Wednesday, July 15, 2015

sketches in Aqua Planet Ilsan and Onemount

elephant seal in water, pencil, watercolor, A 4

fish experience for kids, pencil, watercolor, A 4

water park in Onemount next to the Aqua Planet Ilsan,
pencil, watercolor, A 4

It was my 4th visit to Aqua Planet Ilsan located at Ilsan city. It was cool inside and good to escape from hot weather in summer. I spent most of time to practice drawing of the Sand Tiger Sharks. Two sharks are in isolated aquarium. Repeating and observing them I could know the position of fins and the features in turning. Though the results were not satisfactory I was sure of that I would access more accurately to the exact shape of their features. Looking around the aquarium I become to see the fish and sea animal in detail, which means that I could know more about them. 

On the way coming home I tried one at the open space in Onemount looking up the water park slide. It was very hard for me to describe the exact shape. The place will be a nice spot for sketching with various features of shops and people in big building Onemount.

어제 7월 14일에 아쿠아 플래닛 일산에 다시 갔어요. 어차피 일년 회원권을 끊은지라 일주일에 한번은 가려고 마음먹고 있어요. 더구나 여름이라 그 안이 워낙 시원해서 더운 날에는 가고 싶어집니다. 네번째 가는 것인데 해양생물들을 좀더 자세히 보게 됩니다. 상어와 재규어도 한 곳에서 수없이 드로잉해봅니다. 참 멋있어요. 상어는 볼수록 중후함에 압도됩니다.  크고 작은 물고기들이 개성이 넘치고 아름답습니다. 오는 길에 인근 원 마운트에서 한장 시도했어요. 어려운 것은 말로 하기 어렵구요. 그저 갈때마다 꾸준히 그려보려고 합니다. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

sketches at Susong-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul

scenery seen from CIGNA TOWER building, pen, watercolor, A 4

scenery seen from CIGNA TOWER building, pen, watercolor, A 4

scenery seen from CIGNA TOWER building, pastels, A 4

Jongno Tower seen at the corner of Cheongjin shopping street(청진상점가) in Gran Seoul building, pastels, A 4

These days I like to visit new buildings built within a few years located in Jongno-gu, Seoul. Because I have been walking the street during those buildings were under construction I had interest to see the finished features inside the buildings. Among them there was a building(CIGNA TOWER) which I used to sketch the construction field in the 2nd floor of Burger King across the street Sambong-ro.  On the 2nd floor of the newly built building there was a nice space for public with comfortable chairs and good views through the pane glass. It was very satisfactory place for sketchers too. I was so happy to enjoy all of them. It would be one of my favorite places for sketching.

The other place I found yesterday is Gran Seoul building which was built on the former site where lots of small restaurants were clustered in the center of Seoul, Cheongjin-dong. The owner of the big building tried to restore the atmosphere of the old food houses in the alley. At the corner of the large twin buildings I captured the street scene where the Jongno Tower built on 1999 still is looking down the Jongno street with its unique architectural style.

Visiting newly built buildings I enjoyed their characteristic designs. Below the high risen buildings old ones seemed to make us to breathe for balance with tall ones. I hoped them to be kept well because it may be more valuable to secure the space than the site filled with glass and steel ones.

요즘 며칠 종로의 새로 지어진 빌딩을 순례하고 있어요. 늘 다니는 종로 거리의 공사 현장을 스케치는 했어도 완공된 후에 들어 가 본것은 처음입니다. 여러 빌딩을 다녀보니 각각의 특색이 있는 것이 그것도 커다란 재미였습니다. 전망이 좋은 것은 스케치도 해보고 좋은 경험이 되더군요. 하루가 달라지게 변모하는 서울의 중심 종로의 변모된 모습과 아랑곳없이 오래된 건물들의 조화가 서울의 멋인듯합니다. 

Sunday, July 5, 2015

전시회 소식 알립니다.

전시회소식 알립니다. ^^
최근에 그린 그림들 모아서 유병화샘, 이용환샘과 함께 스케치전 합니다.

전시명: 3인스케치전 <서울일상>
날짜: 7월 16일(목)에서 22일(수)
시간: 오전10시 ~ 오후10시
장소: 서울 광진교8번가 전시장

오시는 길:
교통 조금 불편해요. 한강다리 중간까지 걸으셔야 하거든요. 인기있는 데이트코스니까 애인하고 같이 오셔요~
1.차 가지고 오시면 광진교 근처 한강공원주차장에 주차하시고 걸어오셔요.
2.지하철 이용하시면 5호선 광나루역 2번출구로 나오셔서 1km, 15분 정도 걸으시면 돼요.

