Sunday, July 31, 2011


잠시 시간을 보내야 될 일이 생겨 파리바게트 빵집에서 커피 한 잔 시키고 앉아 있었습니다.

빵집에 꽤 손님이 많더군요. 식사를 빵으로 하는 사람들이 많은 듯 합니다.

우리집 식구들도 빵을 좋아하면 편할 텐데.

정말 더운 여름날에는 뜨거운 국 끓이고 반찬 만드는 일이 지겹습니다.

At the Nagwon Musical Instrument Arcade

Saturday, July 30, 2011


비오는 내내 집에 콕 박혀있었습니다.
비가 들이치니 창문을 열 수도 없고 선풍기 두 대를 열심히 돌리며 아이들과 종일을 좁은 집 안에서 보냈습니다.
그리고 깨닫게 된 건,
"여긴 내가 살고 싶은 집이 아니야..."

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Various types of Campus building

Student building, Sookmyung Women's University

Museum, Sookmyung Women's University

Welch-Ryang Auditorium, Ewha Womans University

Business School, Sungkyunkwan University

Faculty Hall, Sungkyunkwan University

Science Library, Korea University

Museum, Sejong University
In our city life, a lot of campus buildings around us are very interersting subjects for the urban sketchers. On the campus everywhere, we come to meet not only plenty of objects of drawing, but of architectural various types.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

[July 26, 2011] Near Seoul City Hall

[July 26, 2011] @ "fashion into art" exhibition

삼성생명 빌딩 "PLATEAU"전시관에서 진행중인
Fashion into Art <보그 코리아> 창간 15주년 특별전에서

across the Sajik park to Gwanghwamun

at Pilundong, pencil, watercolor, 30 x 40 cm
When I crossed the Sajik road I could see the blue building with irregular windows. A man seated on a red chair looking at the street. I began to sketch him at first because I was not sure that he'd stay long there.

at Naejadong, charcoal, 30 x 40 cm
I was walking down to Gwanghwamun. These days there are so many glass wall buildings that the reflected image on walls made attractive focus in street scenery. In the small resting place I could sketch this thankfully. It seemed to rain soon getting darker.

at Gwanghwamun, pen and watercolor, 30 x 40 cm
Arriving at the Gwanghwamun, Sejong Street, I tried to sketch the Gwanghwamun at first, but I changed my mind looking back. The bridge between the Integrated Government buildings seemed worthwhile to draw.  After finishing this I took a bus coming home. At last it rained heavily while my being at bus. But finishing sketches gives energy in spite of being caught in the rain without umbrella.

32nd World wide sketchcrawl at Nagwon Musical Instrument Arcade