Sunday, June 25, 2017

My sketches of Duksoogoong

                       When I was an elementary school boy, I drew  the museun near this place.


The name of the building, Joonghwagag, means Central Harmonious Building.
Hope to see you all next month...

I went to Deoksu Palace to do Urban Sketch.

The weather was humid and hot, but it was crowded with tourists, people touring the old palace, and people sketching the old palace.

While I was sketching, I knew a bit about the palace that I had been passing by.

I look forward to another sketch of the old palace.

덕수궁으로   어반 스케치를  나갔다ㆍ
날씨는  습하고  더웠지만   관광객,   고궁투어하는  사람들  ,  고궁을  스케치하는  사람들로  붐볐다.
스케치를  하면서  그동안   무심히  지나치던  궁에 대해    조금은  알게된  하루였댜
다른  고궁 스케치도   기대해본다.

Sketches in ECC & Deoksugung



Deoksugung Museum

Deoksugung Museum

Deoksugung Museum

Started another journey of my life, learning to draw. Tried to focus on drawing what I see. Feel second trial in Deoksugung much comfortable with sketchbook and pencils. Thanks to Ji-Hyun for guiding me such a wonderful world. Look forward to next meeting.

스케치하는 게 인생의 또 다른 한 모멘텀이 된 것 같습니다. 지금은 보이는 대로 그리려고 노력하는 수준입니다만, 두번째 덕수궁에서 그릴 때 조금 더 연필과 스케치북에 익숙해 진 것 같습니다.  다음 모임 때 뵙겠습니다. 

Sketch in Ehwa Univ.

ECC as Ehwa Univ. Landmark

JJ and William


Great place and weather to draw outside. It was JJ's first time to join Urban sketch and he enjoyed drawing. William, he is English guy and JJ stayed in London for 1 year so they became friends in only few minutes. It is attractive point of Urban sketch.

지난 5월, 화창한 날씨에 이화여자대학교에 스케치 모임에 참여했습니다. 영국 남자 윌리엄과 김재진님은 금방 런던 이야기를 하면서 친해졌습니다. 시원한 커피 한잔 들고 UCC 건물의 수많은 선들을 스케치북에 그리기 시작했어요. 이화여자대학교의 상징이 되었다는 이 건물을 직접 눈으로 보니 과연 인상 깊은 구조여서 어떻게 하면 잘 표현할 수 있을까 절로 고민이 되었답니다. 다음에 또 기회가 되면 오래된 성당 건물도 그리고 싶어요. 

55th World Wide Sketch Crawl Buamdong

Buamdong local street
Local shop in Buamdong

It was my first time to visit Buamdong. There are many narrow streets, local cafes, famous fried chicken restaurant and really delicious English style bakery. It was so nice to stay there and after that sketch meet-up, I visited Buamdong again. 

아기자기 예쁜 골목, 미술관, 분위기 있는 카페가 가득한 부암동입니다. 어반 스케치 모임 덕분에 처음 들리고 아주 반했어요. 이후에 또 한번 들리게 되었는데 역시 매력이 넘치는 동네였습니다. 골목 골목 찾아보는 재미가 솔솔한 아름다운 부암동, 기회가 되면 또 찾아가고 싶은 곳입니다.  

Sketches in Cafes

Gwanghwamoon Starbucks, Seoul

Coffee Smith, Dongtan

Coffee Smith, Dongtan

Myeongdong Starbuck, Seoul

Hyehwa Homestead Coffee, Seoul

Zoo Coffee, Dongtan

Cafe Zium, Dongtan

Cafe OGA.DA, Insadong Seoul

Cafe DONO, Dongtan

I like to sketch in Cafe as feeling comfortable and sweet coffee smell. Sometime read books and listen music but my favorite one is definitely to draw something. Happy Cafe Sketch Tour..!

향긋한 커피 향이 있는 카페에 앉아 종종 책도 읽고 음악도 듣지만 제가 가장 좋아하는 일은 그림을 그리는 거에요. 때론 창밖을 그리고 때로는 카페 안에 앉아 있는 사람들도 그리죠. 그 편안한 분위기, 커피향, 적당한 소음이 제가 카페 스케치를 사랑하는 이유에요. 게다가 비가 와도 전혀 영향 받지 않고 오히려 더 분위기가 좋아진다는 사실은 덤입니다. 

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Sketches in Deoksugung

Uncompleted sketch today. Taken so much time to draw traditional roof and doors.
 They are talking about JJ's new hobby, coffee roasting.
William is very friendly to children. 

JJ is concentrating to draw roof of building. This is his second time to join Urban sketch meet up.

