Thursday, January 14, 2010

For beauty

pen and watercolor, 20.5x15.5cm, at heukseok, seoul

아름다움을 위한 저 고단한 여정!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Steve's sketches at sketchcrawls

view from Jeungdong Church, Jeungdong, Seoul

Jeungdong Church, Jeungdong, Seoul

Steve sketched me while drawing.

at the Anglican church of Korea, Seoul

from his sketchbook, portrait of his friend

Steve sketched Lee Yong-hwan at the restaurant while we had lunch.

I took photos with my cellular phone. So the pencil lines are not clear. I thank Steve for permitting to take pictures. I admire his honest and sincere attitude for art and human relationship. We enjoyed the meetings and promised to sketch together next time.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

At the beauty shop

pen and watercolor,41x15.5cm, at heukseok, seoul Korea

세상 스캔들의 70% 는 미용실 잡지에서 공짜로 습득하며 지루함을 달랩니다

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sketchcrawl 2 with Steve in Seoul

The Anglican Church of Korea, Jeung-dong, Seoul

At the Namdaemun Market, Seoul

A girl was having hot noodle sitting on the resting floor at Namdaemun Market, Seoul.

Seoul sketcher Kim Kyung-hee was washing her work at Namdaemun Market, Seoul.

I sketched Steve's portrait in pencil at Namdaemun Market, Seoul. Thanks a lot for Steve's family and Seoul sketchers in spite of cold weather.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The sketchcrawl 2 with Steve in Seoul

pen and watercolor, at Namdaemun market, Seoul

시드니에서 방문한 Steve씨와의 sketchcrawl은 추웠지만 재미있고 색다른 경험이었습니다.
끝날 무렵엔 눈도 내려 주었습니다
27.6x21cm, at the Anglican Church of Korea

고즈넉한 성당의 풍경은 언제봐도 아름답습니다

pen and watercolor, 41x15.5cm, at Yeungpung bookstore, Seoul

글을 쓰는 내겐 평생 친구이며 떼어 놓을 수 없는 존재, 연필이어서 그려봤습니다

Saturday, January 9, 2010

the 2nd sketchcrawl with Steve in Seoul

Steve's work with acrylics painted at Namdaemun market, 30 x 40 cm board

Steve's sketch at the Anglican church, Jeung-dong, Seoul

Steve painting with black and white acrylic colors

Kim Kyung-hee drawn by Lee Yong-hwan at Namdaemun market, Seoul

Steve drawn with pencil by Lee Yong-hwan at Namdaemun market, Seoul

We had lunch after finishing sketching at Namdaemun market.

Kim Kyung-hee, Lee Yong-hwan, and Steve from the left were busy with sketching at Namdaemun Market, Seoul.

Grand drum laid in front of Duck-soo Palace for the ceremony of alternating of a chief of gatekeepers in traditional clothes. But due to the cold weather the regular event was postponed.

I drew this at Namdaemun market, Seoul

At the Anglican church of Korea I sketched this one with chalk holder. Though the weather was not warm at all sketching with other friends was always fun and pleasing. Thanking for Steve and his attractive wife, Susie, and his lovely daughter to participate in this hard weather, we promised to meet again and again in Seoul and in Sydney someday! Thanks for all participants too! See you in next sketchcrawl soon!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

several sketches at Incheon

distant view from Yoenan Wharf

the front of Namhang Wharf

a place for ship repair work

a large Crane close by the dock at Namhang
I sketched on the wharf at Incheon last Dec. It was bitterly cold outdoors, I had no choice but to sketch in my car looking out of a window. It was another good experience for outdoor sketchers.

Friday, January 1, 2010

A night view of Dongho Br.

20.5x15.5cm, at seoul
Adieu 2009!
and Happy New Year !

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sketchcrawl 2 with Steve from Sydney

Mr. Lee presented his portraits of them at the Francisco Hall.

지난 29일에 만나서 스케치했던 스티브씨와 오는 1월 9일 토요일 오전 11시에 덕수궁 앞에서 다시 만나 스케치하기로 했습니다. 진지하고도 열정적인 그의 작업태도에 감명을 받았으며 다시 한번 스케치를 함께 할 수 있어 감사한 마음입니다. 그날의 스케줄은 확정되지 않았으나 남대문 시장의 알파문구 안내도 해볼까하며 시장에서 스케치좀 하다가 명동을 거쳐 종로쪽으로 나가보려고 예정하고 있습니다. 날씨가 좀 따뜻하기만 바랄 따름입니다. 그날 뵈어요.

(We'll have another sketchcrawl with Steve from Sydney on Jan. 9, 2010. We meet on 11 am at the same spot, in front of Ducksoo Palace. We have no plan yet about the course of sketching. But We try to guide him Alpha Art Material Supply shop, Namdaemun market, Myungdong, and Chongro streets. Hope the weather be better than now and see you there!)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Sketchcrawl with Steve at Jeondong

Steve Kopp

Steve drew enthusiastically.

He was completely absorbed in his drawing.

Susie Kopp

Jeongdong Church

Appenzeller/Noble Memorial Museum

We enjoyed sketch time with Steve and Susie at Jeondong.
It was awfully cold but all of us had a pleasant day.