Showing posts with label Under Stand Avenue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Under Stand Avenue. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Sketches at Under Stand Avenue, Seoul

open-air market viewed from the outdoor stage, pen and watercolor, (36 x 51cm)

 a sketch at the main entrance of Under Stand Avenue, pen and pastel, (36 x 51cm)

a scene of crowded open-air market, pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

a young couple sells the fresh blueberries, pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

a scene of the outdoor stage, pencil, (29.6 x 42cm)

nearby buildings beyond Walkshop Loft Garden, pen and pastel, (29.6 x 42cm)
It was too hot last Saturday, Seoul usk members met at Under Stand Avenue (언더스탠드 애비뉴) located between Seoul Forest (서울숲) and Seoul Forest Station. Under Stand Avenue, made of 116 recycled colorful containers complex, is attracting locals and tourists in eastern Seoul. The complex serves as a creative public cultural space for teenagers, artists, local vendors and small brands. There is also an outdoor stage for cultural performances, local community organize special events and various workshops every month. The very day we visited Under Stand Avenue, it was market day once a month on 4th Saturday for the food and beverage produced by urban farmers. The street mall was full of open-air shops with temporary colorful tents and crowded people. Unfortunately many stores and unique restaurants on the 2nd floor rooftop were under renewal construction, we couldn't help sketching outdoors on the ground level in search of the shadow.
I sketched the lively scenes of the crowded market with colorful tents and streetscape including nearby buildings harmonizing with moving cranes. It was a very exciting sketch time despite the summer heat.
컨테이너 명소인 언더스탠드 애비뉴~~ 
커먼 그라운드에서의 "광장"분위기와는 달리
"스트리트 몰"과 숲이 어우러진 새로운 느낌입니다.
예기치 않았던 "장날"과 "대형 리모델링 공사"로
2층에서 보는 좋은 각도의 입체적 장면을 못 그렸지만
땅 레벨에서 보는 번잡한 시장 모습과 하늘을 덮는 천막,
사이사이 보이는 율동같은 모습과 시시각각 변하는 그림자...
스케치 현장은 "가변성이 있고 예측불가"라는 것도 매력적입니다.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sketches at Under Stand Avenue in Seoul Forest

pencil, pen, conte, crayon, pastels, watercolor, 27 x 39 cm

'Under Stand Avenue' locates at the entrance of Seoul Forest park. Seoul Forest is one of big parks in Seoul and is loved by citizens for its scale, various facilities and easy accessibility by subway. Today we focused on the Under Stand Avenue area because it was built by 116 recycled colorful containers. The space was offered for young foundation and senior workers or multiracial families. 
Today as I reached there the road was full of temporary white tents and people who were busy with opening their shops. One guy told me that it was for the market held once a month on fourth Saturday. Though we couldn't capture those colorful containers in rows the exciting bustling market presented us lots of fun and tasty food and beverage produced by urban farmers. It was a real surprising party for us with happy visitors and interesting subjects to draw. 

오늘 몹시 더운 날이 예고 된지라 아침 일찍 그늘 있을 때 그리려고 한시간 일찍 도착했습니다. 한산할 줄 알았던 길이 흰 임시 천막과 사람들로 붐볐어요. 관리인인듯 한 분한테 여쭈었더니 오늘 한달에 한번 장이 선다고 하더군요. 그림그리러 왔다고 하니 오늘 그릴 소재가 많을 것이라고 하셨어요. 역시나 도처에 그릴 것이었고, 텐트와 편한 의자가 있어서 아주 즐겁게 그렸습니다. 시간이 모자랐다고나 할까요. 도시 농부가 재배한 야채도 팔고, 꽝꽝 언 식혜등등 먹을 거리도 많았구요. 김밥집에 갔더니 시니어 분들이 일하시더군요. 여러 모로 다양한 세계의 분들과 함께 살아가기 위해 배려하는 공간이었습니다. 4시 되니 장을 폐하여서 오히려 섭섭하였어요. 다음에도 가보고 싶은 장소였습니다. 새로 오신 분들 반가왔습니다. 다음에도 자주 뵙기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Sketches at Under Stand Avenue, Seoul Forest(Park)

pen and pastels, A 4

pencil and watercolor, A 4

pencil and watercolor, A 4

Yesterday I went to Seoul Forest(park) where I used to go for sketching. There are some entrance gates around the park. Among them people can meet new space "Under Stand Avenue" getting out of exit 3, Seoul Forest subway station. Though it's not new but it has much attractive points being located next to the big park. Colorful containers give exotic atmosphere inside which restaurants, shops, creative and recycling studios are found. 
Two years ago the abandoned around the park was transformed into a new, comprehensive and public cultural space for social minority groups with 116 containers by the support of Lotte Duty Free shop and ARCON(Arts and Community Network) under the agreement with Seongdong district office. 
Visitors and villagers around the park seemed to enjoy both walking in a big park and having dishes in open terraces in that avenue. So the place is loved by all generations. The area has spacial limit. As a result the general scene will be changed through adding more containers and remodeling the original structure. I expect to see more various shapes in the future.

어제 모처럼 서울숲으로 스케치를 나갔습니다. 전에 공원 산책하러 갈 때마다 한번 그려보아야지 하던 장소였어요.  날씨도 따뜻하고 해서 콘테이너 그늘에 앉아 편히 그려보았습니다. 오랜만에 붓을 잡으니 서먹하더군요. 서울의 이곳 저곳에 컨테이너를 이용한 이색 장소가 여러 군데에 생겨나서 스케쳐로서 반가운 마음입니다. 다음에 서울 어반 스케쳐 여러분들과 함께 그릴 기회가 있었으면 합니다.