Showing posts with label fencing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fencing. Show all posts

Saturday, May 16, 2015

fencing game sketches

on game, 39 x 27 cm

a boy resting lying on the floor after his game, 39 x 27 cm

parents encouraging their children, 39 x 27 cm

mother caring her son's play wear, 17.5 x 25 cm

a boy looking at his smart phone after his game, 17.5 x 25 cm

Today I went to the Korea National Sport University located near Olympic Park because I heard that the daughter JY of MK Kim would participate in the fencing game. It was my first experience to see the fencing game in gymnasium. Besides encouraging her I hoped to sketch their moving gestures on the spot. The fencing game was held by Seoul fencing association for the fencing groups ranging from elementary school students to adults. The inside of the gym was crowded with players, coaches of the institutes and their family with lots of shouting, yelling, cheering through all the games. 
Speedy gestures were not easy to catch up, but their nice figures were attractive. Kids who lost were ready to cry and their family were busy to console them feeling sorry. It's general that losers are far more than the winner as games proceed on. Thanks to the JY's participation in that special game I could have a nice chance to feel the exciting mood as if I were a player and to capture their nice poses. Though JY couldn't win the cup I wish her championship next time. Cheers, JY!

오늘 김 미경샘의 따님이 '서울특별시 펜싱 협회장 배 동호인 선수권대회에 참여한다는 소식을 듣고 올림픽 공원 옆에 있는 한국체육대학교에 가서 경기를 관람하면서 스케치도 했습니다. 펜싱경기를 직접 본 것은 처음이었어요. 경기장 안은 응원 나온 학부모와 코치 선생님들의 응원소리에 여러 곳에서 경기가 진행되는 통에 많이 복잡했어요. 경기 끝나면 승패에 따라 우는 아이들에 이겼다고 좋아하는 아이와 부모님들의 모습도 당연히 보게 되구요. 경기장 한켠의 벽에 기대 앉아서 우선 동작을 많이 그려보다가 큰 종이에 수채를 써서 몇장 그렸습니다. 넓은 경기장에서 스케치하는 것과 달리 실내 공간에서 다양한 선수들을 그려보는 귀한 경험을 하고 왔어요. 아직 어린 선수들이 승패와 관계없이 멋진 운동을 하게 된 것에 감사하고 계속 정진하기를 바랐습니다. 김미경 샘 여러 모로 감사했습니다!