Showing posts with label pencil and watercolor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pencil and watercolor. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

discarded home appliances at A/S center

Yesterday my mobile phone showed some error message when I tried to take photo with it. I went to A/S center near my village. But the engineer said 'what matters?' handling it. No message was there any more and the camera worked well in his hand. I found this piled appliances at the corner out of the repairing room. I felt interest and drew this one.

Monday, April 18, 2011

sketchcrawl at Chungryang ri

For this one I might have to explain a little bit. This isn't surrealism, it's actual scenary if you are nearsighted(badly) and observe the square with bare eyes for a long time. I was wearing sunglasses without prescription, and the people moving around the square wearing colorful outers seemed like flows of bright colors. the flowing dots coming up and down at the upper middle is people on the escalators, and the black hole-ish color absorbing flowing dots are the people constantly coming in/out of the department store. you can also find a few people waiting for someone(dots without trails). It's supposed to be fun just for myself, didn't really thought it's appropriate for the USk blog. But then I read the code of conduct again, seems like it doesn't really violate the rule-capturing what I saw, drew on location, record of the time and place. Thank you ^^ 

Chungryang ri sketches

trains awaiting departure

huge escalator by the square

railway at the platform of Chungryang ri station

Apartments across the busy street in front of the station

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

people on road

I saw this woman, very fashionable with long and colorful clothes, high ankle boots.I had to draw such a characteristic female even in a running bus. I thank her for being my model.

These days I found round bench among which traffic sign poles stood passing the streets. I tried to sketch the small bench at Naeja crossroad. Suddenly two men came and sat on it. They were models on bench naturally. The bench would be useful for people to rest even a while.

Friday, January 7, 2011

at bus stop of Chongro 5 ga, Seoul

Though it was cold I could find the warm place in front of the restaurant at street. The man seated on chair was kind enough to suggest me to use his chair and move to the righ side for the warmer spot. The Chongro streets always show a lot of features to sketch. Seasons, light and passengers seem to make different scenes. I try to see them with curiosity every time.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Hong Kong Sketch

Hong Kong

예전에 살았던 홍콩을 다시 가 보았습니다
없었던 높은 건축물들이 새로이 생겨나고
여전히 활기차게 살아움직이는 느낌이었습니다

Thursday, May 20, 2010

at Sejong University

At Sejong University was there a festival. The students might have rented all the parasols, tables, and stools from the renting company. The\man seemed to be a superintendent to check the numbers of them before loading into the truck. While he was smoking, I caught the scene.

I sketched the left side of Students' Hall of Sejong University sitting in the stadium.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

at the play yard of Children's Grand Park

I caught this one at the playground where kids and school boys were busy with climbing up the strings. Middle school students were there for the painting at the Park. After finishing it they were enjoying as if they were back to the past when they're kids.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The wall of Chang Gyeong Palace

24x18cm, at Jongno, Seoul

Chang gyeong Palace was built king seongjong of the Joseon Dynasty for King's mother in 1484. This Palace looked out on the east and smaller than other Palace, because of mother's palace
창경궁은 조선시대의 성종때 대비전을 위해 만들어진 궁궐입니다. 정조대왕이 오랜 기간 이 궁궐에서 보내기도 했지만 대비궁으로 지어진 탓에 다른 궁궐과 달리 동향이며 구성도 소략한 감이 있습니다. 일제 강점기에는 궁을 창경원으로 격하시켜 동물원을 궁에 두기도 했습니다. 지금은 다시 옛 이름인 창경궁을 되찾고 동물원도 없엔 우리의 중요한 문화유산입니다.

실제 이 맘때쯤, 궁 안쪽에서 뿜어내는 초록빛은 이 그림보다 훨씬 아름답습니다.퇴근길에 원남 사거리에서 본 풍광입니다.

Friday, May 7, 2010

two sketches

I sketched the Students' Hall of Sejong Univ at the main entrance of Children's Grand Park. To say the truth the roof of the entrance should be drawn longer than this. I found that after finishing the washing.

A soldier entered the subway. I wondered whether he was going to home or military unit.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

two sketches at Inchon city

Today I went to Inchon city for sketching. The left one was drawn at Hwa-soo Wharf and the right one was made at the village near Dowon Station. Whenever I go there I feel it shows endless features, which has many kinds of ports, Int'l Airport nearby, large scale factory sites, china town, old and new villages.... I thank for Inchon city and am satisfied with the fact that I can arrive there within one hour.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


24x18cm, Seoul

His name is Jjang-gu. When I had sat in bed reading a book, he was lying on my arm.
Maybe it seems my dog want to beside me . I'm sorry..but i sketched
this scene before disappeared.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


At the bakery
watercolor,13.5x21cm, at heukseokdong, Seoul

축하할 일만 많은 세상이었으면 좋겠습니다.
I hope there are many occasion for celebration in the world.

In one's anniversary
watercolor, 18x24cm, at Yeongondong, Seoul

This work was a bunch of pretty flowers by delivery service
in one's wedding anniversary.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

at the Sketchcrawl on March 20, 2010

Today it was terrible with yellow dust wind and rain. But 11 sketchers participated in. We welcomed new young college students, Byun Saet-byul, Kwon Soo-yeon, Kim Ji-hoon, and Kim Seung-yeon. Their participation encouraged all of us in a gloomy day. We had nice lunch on 7th floor of Doosan Tower Building, one of the largest clothing shopping center in Dongdaemun district. Hope them to join us successively. Thanks all!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

a small concert at Seoul Nat'l Univ. Hospital

When I was leaving the hospital today some music sounded at the entrance. There was a small concert for the patients and their families. The players were the students of traditional music of Korea. Though it was the last part of the concert I enjoyed and could sketch them. What a good experience it was!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

a woman with a lunch plate on her head

I sketched her from the bus window. She was carrying a lunch plate on her head to a near shop or merchant at Chongro street of Dongdaemun Market, Seoul. Though the street was crowded with pedestrians and merchants I omitted all but her because I thought she was walking toward the hope and dream of her life.