Saturday, June 24, 2017

Sketches in June sketching meetup

When I was walking the Jeongdong gil before I began to sketch I met a guy who had lived in my village for years. He was going to his stand to sell his goods in the street. Alongside the street there were lots of stands where many creative craft producers were spreading their unique works. I was so glad to meet him. He told me that he got a patent for this product which could be used as memo or sketch pad and presented this to me. He said that he noticed that the receipt roll paper in shops could be used in different way. He showed the other bigger one. As soon as I received this I tried it sketching the scenery with the Deoksugung(palace) wall.  After I used it I showed the picture to him and bought the bigger one for sketching. He felt so good to see that his product was used in proper way. I think it's good for me to decide the size of horizontal length as long as I want. I admired his creative efforts and encouraged him. Suwon urban sketcher, Mr. Song Kee Sung, bought the small one and tried to use. 

sketch at the plaza in the middle of Jeongdong gil. I used Stabilo color pencils and added water. 24 x 32 cm

back scenery of the Anglican Church of Korea, Stabilo color pencils, water

Deoksugung Palace Royal Guard-Changing Ceremony

It was cloudy a little. But everybody might have waited it to rain because of terrible hot weather. The main entrance of Deoksugung was busy as usual with tourists and citizens and demonstrators. But people enjoy to see the guard changing ceremony in the morning taking photos. 
Much thanks for the sketchers and great works in various ways showing their own unique styles. Hope to see them soon!
Participants were as follows: Lee Yong Hwan, Yun Young Sook, Andy Oh, John Lee, Han Jung Sun, Baik Kyung Won, Jung Young Kyeong, Yi Ji Hyun, William Brearley, Somali Roy, Kang Eun Young, Cho Myung Ju, Kim Jae Jin, Song Kee Sung, Yoo Byung Hwa. And all of us welcomed new comers - Jeong Jee Won, Ryu Jang Bok, Sakong Young Hwal, Kim Young Sun, Choi Jae Yeal, Ahn Mi Kyung, Park Soo Shin, Choe Hyeon Ju, Kwon So Jin. (이용환, 윤영숙, 오창환, 이충근, 한정선, 백경원, 정영경, 이지현, 윌리엄 브리얼리, 소말리 로이, 강은영, 조명주, 김재진, 송기성, 유병화, 정지원, 류장복, 사공영활, 김영선, 최제열, 안미경, 박수신, 최현주, 권소진)

연이은 무더운 날씨에 비마저 기다려지는 요즘에 가진 스케치 모임이었습니다. 이번에도 새로 오신 분들도 많았고 기존의 멤버들께서도 많이 참석하셨어요. 덕수궁 주변이야 늘 방문객들로 활기가 넘치지요. 도심에 모여있는 여러 관광 명소들을 다 둘러보기도 어려웠어요. 점심식사후 소말리씨와 함께 성공회로 갔는데 너무 좋아하시더군요. 언제 보아도 아름다운 건물입니다. 
오는 7월 29일에 건국대역 부근의 커먼그라운드에서 제 56차 월드 와이드 스케치크롤 모임을 가질 예정입니다. 많은 참여 기다립니다.

무더운 날씨에 함께 해주신 스케쳐분들께 감사드립니다. 

Monday, June 19, 2017

In the garden

집앞 아파트정원에서 산책하다 자주 앉아있는 장소입니다.
일본의 석정 같기도 하지만 여기선 어린 아이들이 들어가서 놀기도 합니다.

Indoor sketches

things on dining table at home

kitchen ware on table

stuffs with melons on desk

fruit bowl on desk

cups and papers on desk in classroom at Jogyesa temple

kettle, and things on desk

small kettle used over 10 years

water bottle in a tour bus

Hot weather may be a good excuse to sketch inside. Kitchen is full of hard ware and materials for cooking. Things laid at random on desk make nice scenes sometimes. 
I love to draw the small kettle for years. It became to be black colored due to countless burning. Last Saturday I could get on a touring bus to Silleuksa temple, Yeuju and I drew the water bottle in a bus. If I try to draw any thing, I may not be able to put pencil off my hand. 

