Sunday, January 26, 2014

#42 World Wide SketchCrawl at Nagwon Music Mall

1.piano store 10.5*14.8 pencil

2.guitar soft cases 21*14.8 pastel 

3. drum kit 21*14.8 charcoal

4. the site from Nagwon outdoor 
21*14.8 pencil, charcoal  

5. Nagwon corridor
21*14.8 pencil, charcoal

This is my first time urban sketch. I've felt many things in this meeting and was surprised  their ardor for the Urban Sketchers. It was good time to me and I want to join again. 

제 첫 Urban sketchers 모임이었습니다. 부족하고 서툴었지만 많은걸 배우고 열정에 놀랐습니다. 좋은 시간이었고 앞으로도 자주 뵙고 싶습니다.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Nagwon Music Mall.

Saturday, January 25, 2014 
# 42 World Wide SketchCrawl at Nagwon Music Mall.

1.Piano being repaired. 21x14.8cm. (Fabriano 200g). Pen. Watercolor.

2.bass. 21x14.8cm. (Fabriano 200g). Pen. Watercolor. Pen.

3.Drum. 21x14.8cm. (Fabriano 200g). Pencil. Watercolor.

4.Bass Guitar Shop. 20x16cm. Pen. Watercolor.

5.Trumpet. 20x16cm.Watercolor.

It was a place of music and art coexist. While sketching a variety of instruments and sounds that gave us ears tickled. While sketching the piano playing the drums sound was danced in conformity pen.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

#42 World Wide SketchCrawl at Nagwon Music Mall
1. 수리중인 피아노.
21x14.8cm. (파브리아노 200g).
펜. 수채화물감.

21x14.8cm. (파브리아노 200g).
펜. 수채화물감. 만년필.

3. 드럼.
21x14.8cm. (파브리아노 200g).
연필. 수채화물감.

4. 베이스기타 숍.
20x16cm. (하네뮬러).
만년필. 수채화물감.

5. 트럼펫.
20x16cm. (하네뮬러).

음악과 미술이 공존하는 자리였습니다. 다양한 악기와 소리들이 스케치하는 동안 귀를 즐겁게 해주었습니다. 피아노를 스케치하는 동안 드럼연주 소리에 맞춰서 펜도 춤을 췄습니다. 

#42 World Wide SketchCrawl at Nagwon Music Mall

piano tuner

audio equipment store
A man in the shop offered me a chair while I was sketching. I felt sorry because the result was not satisfactory enough to appreciate his kindness. 

Park Jea Wook and new comer, Choi Sung Woo

JW Park, BH Yoo, SW Choi and YH Lee from left

Young lady Park Na Hye bought my sketch and took a pose with the work.
Thank you!

Today four sketchers participated in. Inside it was very warm. Here and there we could hear music sound played by young people who came to buy for testing. Nagwon Music Mall(former Nagwon Arcade) was built years after 1970. At that time common stores selling clothes or something elses. Years later, near to 1980 musical instrument stores began to locate. Till 1990s the arcade was for professional music players. According to the economical development the shopping mall amateurs including music players-to-be visited to buy kinds of them. Most kinds of classical and modern musical instruments, audio equipments are sold. People can sell and buy second ones. Of course A/S shops are there. It's said that nearly 250 to 300 stores including on line shops are located in 2nd and 3rd floors. On 4th floor there is stages for playing. The office staff said that the mall might be the largest one in the world. People can buy various kinds of musical instruments on one stop shopping. We greeted the new comer, Mr. Choi Sung Woo and hoped him to join us often. Thank you all!

오늘 낙원동 소재의 낙원 악기 상가에서 참으로 어려운 소재, 악기들을 그려보았습니다. 안은 훈훈해서 그리는데 너무 좋았구요. 새로 오신 최성우님을 만나서 반가왔습니다. 앞으로도 열심히 참여해주시기를 바랍니다. 그리고 현장에서 저의 그림 사주신 박나혜님 감사합니다. 앞으로 스케치 모임에서 함께 그릴 수 있으면 좋겠구요. 
참여해주신 서울 어반 스케쳐 여러분 감사합니다!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Gwangnaru Hangang Park. OlympicBridge.

