Sunday, June 24, 2018

Sketches at Under Stand Avenue in Seoul Forest

pencil, pen, conte, crayon, pastels, watercolor, 27 x 39 cm

'Under Stand Avenue' locates at the entrance of Seoul Forest park. Seoul Forest is one of big parks in Seoul and is loved by citizens for its scale, various facilities and easy accessibility by subway. Today we focused on the Under Stand Avenue area because it was built by 116 recycled colorful containers. The space was offered for young foundation and senior workers or multiracial families. 
Today as I reached there the road was full of temporary white tents and people who were busy with opening their shops. One guy told me that it was for the market held once a month on fourth Saturday. Though we couldn't capture those colorful containers in rows the exciting bustling market presented us lots of fun and tasty food and beverage produced by urban farmers. It was a real surprising party for us with happy visitors and interesting subjects to draw. 

오늘 몹시 더운 날이 예고 된지라 아침 일찍 그늘 있을 때 그리려고 한시간 일찍 도착했습니다. 한산할 줄 알았던 길이 흰 임시 천막과 사람들로 붐볐어요. 관리인인듯 한 분한테 여쭈었더니 오늘 한달에 한번 장이 선다고 하더군요. 그림그리러 왔다고 하니 오늘 그릴 소재가 많을 것이라고 하셨어요. 역시나 도처에 그릴 것이었고, 텐트와 편한 의자가 있어서 아주 즐겁게 그렸습니다. 시간이 모자랐다고나 할까요. 도시 농부가 재배한 야채도 팔고, 꽝꽝 언 식혜등등 먹을 거리도 많았구요. 김밥집에 갔더니 시니어 분들이 일하시더군요. 여러 모로 다양한 세계의 분들과 함께 살아가기 위해 배려하는 공간이었습니다. 4시 되니 장을 폐하여서 오히려 섭섭하였어요. 다음에도 가보고 싶은 장소였습니다. 새로 오신 분들 반가왔습니다. 다음에도 자주 뵙기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.

Monday, June 18, 2018

세운청계상가 어반스케치 :Cheonggye Market

세운상가에서 바라본 청계천 / pen and watercolor, 32*24
세운옥상에서 본 남산 / pen and watercolor, 15*42
히타종합백화점 /pen and watercolor, 15*21


I think the newly changed Cheonggye Market is a new Urban sketch place in Seoul.
It is a place where old buildings, high buildings, Namsan Tower, and Cheonggyecheon can be seen.
Please visit the 9th floor rooftop and the 3rd floor bridge.

세운청계상가 9층 옥상에서는 오래된 슬레이트 지붕의 낡은 건물과 현대식으로 올라가는 초고층 빌딩을 한눈에 볼 수 있는 곳입니다. 종묘를 한 눈에 볼 수 있을뿐 아니라 남산타워 청계천등 서울의 다양한 모습을 한군데에서 다 볼 수 있는 곳이였습니다..
새롭게 바뀐 세운청계상가는 어반스케치하기엔 좋은 장소가 된거 같습니다.


너무나   많이변해버린  모습에   아쉬움이 들기도했다
그렇긴해도   편리함이 더해져   스케치하기엔   또하나의  최적의 장소가 아닌가 싶었다
위에서  내려다본  오래된 지붕의 모습과  나무로 가려진 종묘의 모습을  스케치  못한  아쉬움을 남기고

새로워진 세운상가에서 바라본...


         세운상가 옥상과 3층 연결다리는 서울시내가 한눈에 들어오는 명당
         이었어요.아직 활성화 되지않아 통행도 적고 그늘막에 바람도 사통팔달.
         여름용 어번스케쳐용~선생님들 그림만 보기 미안해서 졸작이나마 ㅎ

Sketching from the window

Sketching from the window at the cafe in Won- ju city,Korea.
pen with winsor &Newtown ink brown,noodler  ink fox color
Without pencil sketching.
Cergio travel journal 300g

Photos of Wonju city where I live in Gangwondo, Korea. 
원주시 풍경입니다.
어떤 곳인지 궁금해 하실 것 같아 올려봅니다.
강원도지만 공기가 좋은 편은  아니예요
초미세먼지 오염도  전국4위입니다.

