Saturday, February 24, 2018

Sketches at the Seodaemun Museum of Natural History

Acrocanthosaurus at center hall, pen and watercolor, 27.5x17.5cm

Ammonite on the ceiling

village scene seen through the window at foodcourt

stuffed roe deer

model of mammoth

Though it goes to March it was not easy to sketch outdoor. The museum was big and easy to go up and down stairs by ramp and elevator. The museum went crowded as time went by with families and students. Years ago I visited there for sketching too. So this time I tried to draw different things. Ammonite on ceiling caught my eye. And the roe deer looked good. To draw the animal was not easy even though they don't move but the visitors passed so often hiding my sight. Benches were helpful. And the volunteers and keepers didn't say any looking at sketchers. It was thankful. 
Much thanks for all the participants in spite of cold weather!

서대문 자연사 박물관은 어린이 들이 좋아하는 공간같습니다. 그러나 거대한 공룡의 뼈나 마모스등을 그려보는 좋은 공간입니다. 오늘도 날씨가 차가왔는데 참여하신 스케쳐 여러분들께 감사드립니다! 

Sketches with Margo Bartley and Zheng Xiong Xiang

Sketches by Margo Bartley from Australia

scenery seen from Jongno Tower by Margo

scenery of Deoksugung Palace seen from Jeongdong Observatory by Margo

Korean traditional house with big jars at Kyeongin Gallery garden by Margo

The following sketch was done by Zheng Xiong Xiang from Chine who has met at the observatory. He had shown interest and kept seen our works and had done this being requested. He kept his sketching tools in his sack. We just enjoyed sketching together unexpectedly. I told him about the activity of urban sketchers and city blogs all around the world recommending him to join after visiting the blogs. He visited the place on the way going to the Seoul Museum of Art located nearby. 

scenery seen from the Jeongdong Observatory by Zheng Xiong Xiang

portrait of Zheng Xiong Xiang done by Lee Yong Hwan
YH Lee presented this sketch to him.  As soon as he got it happily and proposed to draw YH Lee. And he drew the following one and presented it to YH Lee. Both artists were happy of course. 

portrait of YH Lee drawn by Zheng Xiong Xiang

The following sketches were done by Lee Yong Hwan. 

scenery seen from Jongno Tower. 
The building with peaked roof located at center of this drawing is Seungdong Church founded on 1893. 

scenery of Deoksugung Palace from Jeongdong Observatory

scenery at Jogyesa(temple)

scenery with Su-un Hoegwan seen at the small garden of Gyeongin gallery

musical instrument shop in Nagwon musical instrument shopping mall

The following sketches were done by Yoo Byung Hwa

scenery seen from the Jongno Tower

I drew Margo while she was drawing her work.

I sketched the scenery at the small garden of Gyeongin Gallery after having dimpling with Margo using sepia conte.

I drew the above three pieces at the observatory with watercolor.

Margo took me to the nearby coffee shop 'Terarosa' and bought me a cup of coffee 'caffe latte'. The cafe was decorated with kinds of tools for making coffee. I tried one within short time. I sketched before having it not to ruin the pretty shape on the surface of coffee. 

Zheng Xiong Xiang was drawing with his sketching tools. 

Margo Bartley in the garden of Gyeongin Gallery

YH Lee and Zheng Xiong Xiang holding their portraits done by each other

Several days' sketching together was meaningful for all of us. Sharing and encouraging was great. Unexpected meeting with unknown sketcher gave delight especially. We could be friends instantly putting out paper for drawing. Hope to have chances to sketch together later at somewhere in this globe. Thank you all, Margo and Zheng Xiong Xiang! Wish you to keep sketching anywhere! 

지난 며칠 동안 마고와 서울을 잠시 방문중이었던 Zheng Xiong Xiang과 스케치를 하면서 짧았지만 그림을 대하는 태도와 문화에 대한 나눔이 있었습니다. 그들에게는 번잡한 명동거리보다는 한국적인 것을 보고 느낄 수 있는 공간이 더 매력이 있었구요. 날씨가 추워서 고궁을 직접 그릴 수 없었던 것이 좀 아쉬웠습니다. 우리의 것을 잘 알고 그려야하겠다는 것을 다시금 느낀 시간이었습니다.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

코엑스와 도심공항

 엄청난 규모의 책방이 코엑스 빌딩에 숨어있었군요
나도 책보는데 동참하고 싶기는 했지만 우선순위에서 밀려서...ㅎ

코엑스 남쪽문으로 나오니 건물들이 예쁜모습으로 반겨주어
그냥 지나칠수가 없었지요

Friday, February 16, 2018

Sketch meetup with Margo Bartley from Australia

Hi guys,

I hope you to spend happy Lunar New Year holidays!
I'm glad to inform you that we can have sketch meetup with Margo Bartley from Brisbane, Australia tomorrow, Feb. 17. If possible I expect we'll have more meetings during next week. We promised to meet at the main entrance of the Jogyesa on 11:30 am and will sketch around the temple. Wish anybody to join us during the sketching meetups!

어제 호주 브리스베인의 마고 바트리씨로부터 메일이 왔습니다. 일주일 정도 서울에 머무르는 동안 스케치를 함께 하고 싶다고 하셨어요. 조계사 근처를 잘 아시는 관계로 우선 조계사 일주문에서 만나기로 했습니다. 시간이 되시는 분은 누구라도 도구 지참하시고 나오시면 되겠어요.

