Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ongnyeon-dong side street

20F watercolor

It is side street scenery of sunset.
As urbanization is gone, side streets disappear gradually.
Laugh, of children who play on the side street, disappears together.

street scene at Eulji-ro

I sketched the street scene in front of Printemps department at Eulji-ro last March 15 this year. The building of slanted roof is where old Kukilkwan(restaurant) located. It was remodelled.
Three days later I made this drawing with fun laying out randomly what I've seen.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

A bird and man

21 x 29.7cm

Child celebrated mathematics science creative mind examination.
Took examination at Gyenam elementary school near Yangcheon-gu office though this time is 2nd test. Body was likely to warm up in sunbeam while wait for two hours.
To be painting a father which wait sitting on bench a bird stand model together.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

sliding doors in subway

June, 2009, pen and pastel on colored paper, 21 x 30 cm
I sketched this sliding doors at Kwanghwamoon station of subway no. 5. The doors were installed for the safety of the passengers and controlled automatically by train control system. Notice for the opening in emergency was posted on top right.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

pairs of shoes

Yesterday I went to Chongno District office for submitting an objection related with the parking violation. The District office building had been used originally for the Susong Elementary school in the center of Seoul, where I had attended for two years before I had moved to another place. Therefore I recollect the old days whenever I visit there. After I finished the business I stepped out of the elevator I saw this scene. At first a man near fifties was busy with shining the shoes. I hesitated to sketch him because I didn't know whether he'd like being sketched within a distance of 1-2 m. While I was thinking a minute he rose up from his stool to deliver 7-8 pairs of shoes holding with his 10 fingers to their owners before the closing time. I took that chance to sketch though the shoe shiner wasn't there.

Monday, August 10, 2009

라벨붙이는 문제(about labelling)

더운 여름에 모두 힘드시지요? 저도 스케치 거의 못하고 있습니다.
다름 아니오라 지난번에도 라벨붙이는 문제에 대하여 공지글을 올렸습니다만서도
어느 정도 원칙이 있어야 될 듯하여 다시 한번 협조와 안내 말씀을 드립니다.
지난번 스케치 크롤도 여러가지로 반복이 많이 되었습니다.

예 : 2009, Ehwa Woman's University, Ehwa Woman's University 13cm x 29, sketchcrawl, sketchcrawl July 11

앞으로는 'sketchcrawl'로 통일을 하였으면 합니다. 개인 홈피와 달리 특정한 장소나, 공통된 주제위주로 정해지면 라벨이 한없이 늘어나서 오히려 골라 보기 어려운 경우를 예방할 것같습니다. 그래야 한 라벨을 클릭해서 여러 그림을 볼수 있으리라고 생각합니다.

라벨에 자신의 이름을 쓰면 그 작가가 올린 그림들을 모두 볼수 있으니 그것은 권하고 싶습니다.
앞으로 지나치게 중복되거나 세분화되는 것을 피하기 위하여 관리자가 정리할 경우도 있을 것입니다. 되도록이면 재료나, 장소, 공통된 주제 위주로 라벨을 붙여주시기 바랍니다.

남은 여름 건강하셔요.

(In labelling, it's recommended to write the special places, medium, common subjects in order to escape that the labels are too diversified endlessly and to unify under same subject such as 'sketchcrawl'. If possible it's convenient to lessen the unnecessary lagels to unify the labels with the previously posted nouns. If you write your names in label blank everytime you post, then everyone can see all your postings by clicking your names in 'Labels' of the right side bar. Hope you to enjoy the summer vacations and see you at Bugchon village soon!)