Friday, January 3, 2014

Gangnam. Angel in-us coffee.

강남. 엔젤인어스커피.
13x21cm.(몰스킨 저널).
2014년 1월 3일.
강남역에서 잠시 휴식중에 스케치.
Gangnam. Angel in-us coffee.
13x21cm. (Moleskine Journal).
Pen. Watercolors.
January 3, 2014. Sketches during a break in Gangnam.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Buchen sangdong Homeplus

부천시 상동점 홈플러스.
13x21cm.(몰스킨 저널).
만년필. 수채화물감.
2014년 1월 1일.
아내가 근무하는 날이라 같이 홈플러스 상동점에 갔다가 4층 주차장에서 스케치했습니다. 
저녁에 집에서도 올해 행운을 기원하며 달리는 말을 그렸습니다.
새해 복 많이 받으십시요.
Bucheon sangdong Homeplus. 13x21cm. (Moleskine Journal).
Pen. Watercolor.
January 1, 2014.
Working at home as a wife called me went to the fourth floor, Homeplus points sketched in the parking lot. Good luck dinner at home this year and drew a horse running. Happy New Year.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 year-end sketches around Seoul YMCA Building

I often passed by Seoul YMCA Building(서울 와이 엠 씨 에이) on business affairs. From time to time, I sketched some sceneries around the historic building alongside of Jongno Tower Building(종로 타워 빌딩) which is a famous landmark near Jongno Crossing(종로 네거리). Some pieces posted here are sketched on this December whenever I stopped off at the building once in a while. 
A Happy New Year to all urban sketchers with the Watch-Night bell!

Seoul YMCA Building and Jongno Tower Building, pen and watercolor,

the buildings across the road, pen and watercolor,

a restaurant on the 1st floor in Seoul YMCA Building, pen and watercolor,

at Daiso(다이소)-Jongno2-ga across the road, pen and watercolor,
( 21 x 29.6cm sketchbook )
송년을 맞을 때마다 제야의 종소리와 종로 네거리를 떠올리게 됩니다.
2014년은 어반 스케쳐들이 새롭게 비상하는 말(飛馬)의 새해가 되기를 기원합니다.

My little lovely cat and more

This is my first cat. He is very adorable so I can't take my eyes off of him.
He is 3 month-old Korean shorthair. He likes play around the window.
I did a very quick sketch of him and added washes later.

My little lovely cat : pen and watercolor on paper

I recently looked around several galleries. One day I found a very interesting
group at one of famous galleries at Samchung-dong in Seoul.
More than 20 people followed one man from gallery to gallery.
He was a guide for paintings and recent exhibition.
They were art-loving people. They must have paid for this private program.
Here is a painting of them.

Art-loving people : pen and watercolor on paper

The last day of 2013. Myeong-dong. Coffee Bean

명동. 커피빈.
13x21cm.(몰스킨 저널)
피그먼트펜. 수채화물감.
2013년 마지막날.
2013년은 저에게 많은 의미를 준 해입니다. 결혼을 했고, 그림을 알게되었고, 어반스케쳐로 활동도 하고, 좋은 분들을 많이 만나게 된 축복받은 한해였습니다. 새해 복 많이 받으세요.

Myeong-dong. Coffee Bean.
13x21cm. (Moleskine Journal)
Pigment pen. Watercolor.
The last day of 2013.
2013 gave me the means of many. Married, you know the picture was also an active urban sketcher, and I met a lot of good people was a blessed year. Happy New Year.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Myeong-dong. Concierge.

명동. 컨시어지.
13x21cm.(몰스킨 저널)
피그먼트펜. 수채화물감.
명동 컨시어지에서 신제품홍보 행사 진행했습니다. 춥지는 않았는데, 구경하는 손님은 별로 없었어요.
Myeong-dong. Concierge.
13x21cm. (Moleskine Journal).
Pigment pen. Watercolor.
New promotion from Myeongdong proceeded concierge. The cold did not, there's not much guests Spectator.

sledding on frozen pond, Children's Grand Park, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul

pen and watercolor, A 4

Pond inside the park was frozen. Ice rink was open to public for free. Kids and adults were enjoying the sledding under the flags of all nations. It's open from Dec. 24, 2013 to Feb. 2, 2014 as far as the ice keeps frozen. Hope lots of citizens to have fun.

며칠 전 어린이 대공원에 스케치하러 갔다가 길가에 있는 연못자리가 썰매장으로 바뀌어 많은 아이들, 어른들이 썰매를 지치는 것을 보았어요. 동심으로 돌아 가서 어른들도 재미나게 타더군요. 무료라니 많이 이용하면 좋겠어요.

Friday, December 27, 2013

jisanResort ski area(지산리조트)

지산 리조트 스키장.
2H연필.피그먼트펜. 수채화물감.
판매처 현황파악하러 갔다가 잠시 스케치 했습니다. 차안에서 그려서 춥지는 않았습니다. 눈이 시원해지는 풍경에 기분 좋은 스케치였습니다.
jisanResort ski area. 14.8x21cm. 2H pencil pigment pen. Watercolor.
Briefly sketched dealer goes to hold status. Cold drawing was not in the car. pleasant landscape sketch eye was refreshed.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

sketches of people at a debate forum(토론회)

A few days ago, Korea Institute of Registered architects(KIRA:대한건축사협회) held a debate forum in Construction Guarantee Building(건설 공제조합 빌딩), located at Nonheyon-dong(논현동),Gangnam-gu(강남구), Seoul. The major focus of debate is "the improvement of the current system in architecture(건축 제도개선)"  which is an our architects' main interest recently. About 2000 architects gathered inside the building despite the cold weather outside. The main auditorium was filled with excitement. I sketched various scenes of people from place to place during the debate. 

at the main auditorium on the 2nd floor, pen and watercolor,

the panel sitting on the platform, pen and watercolor,

at the lounge in front of main auditorium, pen and watercolor,

at the busy lounge, pen and watercolor,
( 21 x 29.6cm sketchbook )
세미나, 결혼식 또는 강연회 등 옥내 행사 스케치는  길거리나 광장과는 달리 닫힌 공간 속의 긴장감이 또다른 매력을 불러 옵니다. 야외에서 느낄 수 없는 조명의 분위기~~ 빛과 그림자 속에서 사람들의 움직임들이 실내 스케치의 참 맛을 느끼게 하지요.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

demonstration at the Seoul station plaza

There was a demonstration in the plaza of Seoul station. It was held by chriatians (ministers) asking the present rail strike to be ended. 
pen, pastels, A 4

오늘 서울역 관장에서 철도노조 파업 철회를 요구하는 기독교단체의 시위가 있었어요. 날씨도 찬데 원만한 해결을 바라는 시민들은 발걸음을 멈추고 지켜보았습니다.