원래 제가 개인전하려고 점찍어뒀던 장소인데 올해 대관승인을 받았답니다. 그런데 공공장소의 기능을 고려하여 방침상 개인전보다는 그룹전을 권유하셔서 두 분께 급히 도움요청드려 3인전을 하게 되었습니다. 장소가 좁아 모든 분들 함께  하지못해 죄송한 마음입니다. 다음에 더 넓고 좋은 장소에서 모든 멤버들 함께 하는 서울어반스케쳐스 전시회도 소망해 봅니다.

Friday, July 3, 2015

sketches at the Seoul Arts Center(예술의 전당)

part of Opera House(right), pencil, watercolor, 19.5 x 27 cm

terrace of Mozart restaurant in Seoul Arts Center, 
pen, watercolor, 19.5 x 27 cm

Seoul Calligraphy Art Museum(right) under remodeling,
pen, watercolor, 19.5 x 27 cm

pencil, 25 x 17 cm

pencil, 25 x 17 cm

pencil, 25 x 17 cm

Today I visited the Seoul Arts Center to see the exhibition of Hur Young-man. It was great because he showed all the history of his works for 40 years as one of the famous cartoonists in Korea. After appreciating his great works I took some rest at the resting space back of the buildings. I sketched three pieces there in cool breezing air. On the way of come-and-go I drew people in subway. The exhibit will be on till July 15. Hope you to visit if possible. 

오늘 예술의 전당에서 열리고 있는 허영만 전시회에 다녀왔어요. 40년간 한국 만화계에 커다란 영향을 끼친 분의 많은 자료들을 보면서 많은 공부가 되었습니다. 전시회 본 후 뒷마당에서 쉬면서 스케치 몇장 했구요. 오가며 모처럼 전철에서 스케치한 것도 올렸습니다. 아직 여유가 있으니 꼭 가서 보시기 바랍니다. 무엇을 하든 그만한 정성은 있어야겠다 싶었습니다.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

sketches at the Aqua Planet Ilsan, Ilsan city

amacusa jelly, 말레이 원양 해파리, pen, pastels, A 4

flowerhat jelly, 꽃우산해파리, pen, pastels, A 4

aquarium of moon jelly, 보름달물해파리 수족관, pen, pastels, A 4

part of Deep Blue Ocean (9 x 12 m), pen, watercolor, A 4

part of Deep Blue Ocean, pen, watercolor, A 4

squall (aquarium tunnel), 
pen, watercolor, A 4

parrot, Hyacinth Macaw, pencil, watercolor, A 4

Last Sunday I visited Aqua Planet Ilsan located at Ilsan city. It was cool and dark inside. Various kinds of fish and big scale made me stay long and inspire to sketch over and over again. So I bought one year ticket for 70,000 won. I did sketch none on that day. Yesterday, Tuesday I went again for sketching. Different from the weekend it was not crowded with visitors anyhow. I could sketch enjoying the atmosphere better than Sunday. There was another small jungle with Jaguars, monkeys, and parrots, and so on. It seemed to be convenient for me to sketch both fish and zoo animals in same place. It's said that it will open domestic animal zoo such as chickens on roof top on July 15, 2015, which will add interest for children and sketcher too. 

어제 일산에 위치한 아쿠아 플레닛 일산에서 스케치했습니다. 지난 일요일에 일차 가보고 일년 회원권을 끊었어요. 자주 가서 물고기를 그려보려고요. 작은 동물원도 있어서 덤으로 재규어, 원숭이, 앵무새를 그려보는 재미도 있겠어요. 일요일과 달리 좀 한산하여 그릴만 했습니다.

Monday, June 29, 2015

some sketches at Seodaemun Museum of Natural History, Seoul

 Acrocanthosaurus on the Central Hall, pen and watercolor

Central Hall of the Seodaemun Museum of Natural History, pen and watercolor

another sketch viewed from the 2nd floor, pencil and watercolor

Allosaurus at Dinosaur Park (공룡공원), pen and watercolor

Woolly Mammoth (맘모스), at Life Evolution Hall (생명진화관), 
pencil and watercolor

Sharks of Korea (한국의 상어) at Life Evolution Hall on the 2nd floor, 
pen and watercolor 