요즘 너무나 뜨거운 날싸로 인해 밖에서 그린다는 것이 어렵습니다. 실내에서 그린 그림 몇점 올립니다. 좋은 그림 소재임을 뻔히 보면서도 게을러서 자주 그리지 못하는 것이 아쉬울 따름입니다. 더운 여름 건강히 보내시교 오는 24일에 뵙기 바랍니다.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Congratulations on the beginning of Urban Sketchers Suwon - 어반 스케쳐스 수원

그동안 수원에서 서울 어반 스케쳐스 모임에 여러 차례 참석하신 송기성작가님께서 회사의 그림 동호회를 중심으로 수원에서 어반 스케쳐스 모임을 결성하여 지난 6월 6일부터 블로그 활동을 시작하게 되었다는 소식을 전해 오셨습니다.
수원에 이어 다른 도시에서도 많은 어반 스케쳐스 모임이 생겨 나기를 바라며 보다 많은 교류와 풍성한 활동으로 스케치 발전에 밑거름이 되었으면 합니다.

거듭 축하드리며 수원과 인근 도시의 많은 스케쳐들의 사랑받는 모임이 되어가기를 바랍니다.

Urban Sketchers Suwon 블로그 주소 :

오른쪽 USK Communities에도 링크해 두었으니 많은 방문 부탁드리며 따뜻한 댓글 남겨주시면 감사하겠습니다.

June sketching meetup

Sketching Meetup on June 24th, 2017

Place : Tourist Attractions such as Deoksugung, The Anglican Church of Korea, Baejaehakdang(덕수궁, 성공회, 배재학당등의 시청 주변의 관광 명소)
Time : From 10:30 am to 4:00 pm
Meeting Spot : Plaza in front of main entrance gate of Deoksugung(덕수궁 대한문 앞 광장) near the City Hall subway station

아름다운 계절 6월의 모임은 많은 명소가 모여있는 덕수궁 주변을 택했습니다. 자주 스케치해오던 장소입니다만 계절에 따른 다양한 모습에 매료되는 곳이기도 합니다. 회비는 없으며 사용하실 도구를 지참하고 오셔서 자신만의 스케치 세계를 여러분들과 나누시기 바랍니다.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

sketches at Starfield Hanam (스타필드 하남)

a colorful scene viewed from the 2nd floor lounge (21 x 29.6cm)

main entrance hall of Starfield Hanam shopping mall (21 x 29.6cm)

a fruit stand at the PK market on the B1 floor (21 x 29.6cm)

a clothing shop on the 1st floor (21 x 29.6cm)

an electromobile showroom on the 2nd floor (21 x 29.6cm)

ticket box lounge of multiplex theater on the 4th floor (21 x 29.6cm)

main Food Court on the 3rd floor (21 x 29.6cm)

open restaurant outside the Food Court on the 3rd floor (26 x 37cm)

panoramic view of Starfield Hanam Complex (20 x 37cm)

main entrance of Starfield Hanam shopping mall (26 x 37cm)

main entrance of Shinsegae Department Store (26 x 37cm)
( pen and watercolor, sketchbook )

A few days ago, I visited the Korea's largest shopping mall recently opened, located in Hanam City, Gyeonggi-do, southeast of Seoul. Starfield Hanam, anchored by retail giant Shinsegae Department Store, is a unique shopping theme park that provides the experience of shopping, leisure, entertainment, and healing all in one place for families, teenagers, and Korea’s most discerning buyers. While sketching I was impressed by the long facade of the massive building composed of various forms, and inside building the curvilinear formed interior designs including the wonderful skylight shaped like the biggest whale.
I drew colorful scenes here and there going up and down the huge shopping mall in the crowd of visitors. It was very exciting sketch time trying to draw various forms and movements on such a vast place.
국내 최대 규모의 단일 쇼핑몰~
길고 다양한 형태의 복합 디자인 외관
자유곡선이 물결치는 드넓은 옥내공간
거대하고 환상적인 곡선 천창과 온갖 실내조명
수많은 방문객의 천차만별한 움직임과 행태들...
단일 장소로는 마치 스케치 소재의 천국 같습니다.

Friday, June 9, 2017

Sketches at Seoul Zoo

conte, charcoal, pen, oil pastels, 22 x 31.5 cm

I began sketching over 2 pm at Seoul Zoo. I walked and drew animal and green scenery with cages. Near the sunset the animal under the shade looked so beautiful. Black and white was so contrasted under the strong light and shadow. I drew the third one, hippo, near 6 pm. I found the nice time for sketching. They seem to begin to rest and return to the natural environment at night at least. 
어제 오후 2시경 서울대공원에 도착했습니다. 늘 가는 곳이지만 평일이어서 방문객이 적어 참으로 한가하게 돌아다녔어요. 늘 왼쪽부터 돌다가 이번에는 기린쪽부터 시작했어요. 요즘은 관람하기 좋게 이층으로 관람석을 만들어 놓아 그늘에서 편히 그려보았습니다. 기린이 이동이 잦아 나오는대로 잡아보았어요. 초창기에 나무 없던 때에 비하면 요즘은 그늘이 웅장하여 여름에 쉬기가 참 좋은 공간이 되었습니다. 6시 무렵의 동물들이 낮에 보는 모습보다 더욱 감동적이라는 사실도 알게 되었어요. 석양의 햇살아래 흑백만이 도드라지는 멋진 모습이었습니다. 

