Showing posts with label billiard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label billiard. Show all posts

Thursday, April 29, 2021

Sketching in watercolor on fine days

A scene of a special ceremony held on Jogyesa(temple located at Jongno, Seoul) to award certificates to monks who passed 1st grade exam,
ball-point pen, watercolor, 10.5 x 30 cm

A pagoda decorated with lotus lanterns donated by believers at Jogyesa, brush-pen, pen,  watercolor, 39.5 x 27 cm

A scene at Gabriel billiards club located at Juan city, brush-pen, watercolor, 39.5 x 27 cm

A scene in Garden billiards club located at Jongno, Seoul, 
brush-pen, watercolor, 39.5 x 27 cm

The weather seems very good for sketching outside. I visit billiards club often. I was very interested in playing. These days I tried to draw on bigger than my usual A 4 size. It was somewhat thrilling and enthralling too. After finishing them the staffs in the clubs liked the works, which made me have confidence to keep drawing forwards. On my way to home I drop in Jogyesa(temple) to appreciate all those colorful lotus lanterns decorated for the celebration of Buddha's birth on May 19(April 8th in lunar calender). People enjoy the beautiful scenes on day and night with shining lights, A woman, believer, asked me to take a photo of the pagoda drawing. Even she wanted to have photo holding it and once more with her mask off and happy smile. Yesterday I dropped in the temple holding the billiards drawing to dry it more and met a woman. Looking at it she told about his strong interest in art. Promising to meet later we departed. Such unexpected encountering was given by drawings. 

요즈음은 크게 덥지도 춥지도 않아서 수채화 그리기에 아주 좋은 듯합니다. 겨울에는 주로 마른 재료를 사용하나 바람부는 이즈음에는 수채화가 번거롭기는 해도 해볼만합니다. 그동안에는 당구장에 가면 연습하기에 바빴고 A 4 정도 종이에 인물 드로잉은 종종 했지만 좀 큰 종이에 수채화로 담아보고 싶은 마음에 용기를 내었습니다. 클럽을 나오면서 당구장 주인분들께 보여드리니 놀라워하면서 좋아하시는 모습에 저도 자신감을 갖고 더 많은 장면을 담아 보고 싶어졌습니다. 게다가 "사진보다 좋네요."하는 말씀에 저도 놀랐습니다. 당구도 하고 그림도 그리고 일석이조에다가 당구장에 오신 손님들에게도 '격'을 높여드리는 일이 되지 아닐까 하는 자부심도 가져봅니다. 

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Sketches of four days at the MVL Goyang Hotel

By Lee Yong Hwan

The MVL Goyang Hotel, pen and watercolor, A 4

Cafe scene seen from the stair case, pen and watercolor, A 4

Hotel Lobby, pen, crayon, A 4

PBA Tour Tryout game, pen, pastels, A 4

Staffs and journalists, pen and watercolor, A 4

Caster and commentator of Billiards TV, pencil and watercolor, A 4

Camera men, pen and watercolor, A 4

Under playing, pen and watercolor, A 4

Under playing, pencil, A 4

Game table under live broadcasting, pen and watercolor, A 4

Game table under live broadcasting, pen and crayons, A 4

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

By Yoo Byung Hwa

Under playing game, pencil, 18.5 x 26 cm

Camera men, charcoal, 18.5 x 26 cm

Scene seen from the hotel, pen and pastels, A 4

Staffs and journalists, pen and pastels, A 4

Player, pen and charcoal, 12 x 12 cm

photo captured in the live broadcasting of Billiards TV

Previously we visited billiards clubs one or two days for sketching and seeing the games. But this time we went to the hotel four times because the PBA(Professional Billiards Association) Tour Tryout was holding during 11 days from Apr. 21 to May 1. While visiting there we could see lots of games between famous players and unknown great ones aged from twenties to sixties. Especially I could get the sign from the oldest player Mr. Jang Sung-Chul(67) who was called as a legend of Korean billiards history. And the famous player Mr. Jung Gil-Bok signed for me thankfully. While seeing the games and sketching we clapped for the nice scenes and sighed at the losing game by one or two points. 

Additionally we could find that lots of people including caster and commentator liked to see us sketch and felt so happy to receive a sketch from YH Lee. They hoped that such cultural events could happen in billiards game fields as in other sports or festivals. 

Sketching brought a new start with a young judge who was directing the disabled billiards players for years. He addressed us what for we've been sketching. We explained about urban sketching and sharing them with people. He asked us to draw those players when the game to open once a month. He let us know the home page(Korea Billiard Association For The Disabled). Sketching seemed to bless us by meeting nice people and making us see the world in deeper and wider viewpoints.

Thank you all the players and related staffs for the big tryout games! We enjoyed the best.

