Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Cafe Joseph located at Pilundong, Jongro-ku, Seoul

Cafe Joseph, soft pastel(square), A 4

Walking down the street from the swimming center to Gwanghwamun Square I can see this cafe near the Sejongro Catholic church located at Pilundong, Seoul. I used to stop to see the flowers in pots whenever I passed by. Today I tried to draw the frontal feature of the Cafe Joseph. The owner, young lady, came out to see the drawing and liked very much. She offered for me to have a cup of coffee inside the cafe after finishing. But I had to leave for some business in bank after showing the drawing and promised that I'd post it on my blog. She'd visit to see her shop as I noted the blog address. Thank you, beautiful lady for the kindness you've shown!

woman in subway & women at bus stop, Seoul

woman in subway no. 3, pencil, 19.5 x 29 cm
Her clothes in zebra pattern caught my eye. Because she changed her pose of her legs often it was hard to draw well. People in subway are really good models for sketching. I thank always for them.

women, mother and daughter, at a bus stop of Jongro 5 Ga, Seoul, pencil, A 4
I sketched this drawing waiting for the bus to go home after sketching some posted on Sept. 2, 2011 previously. The fan on the hand of the young lady made me begin to draw. It was a hot day.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Seoul City Hall under construction, Sept. 5, 2011

right side of the building along the Sejong-ro, Seoul, pencil & soft pastel(square), A 4

When I was walking to Alpha art material supply shop located at Namdaemun market, Seoul, I saw the sunlit sides of the new city hall under construction. I stopped for a while and sketched the scene. Exact description of the complicated beams inside was beyond my reach. I just dotted randomly.The building looked dynamic though I could see the small part of it. I look forward to sketching the completed city hall someday in the near future.

Monday, September 5, 2011

감사의 말씀

안녕하세요, 서울 어반스케쳐스 회원분들과 함께 더 많은 도심스케치의 추억을 가지고 싶었지만
몰아치는 업무량으로 모임활동에 최선을 다하기가 힘들어 참 아쉽습니다.

전시회의 추억과 회원님들의 따뜻한 격려는 늘  힘이 되었고 앞으로도 잊지못할
소중한 경험입니다.  그림은 좋아했지만 그림을 좋아하는 분들과 함께 그리는
기쁨은 모임에 나와서 처음 느껴본 것 같아요.

더 많은 열정적인 회원분들이 서울어반스케쳐스를 지금처럼, 그리고 앞으로
더욱 빛내주실 것이라 믿습니다. 활동이 제한적이라 늘 죄송한 마음이었어요.
여유가 생길때까지 공식활동을 잠깐 쉬려고 합니다.

그래도 그림과 근황 포스팅은 틈나는대로 suecrose.blogspot.com에 업데이트할 예정입니다!
틈이 나는대로요~^^


서울 어반스케쳐스 회원분들께

그동안 회원여러분과 함께 그림을 그릴 수 있어서 좋았습니다.
처음 시작할 때는 누구보다 많은 시간을 할애해서 좋은 그림을 그리고 싶은 마음이 컸지만
모든 여건이 따라주질 않았어요.
스케치 하시는 여러분이 보여주신 열정과 송파도서관에서 강의하시던 이용환 선생님의
진지한 자세를 잊을 수가 없을 것 같습니다. 회원으로서의 의무를 다하지 못함에
사과의 말씀 드립니다.
늘 건강한 모습으로 좋은 그림활동 하시길 바랍니다.
그간 보여주신 관심에 감사의 말씀 올립니다.

a quick sketch of Shanghai Pearl Tower

상하이 동방명주

광저우 발 홍콩행 기차 안에서

곤히 주무시던 앞자리 아저씨



낙원악기상가 계단에서 내려다 본 떡집
커피빈 골목에서 내려다 본 모습

a sketch from the Western Gate Prison

I sketched a few pieces from the Western Gate Prison, but this is the only one looks comprehensible. overall the site was very historic plus ultra-depressing. i know we have to know what happened in the past and learn especially in the season like that independence week, but it's pretty hard to stare at the actual execution house and the trees the prisoners cried on.

kids ran around chasing each other on where it used to be prisoners exercise ground.