It was extra cold last weekend, so i was worried about
the weather. But luckily it was warmer than last weekend
and it was weekday, the mall was not crowded it's good for
sketching. Before sketching, i dropped by at a cafe
to drink hot coffee, but the scenery outside of the window
was so attractive ,i drew a picture and after lunch
I thought the temperature was higher than morning
,i drew a picture from the outside ,but my feet were
cold as frozen, i only get one picture, i went to cafe
for third picture
I'v liked curves and diagonal lines for a long time.
It makes me comfortable. So when I saw the buildings
of M.P at first, i was a little excited .
The buildings lines were curved gently and very
unique compared to other buildings ,and the umbrellas
added vivid color to the monotonous buildings
(The cafe was so crowded and the outdoor was so cold
I painted umbrellas at home)
Winter is getting deeper and deeper .
Take care of yourself
I hope see you soon again ~~^^
지난주말 한파에 월요일의 스케치를 무척 걱정했는데 다행히
추위가 조금 움추려들었다.한산한 주중의 메세나폴리스..스케치전에
커피를 마시기위해 들른 카페창으로 보이는 풍경에 매료되어 한점.
점심후에는 기온이 좀 오를거라는 기대로 바깥에서 두번째스케치를
시작.점점 시려오는 발..겨우 한장을 대강 마치고..세번째 그림을 위해
다시 카페로 갔다
나는 오래전부터 곡선과 사선을 좋아했다
곡선은 나를 편안하게 해준다.부드럽게 돌아가는 M.P의 건물의
선들은 다른 건물에 비해 무척 특이하다.거기에 컬러풀한 우산이
모노톤의 건물에 색감을 더해준다
(카페는 복잡하고 밖은 추워서 우산은 집에서 채색~)
겨울이 깊어지고 있네요
감기조심하시고 see you again ~~^^