Showing posts with label Techno Mart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Techno Mart. Show all posts

Monday, April 22, 2019

Sketches at Gangbyeon Techno Mart, Seoul

Techno Mart building sketched at the sky garden outside the 9th floor of the building

in front of the box office of CGV movie theater on the 10th floor

open superstore of cellular phones and telephones on the 6th floor

a scene of open escalator hall sketched on the 6th floor

surrounding buildings viewed from the lounge on the 10th floor
( pen and watercolor, 29.6 x 42cm sketchbook )
Last Saturday was the day of usk Seoul's April meet up in pararelled with the 63rd World Wide SketchCrawl at Gangbyeon Techno Mart(강변 테크노마트). Coincidentally, that day I was scheduled to participate in Korea watercolor academy (한국수채화 아카데미) event, so I couldn't join in the usk Seoul' April meeting. Although I couldn't attend this important sketch meeting on the day, I went to the Techno Mart a few days earlier and made a sketch in advance.
Gangbyeon Techno Mart located at Guui-dong, Gwangjin-gu is known to be the biggest electronics depot in Korea. It is a large shopping mall that connects to other shopping and discount stores. In addition to all kinds of electronic products, Techno Mart is also well-known as a hot place of relaxation and enjoyment, such as Lifestyle & fashion shopping mall and wedding hall, various restaurants and Hangang Observatory at Haneul Park (하늘공원) on the 9th floor, CGV movie theater on the 10th floor, and so on. What's meaningful is, 3 years ago we had a good sketch time here as the 52th World Wide SketchCrawl. Impressed by the charming and beautiful scenery along the Han River and the crowded indoor atmosphere, I enjoyed sketching with new feelings and views going up and down in and out of the building.
4월 20일 한국수채화협회 아카데미 시연행사가 겹쳐
저는 부득이 며칠 전에 미리 가서 스케치했습니다.
동참 못하고 따로 그렸지만 스케치의 느낌을 함께 합니다.

3년전 테크노마트의 52차 스케치크롤이 생생하게 떠오릅니다..
전자쇼핑몰과 다양한 즐길거리로 붐비는 실내 분위기...
매력적이고 아름다운 한강변 풍경을 펼치는 랜드마크...
접근성과 짧은 동선, 사통오달의 좋은 스케치 장소입니다~ 

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Sketches at Techno Mart, Gangbyeon Branch

pencil sketch at the main gate, 24 x 32 cm

scenery from roof top, 9F, pencil, watercolor, 24 x 32 cm

scenery from the observatory steps, brush pen, watercolor, A 4

indoor sketch at the book cafe, 9F, CGV floor, pencil, watercolor, 24 x 32 cm

scene of Han River from the stair case, 9-10 F, pencil, watercolor, 24 x 32 cm

So good was it. Seoul is a lucky city maybe for the Han River. But it's not common to see it from good location. The Haneul Park(9F) of the Techno Mart, Gangbyeon Branch may be one of the best observatory with its good scenery. Beside the nice view on 9F rooftop it presents wonderful cityscape through big pane glasses along the corridor of CGV floor on 10F where visitors can read books with beverage while waiting for the movies. We enjoyed sketching there too. I'd like to visit there from time to time on hot or cold days. 

오늘 날씨가 퍽 좋은 편이었다고 생각됩니다. 적당히 따갑고, 바람도 선선하고 무엇보다도 시원한 한강을 바라보는 것은 쉽지 않은 행운이라고도 할 수 있겠습니다. 이런 저런 어려움을 돌이켜보면 더욱 그러하겠지요. 

오늘은 제 63차 WW SketchCrawl 행사와 더불어 모임을 가졌습니다. 오른쪽의 설명을 참조하시고 가능하신 분은 그 페이지에도 그림을 올려주시면 좋겠습니다. 

참여하신분 수고 많으셨고 새로 오신 서정화님 환영합니다. 감사합니다.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Sketches at Techno Mart, Gangbyeon Branch

blue-colored crayon pencil, watercolor, 40 x 27 cm

강변역 테크노 마트에 가본지가 여러 해가 되어 어제 답사차 방문했습니다. 지난 번에 갔을 때는 여름 철이라 9층 한강 전망대에서 그리는 동안 등에 땀이 줄줄 흘렀었는데 겨우 봄이 시작인데도 옥상이라 그런지 햇살은 매우 따갑더군요. 점심 전에 한강을 내려다 보고 한장 그리고 10층 CGV 영화관으로 올라갔어요. 강이 내려다 보이지는 않지만 아파트와 강변로로 달리는 전철도 내려다 볼 수 있는 멋진 공간에서 두장 하고 내려왔습니다. 동서울 터미널이 부근에 있어서인지 부대에 들어가기 전에 군에 들어가기 전에 영화 한편 관람하는 듯한 군인들의 모습도 그려 보았구요. 여늬 영화관보다 북 까페도 있고 문화적인 공간으로 머무는 동안 기분 좋았습니다. 쇼핑 몰 내의 웨딩 홀 부근도 서서 그릴 생각만 되면 늘어선 화환과 하객들도 그려 봄직했습니다. 식사 공간으로는 지하 1층에 푸드코트가 있고 전망대가 있는 9층에 많은 식당이 있었습니다. 가운데가 뚫리고 예쁜 엘리베이터가 오르내리는 공간이 있어 그 역시 복잡한 것에 도전해 볼 용기가 있다면 좋은 소재가 될 듯합니다. 오는 20일 그림 감상을 한강 전망대에서 할 계획이었으나 바람이 거세다면 10층의 북 까페 옆 전망 공간이 좋을 듯해서 그날 일기 보아 이동하기로 하겠습니다.

