong street from morning. At first I went up to the rooftop terrace on the 5th floor of Insa Art Center (인사아트센터) across from Ssamziegil building, and sketched the panoramic scene around Sueun Assembly House Building (수운회관) and Chundogyo's Central Headquaters (천도교 중앙대교당). Two historic buildings surrounded by irregular buildings are well-matched together harmoniously.
After lunch, I sketched some attractive scenes with crowded people, walking along the streets and narrow alley around Insadong and Nakwondong. It was a very nice day for urban sketching together in an attractive place. Insadong and surroundings are so impressive and the most perfect location for urban sketchers in various ways.
쌀쌀한 날씨임에도 인사동 거리는 따스한 분위기입니다.
전통문화와 예술, 독특한 먹거리와 관광객들로 인산인해를 이루고~
사라져가는 고풍스러움이 현대식 빌딩과 다문화 거리로 바뀌어가는
인사동 주변은 다채로운 현재진행형 스케치의 명소라 하겠습니다.

Monday, November 7, 2016

sketches at Ssamziegil, Insa-dong in Seoul

Ssamziegil building viewed from Ganainsa Art Center on the opposite side

main entrance of Ssamziegil building 

surrounding buildings beyond the Ssamziegil

open-air rooftop cafe in Ssamziegil building

portrait of Mr. William 
( 21x 29.6cm sketchbook,  pen, pencil, watercolor )
I often go to Insa-dong (인사동) for enjoying sketch in my spare time, because there are a lot of subject matters for sketching all over the place. Last Saturday, I joined in sketch meeting with William at Ssamziegil(쌈지길) building which is one of the famous tourist attractions in Insa-dong. After sketching around Ssamziegil, we moved to McDonald's for tea. During our conversation I sketched a portrait of William and presented him in memory of sketch meeting.
전통문화와 갤러리, 맛집 먹거리와 관광객들...
인산인해 사이사이로 길거리 이벤트가 흥을 돋구고
각양각색의 언어와 색상의 물결은 살아있는 소음과 함께
배경음악처럼~~ 스케치를 위한 상설무대와 같이 느껴집니다.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

43rd World Wide SketchCrawl around Insa-dong, Seoul

front view of Ssamziegil building

main entrance of Ssamziegil building

viewed from open corridor on the 5th floor in Ssamziegil building

artist drawing a caricatures of visitors

 a scenery of nearby buildings 

Chundogyo's Central Headquarters

Irodang (이로당 Women's quarter) at Unhyeongung Palace
pen and watercolor, ( 21 x 29.6cm sketchbook )
Last Saturday, we Seoul usk members met at Ssamziegil building( 쌈지길 빌딩) which is a famous tourist attraction in Insa-dong on 43rd World Wide SketchCrawl. The building is so interesting with an open-air structure that contains five floors. Its floors are slightly sloped like spiral, allowing visitors to go between floors without using stairs. We sketched around the fantastic building with the crowded people, and after lunch we moved to nearby cultural properties constructed with traditional style. We sketched at Chundogyo's Central Headquarters(천도교 중앙 대교당) and Unhyeongung Palace (운현궁) harmoniously. I had a delightful sketch time with Seoul usk members all day long.
쌈지길은 인사동의 인사동이라고도 불리울 만큼 새로운 명물이 되었습니다. 그 주변의 많은 관광객들로 북적이는 전통 가게들과 찻집, 수많은 갤러리들이 서울의 문화관광명소로 가치를 높혀가고~~인근의 운현궁과 천도교 중앙 대교당 및 수운회관...은 전통과 근대 문화적 가치를 지닌 도심의 오아시스요, 스케쳐들에게는 작은 보석과 같은 장소들입니다.