Old Seoul Station building, pen and watercolor
at the large plaza in front of Seoul Station, pen and watercolor
at the concourse inside the Station building, pen and watercolor
another scenery at the concourse, pen and watercolor
a scenery toward the platform viewed from the lounge upstairs, pen and watercolor
at the food court, pen and watercolor
at Lotte Outlet store, pen and watercolor
a streetscape looking down from the Station building, pen
(21 x29.6cm)
A few days ago, we Seoul urban sketchers met each other at the food court inside Seoul Station building, and sketched here and there looking around the Station building. A crowd of people surged toward the Station buiding complex, and the street was jammed with people and vehicles. I was impressed by the crowd of people hurrying busily in and out the Station building.
Seoul Station full of movement is one of the most favorite places to sketch for our sketchers.
서울역은 너무 좋은 스케치 장소입니다. 추억이 담겨있고 시대흐름과 함께 변화하는 주변의 모습과 수많은 인파들이 언제나 새로운 인상으로 다가옵니다. 비록 건축물과 삶의 모습들이 달라져 간다 하더라도 오늘의 스케치는 생생한 기억과 함께 마음속에 녹아 있을 것입니다.
새로 오신 분들을 진심으로 환영하면서 좋은 스케치의 축제로 발전해 가기를 기원합니다.