Sunday, January 8, 2012

sketches at Seoul Folk Flea Market, Seoul

a scenery in front of the market building, pen and watercolor, 25 x 35.2cm

a busy atmosphere inside the building, pen and watercolor, 25 x 35.2cm

a healthy foods store, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.7cm
It was so cold outdoors to sketch that we met indoors and sketched freely at market building.There are various kinds of regional specialties, craftworks, pottery, and various traditional items and many others. Those are really interesting subjects. We sketchers including Mr.Stephen Kopp had a good time drawing some colorful sketches half the day yesterday.


money tojiman said...

늘 좋은 가르침 감사드립니당^^

Lee Yong Hwan said...

같은 날, 같은 장소에서 각각의 개성있는 그림들과 서로 다른 감흥을 함께 나눌 수 있다는 것이 스케치 모임의 백미(白眉)가 아닐까요? 정말 즐거웠습니다.