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Drawings at Starfield Hanam

pen, oil pastels, 22 x 31.5 cm

It took two hours by buses from home to Starfield Hanam. But sketching there was very exciting. Curved lines inside the building were not easy to draw but long and broad corridors with soft stools gave convenient surroundings for visitors, especially for sketchers. I started from 10:30 am and kept drawing except lunch time till 4:30 pm. I used pen and oil pastels by which I felt so free different from watercolor. So many people all around the mall in various views presented endless objects for drawings. Delicious food in lots of restaurants was additional joy for visitors. 

오랜만에 비가 온다는 현충일에 스타필드 하남에 갔어요. 며칠전에 가보고 엄두도 안나던 많은 모습들을 수채화로 시작하다가 이내 오일 파스텔로 바꾸어 그리면서 마음도 가벼웠고 쉽게 접근할 수 있었어요. 어릴때 크레용칠하는 기분으로 보이는대로 그려보았구요. 밑그림은 펜으로 주로 그렸습니다. 멋진 자동차들을 그려보는 즐거움도 누렸구요. 번잡스러운 수채보다 편하여 이동이 간편하여서인지 많이 그려볼 수 있어서 앞으로도 애용해볼까 싶습니다. 다양한 얼굴의 스타필드가 스케쳐들로부터도 사랑받았으면 합니다. 

Monday, June 5, 2017

How about this sudden meetup?

Hi guys,
Tomorrow is a holiday, Memorial day(June 6th). YH Lee and I visited Starfield Hanam last saturday. The scale of the building was big and cool inside. It seemed to be worthy for us to challenge as urban sketchers. We try to go and sketch there tomorrow. We may start from 10:30 as usual. Hope you to join us if possible!
Let's meet while sketching in corridors around stools set here and there.

지난 토요일에 스타필드 하남에 다녀왔어요. 영등포의 타임스퀘어나 합정동의 메세나폴리스에서 보아왔던 모습이 확장된듯하였습니다. 색은 단색이었구요. 새로운 명소가 되어가는 곳이어서 다소 멀지만 내일 다시 가기로 했습니다. 급한 알림이지만 시간이 되는 분들은 함께 하시면 반갑겠습니다. 실내가 무한히 넓은 것은 아니어서 이곳 저곳을 그리노라면 만나게 될듯합니다. 관심있는 분의 참석을 바랍니다.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Sketching at Ewha University 27/05/2017 スケッチ

First sketching at Ewha University  with Seoul urban sktechers
It was my  first time to go outside to draw urban sketching.
I should've cheked the building's name but I totally forgot because  of that I was a little bit nervous.
It was an old and beautiful small building with a chimney on the narrow street at Ewha University.
People were very kind and they encouraged me a lot.
今回はEWha 大学でスケッチすることになりました。
このビルの名前はわかりませんがEwha 大学の中であるごちんまリとした古風な建物でした。
좁은 골목 벽에 기대어  바라본 굴뚝이 있는 작고 오래된 유럽풍 건물
아름다운 이대 캠퍼스는 사람들로 붐볐습니다.
기분 좋은 하루였습니다.

First sketchwalk with Usk Seoul

There couldn't have been a better venue in Seoul to start sketching with the urban sketchers! Last Saturday on a bright sunny morning we gathered at the Ewha Womans University, one of the most prestigious universities in the country, that has been around since 1886. The first thing I noticed when I stepped into the campus was the large number of tourists as well as locals ambling leisurely on its sprawling green grounds. A lot of them were taking pictures, some were relaxing on benches and others were cooling off under a tree with iced coffee. 

After saying hello to the group and receiving a very warm welcome in return, I along with a few others sketchers went scouting for location. Turns out, the university isn't just a historical landmark and a must-see sight on the guidebook, it is also a delightful place to spend hours sketching and painting.

Only a short walk from the ECC (Ewha Campus Complex) building brought us to this charming stone Gothic structure nestled in greenery. The sky was a cool blue and except the sound of breeze rustling through the leaves and chirping of birds, it was really quiet. It took me about 40 mins to finish the line work using a dip pen and ink. I coloured the sketch later as I had to rush off but not without the desire to come back again.