pencil, A 4
Today I could pass the Jongno police station at Gyeongun-dong, Jongno. Next to the police station I saw a black restaurant building which I didn't see before. I entered the garden where I found a swing bench in the corner. I appreciated the building on swinging bench in sunny afternoon. The small fountain contrasted with the black wall made me to draw the facade of the restaurant. The right white building is a police building. Pink and green color looked good. The font type of signboard words looked good to me. After I finished the sketch the staff came out and stopped the fountain, so I asked him to run once more for me to take a photo. He did it gladly, for which I thanked him too. He told me he didn't know that I was drawing and he let me know that the restaurant opened last November. Though the colors are pretty in overall black building, I didn't use them for I wanted to leave it as black and white drawing.
오늘 경운동의 종로 경찰서 옆에 있는 검은색 레스토랑 건물을 처음 보았어요. 작년 11월에 열은 이탈리안 음식점이더군요. 마당이 좋아서 들어가서 건물을 감상하다가 검은 빌딩에 대비되어 반짝이며 움직이는 분수의 물방울이 예뻐서 한장 그려야지 하고 시작했어요.
연필로만 그리는 것이 쉬운것이 아니더군요. 수채같으면 면으로 칠해버리면 간단한데 일일이 연필선을 긋는 것이 쉽지만은 않았구요. 그래도 오랫만에 한장 그리고 나니 기분이 좋았어요. 긴 겨울 기침으로 밖에서 못그리다가 따스한 햇살쬐면서 한장 했습니다.