Wednesday, December 23, 2009

sketchcrawl with Tia at Bongeun Temple and Coex Aquarium

small fish in toilet bowl at Coex Aqurium

At Bongeun Temple located at Kangnam district, Seoul

There was a Korean traditional farm band play welcoming the visit of Seoul city Mayor
Oh Se-hoon.

Kim Mi-kyung

Tia and her son

Tis's son

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sketchcrawl at Bongeun Temple and Coex Aquarium

오늘 스케치크롤은 싱가포르에서 오신 Tia 님과 그의 아들이 함께 해서 더욱 특별했습니다.

오늘은 동짓날이라 팥죽 공양이 있었습니다. 먹고 나오니 엄청나게 많은 사람들이 줄을 서 있었습니다.

아쿠아리움에서. 식인물고기라는 피라냐의 표정을 그려보았습니다.

매너티 한 쌍.

정어리떼 수족관 앞에서.

날씨도 정말 좋았고 여러가지가 다 순조로웠던 즐거운 스케치크롤날이었습니다. ^^

Monday, December 21, 2009

Korean traditional musical instruments

Gayagum with 12 strings

Daegum, a large fife
I sketched them at a year-end party held at Korean architects' Association building. Several performers such as string quartet, singers, saxopone players played for the participants. I liked the sound of Daegum. The young player wore Korean traditional clothes in white. It was impressive.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

A lonely corner

pen and watercolor,20.5x15.5cm, at Y Bookstore

사람이든 사물이든 구석은 외로워 보입니다. It seems whatever the corner is lone.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sketchcrawl with Tia from Singapore

오늘 티아씨로부너 21일 도착하여 22일에 함께 스케치했으면 한다는 메일을 받았어요.
라마다 서울 호텔 로비에서 오전 10시에 만나기로 했습니다. 가까운 봉은사, 코엑스 수족관을
가보기로 정하고 있습니다. 시간되시면 함께하시면 좋겠습니다.

(We'll meet Tia from Singapore on 10 am, Dec. 22 at the lobby of Ramada Seoul Hotel. We may sketch at the Bongeun Temple and the Aquarium at Koex. Hope to sketch together if possible!)

Friday, December 18, 2009


pen and watercolor, 20.5x15.5cm

오후 4시 쯤에는 배가 고파 뭐든 맛있습니다.
When we have a breaktime, we eat some refreshments sometime.

At the stationery store

pen and watercolor, 20.5x15.5cm , at heukseok

동네 문구점이라 아기자기해 보였습니다

at hospital

I sketched several scenes at Seoul Nat'l Univ. Hospital today. There I met Kim Kyung-hee, USK Seoul sketcher. Thank for her kindness to care for me!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

at Yeonsu library

21x29.7cm watercolor
Painted some chairman while went to return book in the library.
Unexpectedly, old persons looked good because is reading book much.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

at Inchon seaport on Dec. 13, 2009

Sunlit facade of a factory producing anchors and goods for ship, pencil and watercolor

Structure on a wharf, pen and watercolor
Inchon is one of my favorite sketching places. It's near to Seoul and has many subjects to draw. Hope to go there with Seoul sketchers soon!