Friday, January 21, 2011

#30th Sketchcrawl in Seoul Station

오늘 서울역을 사전 답사했습니다. 신역사 3층에 있는 푸드코트가 서울역 건너편이 거의 180도 정도 좌악 보여서 실내에서 그리기 아주 좋을 것같습니다. 물론 밖에서도 그리셔도 좋겠지요. 내일 오전 10시 30분부터 푸드코트에서 그리실 분은 시작하시기 바랍니다. 내일 뵙겠습니다.
(I surveyed around Seoul Station today and found the good place, Food Court, on 3rd floor of newly built Seoul Station. Let's start sketching there. You can sketch out despite of cold weather too. See you there tomorrow on 10:30 am!)

Saturday, January 15, 2011


42x13.5cm, watercolor, my house

Friday, January 14, 2011

out and in the world

29.7x21cm, in the bus, Seoul

Thursday, January 13, 2011

workers around drum stove

I went to Chungryangri Market in Seoul yesterday. Before crossing the road I saw this warm scene on a very cold day of -13 C. It was a spot for recycling materials for copper and other metalic goods. A big truck was there and left just before I began to draw. They seemed to take some rest warming themselves after loading the truck with collected things. The scene was very impressive with white smoke, red flame, and the workers in silhouette.

Friday, January 7, 2011

at bus stop of Chongro 5 ga, Seoul

Though it was cold I could find the warm place in front of the restaurant at street. The man seated on chair was kind enough to suggest me to use his chair and move to the righ side for the warmer spot. The Chongro streets always show a lot of features to sketch. Seasons, light and passengers seem to make different scenes. I try to see them with curiosity every time.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A lucky bag and lipstick case

29.7x21cm, watercolor

Hi! Happy New Year!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

piled chairs at Seoul Grand Park

On 2007, I sketched this one at Seoul Grand park. The piled chairs and tables looked great though one piece would look common. Volume had some meaning.