Yesterday I visited the Techno Mart, Gangbyeon branch before our regular meetup on Apr. 20, 2019. The Han River was flowing as usual. Most people would like to look down the rivescape which gives good subjects to draw for sketchers. Two different style bridges on both sides will present nice views. After drawing one t the Haneul Park on 9th floor I went up to CGV, 10F to capture the atmosphere of the space for the movies. The floor was the best as for me to have been to cinemas recently because at the corner it had big scale windows - a little oval shaped - where I could see apartments, traffic roads, subway railroad around the building. I expect more scenes would be captured from different spots on coming Saturday. Hope Soul Urban Sketchers to enjoy great scenery too! See you then and there! 

Monday, August 1, 2016

52nd World Wide SketchCrawl at Techno Mart

Techno Mart Building viewed from Gangbyeon Station (강변역)

sketch at the sky garden outside the 9th floor of the building

an interior scene sketched on the 1st floor in shopping mall

Lotte World Tower and riverside scenery across the Han River

 Olympic Bridge (올림픽대교) viewed from the sky garden of the building
( 21 x 29.6cm sketchbook, pen and watercolor )

Last Saturday, for the 52nd World Wide SketchCrawl, we Seoul urban sketchers met at Techno Mart (테크노 마트)located at Guui-dong(구의동), Gwangjin-gu(광진구), Seoul. Techno Mart is Korea’s largest electronics shopping center, and  is also famous for its spacious multi-entertainment and shopping areas including fashion stores and bookstores (1st floor), restaurants and a food court (9th floor), a CGV multiplex movie theater (10th), and Lotte Mart (B1).
Inspite of the midsummer heat from morning, we sketch at the sky garden outside the 9th floor,enjoying the panoramic views around the Han River and beautiful surrounding sceneries.
After lunch, we sketched colorful scenes inside the building, going up and down the air conditioned shopping mall. Mixed-use Buildings are a good place to the urban
한강변의 랜드마크, 복합전자 쇼핑몰과 많은 인파~~
하늘공원과 강변 파노라마,  찬란한 야경~~
먹거리와 볼거리, 원스톱 쇼핑과 시원한 매장~~
짧은 동선에 많은 주제를 다루는 좋은 스케치 장소입니다.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Sketches at Techno Mart,Seoul

It was the first time to meet up other seoul urban sketchers and it was really good time:)
처음 함께한 어반스케쳐 활동
함께해서 행복한 시간이었습니다.

#52th World Wide SketchCrawl

acrylic sketch at the 9th roof garden, Hangang observatory, 39 x 26.5 cm

yellow car inside the mart, 1st floor, which was used as sunglasses shop,
conte, acrylic, watercolor, 39 x 26.5 cm

shoes shop, 1st floor, where many umbrellas were hung for decoration

Lotteria, 9th floor, pen, watercolor, 39 x 26.5 cm

* * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *  * * * * 
The following two works were drawn by new comer Kim Yeon Jae.

Kim Yeon Jea

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Olympic bridge 

Lotte World Tower(123-floor)

Techno Mart located at Guui-dong, Gwangjin-gu is a big shopping mall. It has a very attractive space, Hangang)river) observatory. Five sketchers including two new comers, Lee Jeong Sook and Kim Yeon Jae gathered there. It was very hot and humid with rain drops from time to time. In the morning we stayed outside though our backs were wet by sweats. After having lunch and cold drinks we went down to shopping mall. We found a pretty yellow car on 1st floor. How creative the owner who has used it as a showcase of sunglasses was! People seemed to be caught by the car and tried to put the goods. 
At four pm we enjoyed our works spreading them on steps at 9th floor. Some wanted to see night scenery of river. Wow it was very fantastic. 
Thank you so much for the new comers! We hope you to keep sketching together.

무척 더웠습니다. 9층 옥상 전망대에서 먼저 오신 이정숙선생님을 반가이 만났습니다. 잠시 소개를 나눈 후에 그림을 그리시 시작했는데 등에서 땀이 줄줄 흐르더군요. 간신히 아크릴 그림을 마치고 점심을 들고 실내에서 그렸구요. 한낮에 밖에서 한강 풍경을 멋지게 그리신 윤영숙선생님의 열정에 박수를 보냅니다. 오루 4시에 그림 감상을 하고 이야기를 나누다가 늦게 합류하신 김연제선생님을 맞아 저녁까지 먹고 옥상 정원에서 한강 야경을 감상하였습니다. 더워서 그런지 야경이 훨씬 인상적이었습니다. 서울의 이런 저런 아름다운 모습을 그릴 수 있다는 것에 고마움을 느낍니다. 새로 오신 두분께서 앞으로 즐거운 시간 함께 하시기를 바랍니다. 감사합니다!

Saturday, June 11, 2016

#52nd World Wide SketchCrawl

Time : 10:30 am - 4:00 pm, July 30th, 2016
Place : Techno Mart, Gangbyeon Subway station(Line 2, Exit 2)
Meeting spot : Sky Garden - Haneul Park (Techno Mart, 9th)

더운 여름에 안녕하세요? 제 52차 월드 와이드 스케치크롤 날이 7월 30일 토요일로 정해졌습니다. 강변역에 위치한 테크노 마트에서 스케치합니다.
9층 하늘 공원에서 10시 30분에 만나서 4시까지 그리며 시원한 강바람을 맞으며 밤 풍경을 그려도 좋겠습니다. 관심있는 분들께서는 그날 도구 지참하시고 오시면 됩니다. 감사합니다.