Diversity of Terrestrial Life (육상생물의 다양성) at Life Evolution Hall, 
pen and watercolor

front view of the Seodaemun Museum of Natural History, pen and watercolor

neighboring buildings of the museum, pen and watercolor
( pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm sketchbook )
Seodaemun Museum of Natural History is located in Seodaemun-gu in Seoul, Korea. The museum was planned and constructed by the Seodaemun District Office. After 6 years of planning and construction, the museum opened on July 10th, 2003. The purpose of the foundation is to preserve, to study and to exhibit geological and biological records about the local environment. The museum is organized around three main themes over three floors, and displays the history of nature and life vividly through various real specimens of minerals, rocks, and fossils (including dinosaurs, animals, and insects from all over the world), but also displays them with up-to date display technologies such as models, dioramas, and stereopsis displays.
These days I visited the museum with pleasant surroundings and enjoyed exciting sketch time in and out of the museum, appreciating the precious natural assets.
서대문 자연사 박물관은 도심 주변의  안산 기슭에 위치한 쾌적한 시민 휴식처입니다.
자연사의 문화체험과 교육을 통해 생명의 소중함과 함께 변화해가는 지구환경의 모습을 
생생하게 드로잉하며 입체적으로 느낄 수 있는 스케쳐들의 좋은 작업현장이라 하겠습니다.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

View from my window

오늘 하늘 참 이쁘네요.
서울에서 보기 쉽지않은 맑은 하늘.
상쾌한 주말 아침입니다.
서울어반스케쳐 여러분, 즐거운 주말 보내세요~~

Thursday, June 25, 2015

48th World Wide SketchCrawl 행사 안내

Date : 2015년 7월 25일 토요일, 10:30 am - 4:00 pm
Place : 서울시청사 - Seoul City Hall
Meeting spot : 지하철 1호선 4번 출구에서 나와 청사 입구 옆에 있는 쉼터 (small resting place out of exit 4 in Seoul city hall station, subway no. 1, near the entrance to city hall)

서울 시청사 건물이 새로 지어진지도(2012년) 여러해가 되는데 청사 건물 안팍을 함께 스케치하지 못하여 이번 여름 스케치크롤 장소로 택해보았습니다. 한국의 중심을 본격적으로 그려서 소개했으면 합니다. 관심있는 분들의 참석 바랍니다.

(Since new city hall had been built on 2012 it's first time for us to sketch together. Inside the hall there are lots of interesting spaces for concerts, cafe, exhibition including observatory hall on 8th. As a capital city building surrounded with historical palace, churches, and business buildings we may find nice subjects in and out of city hall with citizens. Hope you to join us and enjoy the sketching together!)

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

raining day

oquis  paper 128×182mm, pen,watercolor

비오던 지난 토요일 카페에서 스케치했습니다.
종이가 얇아 수채가 힘들더군요.
메르스 때문인지 요즘 어딜가도 사람이 많지않아서
스케치할때 저는 편하지만 걱정도 됩니다.
장사하시는 분들, 장마가 오면 또 힘들어지진 않을까

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

집옆 나무계단과 거실 그리기..

지난주에 그렸었는데 블로그에 올리질 않았었네요~

주말에 집옆에 놀이터에 가서 나무 계단에 핀 장미를 좀 그려봤습니다. 
좀 슬슬 그리려고 하는데 비가 와서 
다 완성을 못한 느낌이네요..ㅎㅎ

Molskine watercolor 
Lamy Joy fountain pen

그날 저녁에 딸래미 잠들고 난 후에
거실을 보니 왠지 또 오밀조밀한게 재미있어 보여서 
펜을 꺼냈어요..

Molskine watercolor
faber castel fountain pen

왼쪽에 있는건 마눌님 인데...
그림을 보시더니 자기를 왠 강아지 처럼 그렸다며...

마눌님 그릴 때는 더 신중해야겠어요~ㅋㅋ

Monday, June 22, 2015

sketches at Seodaemun Museum of Natural History, Seoul

pen, pastels, A 4

goshawk, pen, sepia conte, A 4

loggerhead, pen, sepia conte, A 4

kinds of sharks, pen, pastels, sepia conte, A 4

dad waiting for his family in museum

sepia conte, pastels, A 4

Yesterday was a sunny and hot day after a rainy Saturday. I visit museums on hot or cold days usually. By MERS infection people constrain to visit public places or to meet indoors. But I could see lots of families with their children here and there in the museum. The parents were eager to explain about the exhibited stuffs ranging from old stones, dinosaur, birds, sharks and so on. I sketched with dry materials such as pen, conte, pastels. The first street scenery with the museum was drawn before entering it. It was right this time too that I could know it more when I observe it for drawing.

지난 토요일에 시원한 비가 온 후의 일요일은 쾌청했어요. 작년 9월에 한 번 가서 공룡을 그린 적이 있었던 서대문 자연사 박물관에 다시 갔습니다. 입구에서 체온을 재고는 평시와 같이 이곳 저곳을 관람하면서 스케치했구요. 우려와 달리 가족 단위의 방문객은 생각보다 많았어요. 오후 들면서 갑자기 많아지기까지 했어요. 지난 번에는 공룡만 그렸는데 이번에는 이런 저런 풍경들도 그려보았어요. 비탈을 올라가야하지만 내려보는 풍경도 좋고 그릴 것도 많아서 좋은 시간 보냈습니다.