Wonju city hall

그림은 마지막 사진 속 풍경입니다.
카페창가로 내려다보고 그렸습니다.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Sketches of Youngsanjae Ritual at Bongwonsa Temple, Seoul

the colorful scene of Youngsanjae Ritual ceremony, pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

400 years old zelkova tree in front of the 3000 Buddhas Hall (삼천불전) near the entrance to the temple, pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

the beginning of the ceremony, pen and watercolor, (21 x  29.6cm)

a monk is playing the drum in ritual ceremony, pen and watercolor, (21 x 29.6cm)

 a scene in the process of Meal Offering ceremony, pen and watercolor, (21 x 29.6cm)

performance of the traditional Buddhist music, pencil and watercolor, (21 x 29.6cm)

colorful Buddhist dance with monks and Youngsanjae preserver group, 
pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)

the area for dead to rest in peace on the 2nd floor of the 3000 Buddhas Hall, pen and watercolor, (29.6 x 42cm)


On last Sunday(June 3rd) and Wednesday(June 6th), I visited Bongwonsa Temple (봉원사) sketching the cultural performance and the 30th Youngsanjae Ritual (영산재). 
The ceremony has been held on the Memorial Day of Korea, June 6th. Lots of people gathered to see the ritual ceremony. Big hanging painting was hung on left side of the big temple. Monks from foreign countries and inland visited too. Korean traditional music with big drums, pipes, gongs and Buddhist dances were played by monks and members of Youngsanjae preserver group. The ritual ran all day from 10 am to 7pm. Because the personnel for the event didn't allow ordinary people to enter the ritual area it was not easy to capture scenes in detail. The temple had been built on 889AD.  And the ritual has been kept performing for 30 years for the peace of the dead and the live. I prayed for the peace of world all the while sketching. 

Please visit the pages of Bongwonsa history and Youngsanjae Ritual for more. 

서대문 안산 기슭의 태고종 천년사찰 "봉원사"
현충일에 열리는 산이와 죽은 영령을 위한 30회 "영산재"
수많은 불자들과 승려, 하늘을 덮은 천막과 찬란한 휘장들,
대형 괘불 제단의 장엄한 예불의식, 전통 춤과 불교음악...
우리 나라와 세계 평화를 기원하는 뜻깊은 스케치의 날이었습니다.

Sketches about Youngsanjae Ritual at Bongwonsa(temple)

A monk enters with a big red parasol for the ritual. I guessed it would symbolize that such parasol might have been used for the Buddha preaching at Youngchisan(mountain in India)

Several musicians followed playing traditional musical instruments(conical oboe).

There gathered lots of photographers. 

Monks from foreign countries participated. I could see they put cold towels on their heads.

Blue, yellow, red, white, and green long stripes were hung over.

I drew in front of main temple building. 

Traditional music with drums, bamboo pipes, taepyoungso(conical oboe) added exciting energy during the ritual with flying placards.

Monks undergoing performance for the ritual which has been kept for 30 years.

Sound from big drum could shake the hearts of every participants in and out ot the temple.

Dancers with big yellow hats waited for their turn to play.

Around the ending time monks from other temples departed hoping to meet again.

pen, pencil, brush pen, sepia conte, pastels, watercolor, A 4

It was my first experience to see the Youngsanjae Ritual held at Bongwonsa. The temple was crowded with visitors. It was hard to take cool seat for sketching. But it was fun to meet some people with whom could share talks about life and sketching. I heard that the ritual kept performing on June 6th, National Memorial Day every year. I like to go there next year again.

지난 현충일에 봉원사에서 영산재를 보았습니다. 많은 방문객들로 마땅한 자기 찾기가 어려웠지만 서서도 그리고, 양산쓰신 분 그늘에 의지하면서 나름 그리기를 계속했구요. 대웅전앞 돌계단에 앉아 옆의 여자분과 잠시지만 진솔한 대화를 나눈 것이 기억에 남습니다. 옷깃만 스쳐도 몇겁의 인연이 있다는데 순간의 만남과 대화는 참으로 귀중했습니다. 아름다운 장면들, 공간, 소리를 한껏 즐긴 하루였습니다. 아울러 세계평화와 호국 영령들의 안식도 빌었습니다.