Sunday, August 7, 2011

[August 6, 2011] August Sketchcrawl @ Dongdaemun, Seoul

August Sketchcrawl @ 'HelloAPM' and 'Doota Building' in Dongdaemun

It was such a hot weather but I had a good time with people I share my interest with.

* Apparently there's dust inside my digital camera lenses. 
Please bear with the smudging black spot in the picture.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

August Sketchcrawl I at 'helloapM' & 'Doota Building' near Dongdaemun, Seoul

view from 'helloapM' shopping mall, 27 x 39 cm, pencil & watercolor

carpenters working on 9th floor of 'helloapM' building, 27 x 39 cm

parasols on the rooftop, 8th floor of Doota Building, 27 x 39 cm

Despite of hot weather 8 sketchers gathered to sketch. Fortunately we could sketch at the cool staircase of helloapM.. On the rooftop of Doota building the air was breezing and the view was wonderful too. Thank you all the participants and hope to see you soon, Aug. 10th, the 2nd Exhibition opening day!

Friday, August 5, 2011

sketches / pencil & gel pen

a boy handling his mobile phone after swimming before going home

a common mart at Naejadong where I found many geometric elements

readers at Kyobo Book Center, 13 x 18 cm sketchbook
Sketching tools were simple such as pen and pencil. Walking down to Gwangwhamun I saw the GC Mart with green awning and green watermelons on cart. Drawing with pen I could feel like that I was making a print work - etching. Large book center provided a good shelter for people to read books in cool space.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The rural villages in Seoul

Junggye-dong 104 village is well known for its rural atmosphere surrounded with woods and hills on the outskirts of Seoul. My sketches in this place are as follows.

Hongje-dong Ant village(alias Gaemi-Maul) is located on the hillside of Mt.Inwang in downtown Seoul. It is famous for the beauty of wall paintings drawn by several art colleges' students. My sketches are as follows.


A lot of old aged villages are still well-preserved in Seoul. But it's possible that these villages may be disappearing in order to construct highrise apartment complexes. I hope these would be in existence by renovation for harmony with nature.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Nagwon musical instrument & around...

harp & cello
electric guitar shop
famous pyeongyang naengmyeon
view at the Nagwon M.I.A

sketches at the exhibit "fashion into art" in Plateau Gallery

in front of a famous spaghetti restaurant located near Gwangwhamun
On the way going to the Plateau Gallery I could see people were waiting to enter on 2:13 pm though. I took a photo on 2:49 pm just before I left the spot. There were customers who couldn't enter yet.

Park Seung Mo + Lee Sang Bong, aluminium wire, fiber glass, silk, life casting

Cheon Seong Myung + Park Choon Moo, FRP, mannequin, wool jersey, leather, feather

Hong Kyung Taek + Rubina, silk, cotton, pens

copy part of Rodin's sculpture, The Burghers of Calais, installed in that gallery

The exhibit which KW Jung introduced us to see days ago was great with new concepts in art works cooperated with artists and fashion designers. Thanks a lot for offering an opportunity to see such a precious exhibit! At the hall I saw sculptures of Rodin, The Gates of Hell and The Burghers of Calais. I tried to copy part of The Burghers of Calais and realized that people would never feel tired of seeing them and such ones could have remained as masterpieces. Great exhibit and sculptures made me feel satisfied on a humid and showery day!

at the subway

at the subway line 3

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

People Sketches from Kunming

씩씩하게 잘 돌아왔습니다!!

Kunming, China is amazing city with dynamic contrast of lives. I was lucky to see various parts of the city. Here are some sketches from a wet market(시장), which is like farmer's market in the U.S..

Actually these pieces are from the beef wholesale market right by the wet market. We visited there before noon, but they were already closed in early morning. Just a few people were working on their meat. Three kids were running on the empty meat tables and were very interested in the tourist-looking visitors.