Showing posts with label PBA Tour Tryout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PBA Tour Tryout. Show all posts

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Sketches of four days at the MVL Goyang Hotel

By Lee Yong Hwan

The MVL Goyang Hotel, pen and watercolor, A 4

Cafe scene seen from the stair case, pen and watercolor, A 4

Hotel Lobby, pen, crayon, A 4

PBA Tour Tryout game, pen, pastels, A 4

Staffs and journalists, pen and watercolor, A 4

Caster and commentator of Billiards TV, pencil and watercolor, A 4

Camera men, pen and watercolor, A 4

Under playing, pen and watercolor, A 4

Under playing, pencil, A 4

Game table under live broadcasting, pen and watercolor, A 4

Game table under live broadcasting, pen and crayons, A 4

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

By Yoo Byung Hwa

Under playing game, pencil, 18.5 x 26 cm

Camera men, charcoal, 18.5 x 26 cm

Scene seen from the hotel, pen and pastels, A 4

Staffs and journalists, pen and pastels, A 4

Player, pen and charcoal, 12 x 12 cm

photo captured in the live broadcasting of Billiards TV

Previously we visited billiards clubs one or two days for sketching and seeing the games. But this time we went to the hotel four times because the PBA(Professional Billiards Association) Tour Tryout was holding during 11 days from Apr. 21 to May 1. While visiting there we could see lots of games between famous players and unknown great ones aged from twenties to sixties. Especially I could get the sign from the oldest player Mr. Jang Sung-Chul(67) who was called as a legend of Korean billiards history. And the famous player Mr. Jung Gil-Bok signed for me thankfully. While seeing the games and sketching we clapped for the nice scenes and sighed at the losing game by one or two points. 

Additionally we could find that lots of people including caster and commentator liked to see us sketch and felt so happy to receive a sketch from YH Lee. They hoped that such cultural events could happen in billiards game fields as in other sports or festivals. 

Sketching brought a new start with a young judge who was directing the disabled billiards players for years. He addressed us what for we've been sketching. We explained about urban sketching and sharing them with people. He asked us to draw those players when the game to open once a month. He let us know the home page(Korea Billiard Association For The Disabled). Sketching seemed to bless us by meeting nice people and making us see the world in deeper and wider viewpoints.

Thank you all the players and related staffs for the big tryout games! We enjoyed the best.

지난 며칠 간 일산 엠블 호텔에서 처음으로 열리는 프로 당구 투어를 위한 선수를 뽑기 위한 11일 간의 경기가 열렸습니다. 처음부터 가지는 못했으나 나흘간 뒤늦게 참가하였어요. 물론 요즘 재미있게 하는 당구 게임도 보고 스케치도 할 요량이았습니다만 너무나 출중한 선수들의 경기에 입을 다물지 못했음이 사진에서도 보입니다. 수백명의 후보 선수들이 초긴장을 하며 경기를 하는데 숨도 크게 쉴 수 없으리만치 손에 땀을 쥐게 하더군요. 한점 차이로 승자와 패자가 갈리는 것은 어찌 보면 우리의 인생 다반사에서 일어나는 일이겠습니다만 지난 번에 잠시 대화 나누었던 젊은 선수가 1부 투어에서 탈락하게 되어 참으로 아쉬웠습니다. 그러나 며칠 가는 동안 전설로 불리시는 장성출 선생님과 인사 나누고 사인까지 청해서 받고 했던 일이 기억에 남습니다. 스케치로 인해 장애인 당구 대회가 열린다는 것도알게 되었고 날짜가 되면 꼭 가서 스케치해보고 싶습니다. 그들의 투혼도 배우고 싶고요. 
스케치로 인해 만나게 되는 사람과 대화, 그리고 또 다른 세계에로의 열림도 인생을 깊게 만들어 주는 것같아 감사할 따름입니다.

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Sketches on very small papers (12x12cm)

subway sketch, pencil

subway sketch, pen, pencil

pelican drawing at Children's Grand Park, pencil

pelican, pencil

pen, pencil

gallery and notebook

camera on live 

player before the game, charcoal, pastels

player in break time, pencil


pen, conte, pastels, A 4(I used A 4 size for this drawing.)

I happened to buy a very small sketch pad days ago because I needed some enough sheets for animal drawings at Children's Grand Park. It costed just one thousand won but it had about 150 sheets. I couldn't use them all at the park. But I loved to use the pad while sketching at the PBA(Professional Billiards Association) Tour Tryout in MVL Hotel Goyang.  Lots of games were under going from Apr. 21 to May 1. The place was more luxurious than the billiards clubs. Both players and visitors could enjoy the games. Hoped the PBA to develop for the players and the favorites on the first year forwards.

며칠 전에 갑자기 대공원에 가려는데 아무래도 종이가 부족할 듯하여 다이소에서 천원짜리 제일 작은 패드를 샀습니다. 겉표지에 메모장이라고 쓰여있더군요. 12 센티짜리 정사각형으로 주머니에도 들어갈 정도로 귀여웠어요. 다행히 매수가 많아 안심하고 샀습니다. 그런데 그것이 쓰기 편하여 요즘 프로 당구 협회가 생기면서 고양에 위치한 엠블 호텔 2층 그랜드 볼룸에서 프로 선수 선발전이 11일에 걸쳐 열리는지라 다소 멀지만 두번이나 가서 그 종이를 요긴하게 쓰고 있습니다. 너무 작은 종이에만 그리는 것이 뭐해서 A 4 크기 종이에도 한장 그렸는데 심판보는 젊은 분이 와서 그림 좀 보여 달라시더니 왜 얼굴을 좀 제대로 그려주지 않았느냐고 농담으로 하시더군요. 모두들 많이 호의적이십니다. 조용히 스케치하는 것으로 프로당구의 출범을 축하하고 성공을 빌어 보았습니다.