Thursday, June 30, 2016

sketches at Noksapyeong Station, Seoul

distant view of Namsan Mountain(남산) from the station

surrounding scenery viewed from pedestrian overpass nearby the station

the glass roof dome of Noksapyeong Station

a scene on the top floor inside the station

another view on the top floor

main stairway and escalators viewed from the lower floor

main stairway and escalators viewed from the top floor

subway platform(승강장) on the lowest level
( 21 x 29.6cm sketchbook.  pen, watercolor )
A few days ago, I had a chance to sketch a beautiful subway station located near Yongsan-gu Office(용산구청). Noksapyeong Station(녹사평역) on line No.6 is known for having the most beautiful interior and a spectacular underground space for a subway station.
The glass domed roof allows plenty of natural light into the station. Inside the station, the crisscrossing escalators and stairs traverse the spherical space that runs through five levels. Especially on the main stairway, it was very impressed to hear Korean traditional music when people go up the step with shining light. Because the American Army base(미군부대) locates nearby, I could see occasionally foreign passengers while sketching. Among them, some people showed interest in my sketches with favorable comments. It was very exciting sketch time trying to draw various forms and movements.
남산과 미군기지, 신청사를 둘러보는 용산의 중심지
작은 유리돔 아래 아담하고 스펙타클한 지하철 공간
다이나믹한 직선들과 동심원 곡선들이 교차하면서
천창의 빛과 색색의 조명아래 오르내리는 인파들~~
녹사평 역사는 작은 보석과도 같은 스케치장소입니다.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Annual West Coast Urban Sketchers Sketch Crawls 행사 안내

Welcome to Tacoma!

Join us next summer in another fabulous west coast city, Tacoma, Washington, for the fourth in a series of annual west coast urban sketchers sketch crawl events. We have been in the San Francisco Bay Area, Portland, and San Diego over the past three summers, and this coming summer we offer up Tacoma, the second largest urban area in the state of Washington. Tacoma offers an historically and architecturally rich downtown area that cries out for the sketcher/artist to pay it homage, and we are excited about sharing that opportunity with the global urbansketcher community . . . . . . .

Please see more here.

미국 워싱턴주 타코마에서 열리는 제 4차 미국 서해안 지역 스케치크롤 행사에 참여하실 분은 위의 페이지를 방문하시기 바랍니다. 

Saturday, June 11, 2016

#52nd World Wide SketchCrawl

Time : 10:30 am - 4:00 pm, July 30th, 2016
Place : Techno Mart, Gangbyeon Subway station(Line 2, Exit 2)
Meeting spot : Sky Garden - Haneul Park (Techno Mart, 9th)

더운 여름에 안녕하세요? 제 52차 월드 와이드 스케치크롤 날이 7월 30일 토요일로 정해졌습니다. 강변역에 위치한 테크노 마트에서 스케치합니다.
9층 하늘 공원에서 10시 30분에 만나서 4시까지 그리며 시원한 강바람을 맞으며 밤 풍경을 그려도 좋겠습니다. 관심있는 분들께서는 그날 도구 지참하시고 오시면 됩니다. 감사합니다.

Thursday, June 9, 2016


아들이 축구를 하다가 다쳐서 무릎 수술을 하였습니다.
병실에서 내가 할 수 있는 일은 조용히 지켜보는 것 뿐이 였습니다.
염려나 안쓰러움을 말로 표현하는 것은 혼란스럽기만 합니다.
차분이 옆에서 아들을 그리다 보니 불안한 마음이 가라앉았습니다.

Monday, June 6, 2016

sketches at the Guui subway station


A 4

I visited the Guui subway station to pay my condolence to the young man(19 years old) who died just a day before his 20th birthday while repairing the screen door at that station. Cup-style instant ramen found in his bag with other tools aroused people's sympathy. Lots of sticky notes, flowers, ramen, bread bags and other heartfelt presents were laid on the desk. At first the shrine was on the place where the accident happened(9-4, Guui station), but the station office moved it to the passage under the scene of the accident, which caused people's fury. And the officials set the shrine at the first place as before. People could visit and leave notes at two places. 
After finishing several sketches I heard some noise at the passage and found a press interview was going at the passage. I stood near the post line to sketch more. The guard near me seemed to think of me as a reporter. Related officials announced some plans to prevent recurrence and responsible steps about the accident. Lots of questions continued by the journalists and social welfare persons. 
Today some related officials' resignation was accepted. While sketching the interview scenes I heard the statements of the officials. I felt same emotion as the reporters. 

Deep condolences,
Rest in peace.

지난 1일에 구의역을 방문하고 구의역에서 스크린도어 수리중 사고로 사망한 김모군의 추모 장소에 다녀왔습니다. 많은 분들의 쪽지에서 어린 나이에 힘들지만 희망을 잃지 않고 살아가려는 이 땅의 한 젊은이의 꿈이 무참히 부숴진 것을 애도하며 그의 명복을 비는 글이 대부분이었어요. 아마도 많은 분들이 이 사고에서 느끼는 것이 각별하지 않았을까 싶었습니다. 일면식도 없었던 중년 부인께서 눈물을 흘리며 다음생에는 대한민국에서 태어나지 말고 좋은 나라에서 태어나라고 말씀하시더군요. 다리가 아파서 파스 바르고 오셨다고요.  거칠게 한 드로잉들에 집에서 색칠하여 몇장 올립니다. 

삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다.