Sunday, April 11, 2010


At the bakery
watercolor,13.5x21cm, at heukseokdong, Seoul

축하할 일만 많은 세상이었으면 좋겠습니다.
I hope there are many occasion for celebration in the world.

In one's anniversary
watercolor, 18x24cm, at Yeongondong, Seoul

This work was a bunch of pretty flowers by delivery service
in one's wedding anniversary.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

For beauty

13.5x21cm, at heukseok-dong

Because time to leave off work , hair dryers are going back to home for tomorrow .

Sunday, April 4, 2010

at train

41x11.5cm pen and watercolor a part
Have gone in Gangwon-do Taebaek to see parents at weekend.
Because mother was inconvenient, I went with an older sister.
Got mind that should haunt while have seen image that is glad about and live.
Painted a person who go male genitalia of sideseat that returns and falls asleep in the train.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Cars in a row

며칠 전부터 틈나는 대로 걷기 운동을 시작했습니다.
요즘은 한강변을 따라 걷고 있습니다. 한강시민공원에서 잠실종합운동장을 보고 그렸습니다.
서울엔 정말 차가 많은 것 같습니다.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

at Ui-dong

13.5x21cm, at Ui-dong , Seoul

I drew this sketchy during the break time in a workshop.
Flurries of snow began to fall in the early afternoon.
눈발 속 멀리 삼각산을 그렸습니다만...어째 시원칠 않습니다

Thursday, March 25, 2010

performance at the opening ceremony of exhibition

At Insa Art Center located in Insadong, Seoul I could watch a performance luckily. It was held at the exhibition of Lee Suh Hyung. Korean traditional dancer, Na Young-ae played Salpuri Dance(kind of exorcising an evil spirit) to the accompaniment of four Korean traditional musical instrument players. She danced with her feet being dipped in red, blue, yellow color pigments. When she danced the foot prints were left on the white big mat. It made unexpected patterns as a result. I enjoyed the music, dance, and above all the sketching itself.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

my son's enrollment

passengers at Chungryangri Railroad Station, Seoul

my son at the train, pencil

Yesterday I accompanied my son who enrolled in the army to Namchunchoon, Kangwon Province. The weather was good. Thousands of young men looked dependable for the country.I thanked for him to be grown enough to serve for our country.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

at the sketchcrawl on March 20, 2010

pencil and watercolor, 18x24cm

pencil and watercolor, 22x15cm

several sketches at Dongdaemun Sketchcrawl

Yesterday I sketched various sceneries around Dongdaemun with Seoul sketchcrawl members. Though weather was rainy and awfully yellow dust windy, we took delight in drawing all day.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

at the sketchcrawl on March 20, 2010

41x13cm, pen and watercolor

21x29.7cm sepia pencilpastel,

휴대폰이 돌아가실 때가 되었는 지 미치미치? 합니다 매장 갔더니 A/S받아야 될 것 같다고 해서 다시 돌아와 만지작 거리다 툭 꺼져 버려 다시 켜고 카메라를 찍어 보니 거짓말같이 다시 되는 군요 신통찮은 그림과 카메라로 저녁내내 헤맸습니다 ㅋㅋ