Friday, August 13, 2010

red brick building in Inchon city

Last may I drew this building located in Inchon city, which was known as Baekdu Glass. But this time its signboard had new name as Seoul Sangsa(Trading company) with new door and windows.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Summer vacation

July 31 to August 5 Wonju, Sogeumgang, went to Sokcho.
Imagine sketching in the field and came home coated with the color.

pencil and watercolor, 25*35cm,

'산에 언덕에' cafe inside

Chiak-mt below..
The picture side of the street under a bridge at night.


Sunday, August 8, 2010

August Sketch

지난 달 무더운 날에 스케치하시느라 모두 수고하셨습니다. 이번 달 28일 토요일에 북한산자락에 자리한 오래된 사찰 금선사에서 스케치를 하려고 합니다. 가까이에 연화사도 있으며 모처럼 도시 가까이의 절에서 여름의 끝을 보내며 아름다운 가을을 맞이합시다.

차편 : 광화문 KT 빌딩 앞 버스 정류장에서 0212 녹색 버스를 타고 종점(이북오도청)에서 하차후 이북오도청을 오른쪽에 두며 큰 길로 쭉 올라오노라면 청운 양로원도 있고 등산로 입구 왼쪽으로는 연화사가 있어요. 좀 더 오르노라면 목정굴이라는 굴을 통해서 절로 올라올수도 있고 오른 편 산책로를 걸어서 절 마당으로 오를 수 있어요. 10시 30분에 0212 종점에서 만나서 함께 오르며 스케치를 해보면 좋을 것같습니다.

스케치뿐 아니라 좀 큰 그림을 차분히 그려보는 것도 좋을 듯합니다. 그날 뵙겠습니다.

a puppy at painting trip to Yangyang city

One member brought his 2 months puppy in last summer painting trip. It was so cute that some members loved to draw. I did while he was playing with something under the leaves.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Incheon guwall-dong


Incheon Dongyang chemistry

52x45cm, pen and watercolor
Incheon watercolor association exhibition work

#28th Sketchcrawl in Seoul

watercolor, 29.7x21cm

Lee Ho-Jung, at the plaza of Hongik University

Lee Ho-Jung participated the first time in this sketchcrawl and middle school girl. she is doing well at school also drawing. Her work seems pureness like sky of that day. We were sorry to sketch without you and your dad at Tugsum. We are all glad to meet her and her drawing.. and her dad. Hope to see again!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

at bakery in Yangyang city

I sketched this one in the street before I began to draw at Yangyang traditional market in Yangyang city. The Koryodang bakery has a long history since 1945. The shop was a branch store of the bakery. While I was drawing the owner told the employee to give a bottle of juice to me. At once she brought a cool bottle of apple juice to me. I thanked for their kindness. :)