Friday, December 10, 2010

last sketchcrawl

busy engineer

Engineer from KT(Olleh Korea Telecome) was working in front of the entrance of Sejong University. After sketching this I asked what he was doing. He told me that he was pulling internet cable from the near pole.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


21x29.7cm, 9B graphite and watercolor


일요일에 어린이대공원에 다녀왔습니다. 유선생님 생각이 났습니다. 식물원은 변함없는 그대로더군요. 그림은 예전에 식물원에서 그렸던 작은 그림을 2절 수채용지에 옮겨 그린 것입니다.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Han Riverside

24x18cm, watercolor, Seoul
흑석동에서 본 노들섬과 한강변입니다. 야경은 정말 멋집니다.

at the alley of Chosunilbo Gallery

On 2007, I sketched this one in front of Chosun Ilbo(Daily Newspaper) Gallery located near the Anglican Church of Korea, Seoul. The alley is not busy mostly, so good to sketch the church and nunnery, and the scenes with old buildings. (A 4 size, pen and watercolor)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Jonglo Street

24x18cm, brown conte and watercolor, Seoul

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December Sketchcrawl

Though it gets colder we hope to end this year sketching together. For the exhibition at Dongdaemun District Office we may need some nice sketches more around Dongdaemun(East Gate). Let's meet on Dec. 18, 2010 at the same place we've met before in front of Doota Building. We'll begin sketching from 10:30 am. See you there!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November sketchcrawl,2010

my palette, at Insa Art Center

Sketchcrawl on November 27, 2010

경복궁 동문쪽에서 바라본 동십자각과 한국일보 건물