Saturday, April 13, 2013

#39th World Wide SketchCrawl at Yongsan Railroad Station

at the station plaza

buildings seen from the steps of the station across the plaza

at the Event Park at 4th floor of the station complex building, I Park Mall

shop at the I park Mall inside the station
39 x 27 cm

Yoo Hae Lim

sketchers after the sketching

drawing by new comer, Lee Sang Jin

new comers Go Seong Ae and Lee Sang Jin from the right and Hwang Hwa Sook (the left)

Yongsan Railroad Station and shopping malls seen across the street

Though the weather was fine the wind was terrible. And the area was so big that we couldn't capture all on one day. But every spot was lively and exciting with people. Nine sketchers participated in. New comers, Lee Sang Jin and Go Seong Ae were welcomed by all. We expected their long lasting affection in sketching hoping to meet again and again. Thank you all the participants despite of illness and busy schedules! See you soon!

Friday, April 5, 2013

the place we meet on #39th SketchCrawl

Yongsan Station

circle sculpture iin the plaza of Yongsan Railroad station

용산역이 넓어서 4월 13일의 스케치크롤 행사에 만나는 장소를 역 광장에 있는 동그라미 조형물 앞으로 잡았습니다. 의자도 있어서 편리하겠습니다. 광장에서 스케치를 시작하는 것도 좋겠구요. 참석하실 분은 오전 10시 30분 전까지 도착하시기 바랍니다. 그날 뵙겠습니다!
Yongsan Railroad station with annexed building of I Park department  is so broad to find sketchers here and there. It will be convenient to meet in front of the 'circle' sculpture at the plaza where we begin sketching. Hope you to arrive before 10:30.
See you there!

Friday, March 22, 2013

video of the 4th exhibition of Seoul Urban Sketchers at Dasom Gallery in Songpa Public Library

지난번 전시회에서 찍은 비디오입니다. 도구없이 찍어서 많이 흔들립니다만 기록으로 남기게 되어 보람이 있습니다. 전시참여하시느라 수고많으셨어요.

Friday, March 15, 2013

several familiar buildings around Daehangno, Seoul

Main Building of Seoul National Univ. College of Medicine, pencil and watercolor 

Main building of the Old National Industrial Institute, pen and watercolor

Korea National Open University completed recently, pen and watercolor

Samtou(monthly magazine) Headquarters, pen and oil pastel

Artist House (Former Administration Building of Seoul National Univ.), pencil

Seoul National Univ. Stroke and Cardiovascular Hospital, pen and watercolor

Hongik University Daehangno Campus completed recently, pen and watercolor  

Seoul National Univ. Museum of Medicine (Daehan Hospital), pen and watercolor 

the entrance of Clock Tower Building (Daehan Hospital), pen and watercolor
(21 x 29.6cm sketchbook)
Daehangno(University Street), known as the street for young people, is the former location of Seoul National University. Moving of Seoul National University led the opening of the Art Gallery and Art Theater of the Literary Hall and development of cultural space in the same area.
In 2004, Seoul Metropolitan Government designated Daehangno its second“culture street,”after Insa-dong. More interestingly, Daehangno is home to several examples of colonial architecture, including the old Daehan Hospital(1907) and the old National Industry Institute(1908), and so on. Those are well preserved beautifully as the cultural asset.
I sketched some well-known buildings around Daehangno looking back my old times, and was impressed by the harmony between the old and new architectures.

젊은이들의 광장 대학로....
마로니에 공원과 히포크라테스 광장, 근대 건축, 바로크 스타일, 시계탑 병원~~~
서울의 지성과 낭만의 반세기 역사가 대학천을 따라 흐르던 그 곳에서 어렸을 때부터 있던
낯익은 건물들을 스케치하면서 그 시절로 돌아간 듯한 향수와 함께 가슴이 뛰는 것을
왁자지껄~ 속의 도심 스케치는 생생한 시절을 원기있게 되살려주는 묘약인가 봅니다.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

lovely sketch by Chun So-jeong at a small library

천소정, 작은도서관 풍경, 색연필, B 4

이번에 함께 전시한 천소정씨의 도서관 풍경 그림입니다. 
책, 등, 책보는 어린이등 도서실내의 모습에 미소가 지어집니다. 
The work drawn by Chun So-jeong who participated in this exhibition with her two other works makes me smile imagining the interior scenery in a small children's library. 
Thank you So-jeong! 

Saturday, March 9, 2013

photos on the opening day of 4th exhibition, 제 4회 서울 도심 스케치전시회, 송파도서관 다솜 갤러리

전시에 참여하신 작가 (이용환, 최승원, 정경원, 황화숙, 유해림, 김미경, 이규황, 천소정, 유병화) 여러분들의 출품과 수고에 감사드립니다. 그동안의 결실들을 보면서 보람되고 기쁜 마음입니다. 관심있는 분들의 방문과 참여를 기다립니다. 감사합니다!

Much thanks to the nine sketchers, Lee Yong Hwan, Choi Seung Won, Jung Kyoung Won, Hwang Hwa Sook, Yoo Hae Lim, Kim Mi Kyung, Lee Kyu Hwang, Chun So Jeong, Yoo Byung Hwa, in this 4th exhibition! We feel so glad looking the results. Also we wait for many sketchers to join us some day. Thank you all!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Dongdaemun History & Culture Park

두타빌딩 후드코트에서 내려다본 동대문 역사문화공원은
공사가 아직 끝나지 않았지만 복잡한 주변환경과어우러져
생동감이 넘쳤습니다.  pencil,  A4

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


마음은 밖에 나가고 싶고 몸은 집에 있고싶고
마음은 하고싶은 일이 많고 몸은 게으르기만 하고
몸 따로 마음 따로.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


아주 오랜만에 붓도 잡아보고 포스팅도 합니다.
컴퓨터 켜지않고 핸드폰으로 사진찍고 포스팅도 하니 편리하네요.

창가에 앉아 화분을 그리고 있으니 딸아이가 와서 밖에 자전거 타러 가자고 조릅니다. 자전거 탈 만큼 따뜻한 계절이 되었으니 저도 자주 밖에서 스케치할 작정입니다. 자주 인사드리겠습니다. ^^

Monday, February 25, 2013

at Yonsei University on a graduation day

charcoal, A 4

I went to the Yonsei University for sketching. Wowww, the campus was full of graduation bouquet sellers and the visitors to celebrate the graduates. I sketched the above in front of the Underwood Statue, the founder, where lots of graduates posed for taking photos with parents and friends. I wished their happy future and dreams to come true. God bless you!
오늘 스케치하려고 연대에 갔는데 마침 졸업식이더군요. 입구부터 꽃다발이 학교 안까지 가득차서 향기로왔습니다. 저마다 아쉬워서 사진을 많이 찍고 있었구요. 특히 창립자 언더우드 동상앞은 발디딜틈도 없을 정도였습니다. 사회로 나아가는 그들에게 행복한 미래만이 있기를 기원했습니다.