Gwangnaru Hangang Park. OlympicBridge.
21x13cm. (Moleskine water color).
2H pencil. Water pen. Watercolor.
Lamy fountain pen.
January 24, 2014.
Sketch of Olympic Bridge.
South Korea There are many bridges along the river not think artistic legs. If only durable but nix that can be a great attraction also think we need to bridge.
광나루 한강공원. 올림픽대로.
21x13cm.  (몰스킨 워터컬러).
2H연필. 워터펜. 수채화물감.
 2014 년 1 월 24일.
올림픽대교 스케치입니다.
한국은 강을 따라 많은 다리가 있는데 예술적인 다리는 없는것 같아요.
튼튼하기만 하다면 괜찬겠지만 멋진 명소가 될수있는 대교도 좋을것 같아요.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Yong-in highway rest stops

Yong-in highway rest stops.
21x13cm. (Moleskine water color).
Pen. Water pen. Watercolor.
January 23, 2014. 
"Yong-in highway rest stops" in the sketch
용인 고속도로 휴게소.
21x13cm.  (몰스킨 워터컬러).
펜. 워터펜. 수채화물감.
 2014 년 1 월 23일.
"용인 고속도로 휴게소"에서 스케치
휴게소에 오면 꼭 먹는 우동과 김밥을 점심으로 먹고 잠시 커피타임중에 스케치 했습니다

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Gil-dong, Gangdong-gu, Seoul. 21x13cm. (Moleskine sketchbook).
Lamy fountain pen. Water pen.
January 22, 2014.
Sketched briefly after lunch.
Gil-dong alley landscape.
서울 강동구 길동.
21x13cm.  (몰스킨 스케치북).
라미만년필. 워터펜.
 2014 년 1 월 22일.
점심 후 잠시 스케치했습니다.
길동의 골목 풍경입니다.
펜에 느낌을 담는다는것이 
명암을 표현하는것이 
눈에 보이는 것을 평면으로 옮긴다는것이
흥미롭지만 고민 거네요.
그림은 평생의 취미겠지요.
너무 서두르고 성급하지 않으려고 합니다.
날씨가 무척이나 춥습니다. 
어반스케쳐 모든분들 감기 조심하세용!!!

Monday, January 20, 2014

at a hospital

<14x20,pencil,colored pencil>

<14x20,pencil,colored pencil>



<14x20,colored pencil>

<14x20,colored pencil>

I scraped into the front door and hurt my leg so went to hospital.

draw a picture the people which use the same room.

It is difficult to paint to other person for gift. 

모두 잘 지내시나요.퇴원했어요.^^

Saturday, January 18, 2014

"Tapgol Ecological Park"

Unification Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul 1079-26
21x13cm. (Moleskine sketchbook).
Lamy fountain pen.
January 18, 2014.
"Tapgol Ecological Park" is the view. I draw a picture. I receive around envy. So I always knew it draws a good picture. Lack of foundation, and do not know the composition, Well as a variety of tools to draw a picture pretending to pretend to save. Is to start from scratch. There are many should learn step by step.
서울 은평구 통일로 1079-26
21x13cm.  (몰스킨 스케치북).
 2014 년 1 월 18일.
"탑골생태공원"에서 보이는 풍경.
저는 그림을 그립니다.
저는 주위의 부러움을 받습니다.
그래서 그림을 잘그리는 사람인줄 알았습니다.
기초가 부족하고, 구도를 모르고,
다양한 도구로 그림을 잘 그리는 척 흉내를 냈습니다.
처음부터 다시 시작입니다.
차근차근 배워야 할것들이 많습니다.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

First time to have a meeting at Times Sqare

It was my first time to join urban sketchers.
even though it was weekday, times square was crowded with thousands of people.
so that i can easily find a model to sketch.
it was nice to be with other urban sketchers, and i wanna participate this group Continuously.

처음 와서 그림을 그려보았는데, 타임스퀘어에는 평일에도 사람이 무척 많았습니다.
덕분에 스케치할 것들이 굉장히 많아서 즐거웠습니다.
앞으로도 계속 다른 어반 스케쳐들과 함께 그림그리는 시간을 가지고 싶네요.

the way to go up and down.15x21cm, plus pen and color pencil

times square hall.15x21cm, plus pen and color pencil

croquis.15x21cm, pencil and color pencil

noodle song.15x21cm, pencil and color pencil

sketching again at Times Square

scenery on 5th floor

pencil drawing on 3rd floor, Main Dish food court

corridor seen from food court Main Dish, 3rd floor

entrance of restaurant "Park and slowly (Park & 느리게), 1st floor
17.5 x 27.5 cm

I went to the Times Square again for sketching. The interior design in architectural points is very attractive though hard to describe exactly as for me. I dared to draw as far as I could. Turning head even a bit made new scene. Hope to draw all those features indoor or outdoor even in slow process onwards. 

오늘 타임 스퀘어에 다시 갔지요. 고개만 조금 돌려도 새로운 광경이 되는 신기한 장소입니다. 오늘은 전체적인 모습보다 부분을 그려보았구요. 식당도 주말과 달리 좀 한산해서 여기 저기 앉아서 그릴만하더군요. 앉을 곳이 많아 다양하게 그릴 수 있는 좋은 장소같습니다.