지난 며칠 간 일산 엠블 호텔에서 처음으로 열리는 프로 당구 투어를 위한 선수를 뽑기 위한 11일 간의 경기가 열렸습니다. 처음부터 가지는 못했으나 나흘간 뒤늦게 참가하였어요. 물론 요즘 재미있게 하는 당구 게임도 보고 스케치도 할 요량이았습니다만 너무나 출중한 선수들의 경기에 입을 다물지 못했음이 사진에서도 보입니다. 수백명의 후보 선수들이 초긴장을 하며 경기를 하는데 숨도 크게 쉴 수 없으리만치 손에 땀을 쥐게 하더군요. 한점 차이로 승자와 패자가 갈리는 것은 어찌 보면 우리의 인생 다반사에서 일어나는 일이겠습니다만 지난 번에 잠시 대화 나누었던 젊은 선수가 1부 투어에서 탈락하게 되어 참으로 아쉬웠습니다. 그러나 며칠 가는 동안 전설로 불리시는 장성출 선생님과 인사 나누고 사인까지 청해서 받고 했던 일이 기억에 남습니다. 스케치로 인해 장애인 당구 대회가 열린다는 것도알게 되었고 날짜가 되면 꼭 가서 스케치해보고 싶습니다. 그들의 투혼도 배우고 싶고요. 
스케치로 인해 만나게 되는 사람과 대화, 그리고 또 다른 세계에로의 열림도 인생을 깊게 만들어 주는 것같아 감사할 따름입니다.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Sketches at J Billiards Club

Sketches by Lee Yong Hwan

pen, watercolor crayons, A 4


Sketches by Yoo Byung Hwa

pencil (6B), 18 x 26 cm

Yesterday(Apr. 7, 2019) YH Lee and I went to the "J Billiards Club" in the building of "Billiard Academy in Seoul" located at Jamwon-dong, Seoul. There was a big game of the 14th 3-Cushion championship for the Seoul City Mayor's Flag supported by Seoul Billiards Federation and Seoul City. We could see famous star players such as Cho Jae-Ho and Cho Myung-Woo and other female players we've seen on TV. Several times' visits to the billiards clubs gave different impression according to the location of the floors, scale, and the decoration. Chairs for the general visitors are our interesting point for sketching. Some are good and the others are not. Yesterday it was the best as far as we've experienced. Benches were laid a little higher than the floor. And we occupied the nearest one and we could keep sketching for hours. Last week we met a staff, Park Ji-Young of Seoul Billiards Federation. She showed much interest in sketch, especially YH Lee's work and took a photo. This time we met again and greeted warmly. She asked us to draw well letting us know who was the famous player, Cho Jae-Ho. We tried and tried of course. He won the first prize at last. This time it was special that we could see the female players' game in front of the game table. They looked so nice as models for drawing too. The female game winner Kim Min-Ah liked very much looking at her sketch drawn by YH Lee. The staff said that she kept visiting to our blog. Much thanks to her! 

서울 당구 연맹 홈피에서 제 14회 서울특별시장기 당구 대회가 열린다는 공지를 보고서 어제 서초구 잠원동에 위치한 J 당구 클럽을 갔습니다. 그동안 여러 당구장을 다녀보았어요. 물론 당구 게임을 보는 것도 좋지만 각각 다른 실내 분위기에서 스케치해보는 것도 또 다른 즐거움을 주었습니다. 어제 간 J 당구 클럽은 게임 관람자를 위해 졸은 환경이더군요. 약간 높은 위치에 벤치가 있었고 바로 눈앞에서 빅 게임이 열리니 금상첨화였습니다. 지난 달 말에 열린 김경률 추모 당구대회에서 만난 서울당구연맹 직원이신 박지영샘을 다시 만나 반가왔고 스케치하느라 자리를 못떠나는 저희를 위해 특별한 배려를 해주셔서 너무 감사했습니다. 조용히 경기도 보고 스케치하는 모습은 누구라도 좋아하시는 것같아 모두 기분이 좋았어요. 특히 저희 블로그도 링크해두시고 자주 보니 그림 많이 올려주시기 바란다고 하시더군요. 당구와 스케치가 예술로 만나는 경험을 했습니다. 승리하신 조재호 선수와 김민아 선수와 선전하신 많은 선수들께 박수 보냅니다. 감사했습니다!

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Sketches at billiard club

It was a rule that the player who lost in previous game should be a judge in next game.
And the winner was to clean the table. 
pencil, watercolor crayon, 18 x 25 cm

Last Sunday the 120th Seoul Billiards Federation President's Cup game was held at the SL billiards club located at Nonhyeon-dong. The atmosphere was very quiet compared to the senior game which I participated in last winter. Young players were sincere and their poses looked smart. I began sketching from 1 to 5 am. From time to time I watched their nice game fascinated by the players' strokes. Just looking those high level plays gave me a great deal of learning. And I felt that I should keep drawing more and more for better lively lines and impressive description. There will be a big game there on March 31 too. I hope to go there again!

배운지 얼마 안되는 당구에 매료되어 당구장 드나들면서도 정작 스케치는 하기 어려웠지만 큰 대회에서 경기하는 선수들을 보면서 스케치 할 수 있어서 좋았습니다. 그들의 정확한 포즈와 점수 내는 것을 보며 감동했습니다. 시니어 당구 대회는 푸근하고 자유로운 분위기이지만 젊은이들의 당구는 조용히 승부하는 모습같았습니다. 결승까지는 못보고 왔지만 높은 수준의 비슷한 실력의 선수들이 그 한 판의 운으로 승패가 갈리지 않나 싶어서 아쉬움을 달랬습니다. 나중에 결과를 확인하고 관람한 선수들이 입상해서 기분 좋았구요. 한없이 많이 경기 드로잉을 해야 보다 자연스러운 좋은 드로잉이 나오겠다하는 마음으로 당구장 문을 나섰습니다.