This is So-jin's first time to join Seoul urban sketch meet up. Welcome!

We had very happy time with drawing Korean beautiful traditional buildings and nature together. 

Even though it was rainy, we very enjoyed to draw together in Deoksugung. Urban sketching make our daily life turn to be traveling life. When we drew, many peoples talked to us; Kenya professor from Australia, teen age photographer from Singapore and elementary students..! Yes, urban sketch gave us so much exciting experiences!!   

비가 왔지만 처마 밑에 옹기종기 앉아 스케치를 즐겼어요. 꼬마 친구들도 와서 인사를 하고 가고, 케냐 출신 교수님, 영어도 잘하고 한국어도 잘하는 싱가폴 고등학생 등 오고가는 사람들이 친근하게 말을 걸었어요. 그림을 그리고 있으면 사람들이 종종 말을 겁니다. 그만큼 편안하고 즐거운 기운이 느껴지는 작업인 거 같아요, 어반 스케치는요. 항상 가던 시청 근처인데도 왠지 모르게 여행 온 거 같은 기분을 느끼게 해 주는 것이 어반 스케치의 매력인 듯 합니다. 

Sketches in June sketching meetup

When I was walking the Jeongdong gil before I began to sketch I met a guy who had lived in my village for years. He was going to his stand to sell his goods in the street. Alongside the street there were lots of stands where many creative craft producers were spreading their unique works. I was so glad to meet him. He told me that he got a patent for this product which could be used as memo or sketch pad and presented this to me. He said that he noticed that the receipt roll paper in shops could be used in different way. He showed the other bigger one. As soon as I received this I tried it sketching the scenery with the Deoksugung(palace) wall.  After I used it I showed the picture to him and bought the bigger one for sketching. He felt so good to see that his product was used in proper way. I think it's good for me to decide the size of horizontal length as long as I want. I admired his creative efforts and encouraged him. Suwon urban sketcher, Mr. Song Kee Sung, bought the small one and tried to use. 

sketch at the plaza in the middle of Jeongdong gil. I used Stabilo color pencils and added water. 24 x 32 cm

back scenery of the Anglican Church of Korea, Stabilo color pencils, water

Deoksugung Palace Royal Guard-Changing Ceremony

It was cloudy a little. But everybody might have waited it to rain because of terrible hot weather. The main entrance of Deoksugung was busy as usual with tourists and citizens and demonstrators. But people enjoy to see the guard changing ceremony in the morning taking photos. 
Much thanks for the sketchers and great works in various ways showing their own unique styles. Hope to see them soon!
Participants were as follows: Lee Yong Hwan, Yun Young Sook, Andy Oh, John Lee, Han Jung Sun, Baik Kyung Won, Jung Young Kyeong, Yi Ji Hyun, William Brearley, Somali Roy, Kang Eun Young, Cho Myung Ju, Kim Jae Jin, Song Kee Sung, Yoo Byung Hwa. And all of us welcomed new comers - Jeong Jee Won, Ryu Jang Bok, Sakong Young Hwal, Kim Young Sun, Choi Jae Yeal, Ahn Mi Kyung, Park Soo Shin, Choe Hyeon Ju, Kwon So Jin. (이용환, 윤영숙, 오창환, 이충근, 한정선, 백경원, 정영경, 이지현, 윌리엄 브리얼리, 소말리 로이, 강은영, 조명주, 김재진, 송기성, 유병화, 정지원, 류장복, 사공영활, 김영선, 최제열, 안미경, 박수신, 최현주, 권소진)

연이은 무더운 날씨에 비마저 기다려지는 요즘에 가진 스케치 모임이었습니다. 이번에도 새로 오신 분들도 많았고 기존의 멤버들께서도 많이 참석하셨어요. 덕수궁 주변이야 늘 방문객들로 활기가 넘치지요. 도심에 모여있는 여러 관광 명소들을 다 둘러보기도 어려웠어요. 점심식사후 소말리씨와 함께 성공회로 갔는데 너무 좋아하시더군요. 언제 보아도 아름다운 건물입니다. 
오는 7월 29일에 건국대역 부근의 커먼그라운드에서 제 56차 월드 와이드 스케치크롤 모임을 가질 예정입니다. 많은 참여 기다립니다.

무더운 날씨에 함께 해주신 스케쳐분들께 감사드립니다. 

Monday, June 19, 2017

In the garden

집앞 아파트정원에서 산책하다 자주 앉아있는 장소입니다.
일본의 석정 같기도 하지만 여기선 어린 아이들이 들어가서 놀기도 합니다.