Monday, April 18, 2011

sketchcrawl at Chungryang ri

For this one I might have to explain a little bit. This isn't surrealism, it's actual scenary if you are nearsighted(badly) and observe the square with bare eyes for a long time. I was wearing sunglasses without prescription, and the people moving around the square wearing colorful outers seemed like flows of bright colors. the flowing dots coming up and down at the upper middle is people on the escalators, and the black hole-ish color absorbing flowing dots are the people constantly coming in/out of the department store. you can also find a few people waiting for someone(dots without trails). It's supposed to be fun just for myself, didn't really thought it's appropriate for the USk blog. But then I read the code of conduct again, seems like it doesn't really violate the rule-capturing what I saw, drew on location, record of the time and place. Thank you ^^ 

Chungryang ri sketches

trains awaiting departure

huge escalator by the square

railway at the platform of Chungryang ri station

Apartments across the busy street in front of the station

31st World wide Sketchcrawl

Sunday, April 17, 2011

#31 Sketchcrawl at Chungryang-ri

Chungryang-ri Station Building

Chungryang-ri Bus stop

view of the Chungryang-ri Station Building

at Chungryang-ri Market

at Kyungdong Market

The streets and markets were very busy. But sketching them with Seoul sketchers was fun. Thank you all the participants!

Sketchcrawl 사이트(에 그림 올리는 방법

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31st World wide Sketchcrawl Chungryang-ri Railroad Station

29.6x21cm, pen and watercolor

Saturday, April 16, 2011

more photos at 31st World Wide SketchCrawl

April 16, 2011 - Sketchcrawl @ Cheongnyangni Station

April 16th, 2011 - April Sketchcrawl @ Cheongnyangni Station 

31st World Wide SketchCrawl

Man was sleeping on the lawn of the rooftop garden of the station.

People was buying tickets.

Colorful parasols at Chungryang-ri market

oriental medicine material at Kyungdong Oriental Medicine market

ginseng in showcase

Eleven paraticipants gathered around Cheongryang-ri Railroad station. We moved to the big market, Chungryang-ri Market and Kyungdong Oriental Medicine market. It was rather hot but shiny day and good for sketching. Thank you all, see you soon!