즐거운 설 연휴 보내시기 바랍니다.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Coex urban sketch : 코엑스 어반스케치

별마당 도서관 (24*32cm / pen and watercolor)

도서관 책상에서(21*29cm 2장연결 / pen)

책읽는 사람( 21*21 cm/ pen and watercolor)

코엑스는 리뉴얼 이후에 사람들의 호응을 못얻다가
별마당 도서관이 생긴 이후 랜드마크로 자리 잡으면서
이전과 같이 다시 활성화되는 공간으로 자리 잡은 듯합니다.
많은 사람들이 오고 가면서 북적 거리는 공간이지만
그럼에도 불구하고 조용한 공간입니다.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Notice for sketch meetups


입춘이 지났는데 여전히 춥습니다.
지난 번에 올린 2월 24일 스케치 모임과 3월 24일의 모임을 알려드립니다.

1.  2018년 2월 24일(토), 서대문 자연사 박물관(Seodaemun Museum of Natural History)
     오전 10:30 - 오후 4:30, 박물관 현관 로비에서 모임

2.   2018년 3월 24일(토), 고척스카이돔 야구장(Gocheok Sky Dome), 오전 10:30 - 오후 4:30
      모임 장소 : 스카이돔 건물 정면 왼쪽의 높은 철탑 근처에 있는 커다란 야구공 조형물 근처에서 만나서 주변을 그리며 오후 2시부터 열리는 넥센:한화전 관람표를 구입할 예정입니다. 점심은 돔 주변 식당에서 자유로이 하시면 되겠습니다. 마침시의 그림 감상 장소는 아침 만남 후에 의논후 결정하겠습니다. 실내 야구장이라 우천으로 인한 경기 취소는 없겠지만 경기 운영상 게임 날자 변경이 될 수도 있으나 돔 주변과 길 건너에 위치한 동양 미래 대학에서 보이는 돔의 풍경과 시가지 풍경도 멋집니다.

* * * * * *우리의 전통 명절인 설날을 맞이하여 행복한 시간 보내시기 바랍니다.* * * * * *

Friday, February 9, 2018

별마당 도서관

Sketches at the Starfield Library in Starfield COEX Mall

Starfield Library (별마당 도서관) seen from the upper floor, (29.6 x 42cm), 
pen and watercolor

Starfield Library seen from the lower floor, (29.6 x 42cm), pen and watercolor

open hall connected to the Starfield COEX Mall, (29.6 x 42cm), pen and watercolor

a convenience store in the library, (21 x 29.6cm), pen and watercolor

a display stand in the hall of the library, (21 x 29.6cm), pen

annex buildings seen through the window inside the library, (29.6 x 42cm), pencil
It's been very cold and windy for several days this February. Yesterday, avoiding outdoor sketch in cold weather, I joined Seoul urban sketchers for indoor sketching at Starfield Library, newly opened in Starfield COEX Mall last year. Starfield COEX Mall not only is the largest underground shopping mall in Korea, but also is a shopping mecca for global luxury brands in fashion, beauty, accessories, and so on. Besides, the mall contains a lot of popular attractions including fantastic Starfield Library. The two-story library consists of three 13m tall giant bookshelves packed with countless books and magazines, and offers a pleasing environment for visitors to relax or to enjoy reading with its stylish reading tables and chairs. This place certainly is the new hot place for citizens and visitors to spend their free time. It's very fantastic subject to sketch diverse scenes through a huge space.
I sketched in and out the interesting library with various points in the crowd of people entering and leaving the Starfield COEX Mall. I had a valuable sketch time exploring various scenes of the open library.
별마당 도서관(Starfield Library)은 코엑스 몰의 핵심공간입니다.
높고 넓은, 거대하고 투명한, 별무리 장식의 아기자기한 도서관~
단일공간 속에서 큰 덩어리와 작은 선들, 빛과 색의 하모니...
그 속에서 마음과 정신을 가다듬으며 휴식하는 침묵의 소리들....
도심속의 허파처럼 신선하면서 동심같이 따스한 스케치 장소입니다.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Sketchs at the Starfield Library and Starfield COEX Mall

            Yesterday ,l went to the COEX Starfield to attend the
            meeting of U.SK. I was there for the first time .
            It was very wide and high enough to mistake it for
            indoor or outdoor.
            Many people were spending time reading books or
            taking a nap. The high shelves that cannot be reached
            was just seems to an interior and overwhelmed me.
            But chairs and tables shattered here and there made
            it easier to draw pictures .
            So many people ,so many books ,so many shops..
            They have become a good picture materials.
            책속에 길이 있다 ..?
            오늘은 책속에서 길을 잃었다
            손이 닿을 수 없게 끝모르게 높기만 한 서가는 인간의 욕망의 탑을
            쌓아 올린듯 압도적이었다 .기이하지만 웬지 불편한 인테리어..
            높고..넓고..실내인지 실외인지 구분되어지지않는 거대한 튜브속
            같은 공간 ..그속에서 사람들은 한결같은 '무심'의 표정으로 누구를
            방해하지도 방해받지도 않으며 각자의 시간을 보내고 있었다.
             군데군데 흩어져 있는 의자와 테이블 덕분에 별 어려움없이 스케치
             를 하며..여러 모델들을 앞에두고도 마음대로 따라와 주지 않는
             내붓질에 자책하는것으로 나름 사생의  의미를 부여한다