Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Family trip 가족여행

On vacation, we always go and stay at the same place, even though the sight is not different, it is a good place to relax.

As children become adults, I think there won't be more opportunity, so it a precious time.
Pictures on mobile phone will be kept for a moment and get erased, so
these drawings are being kept for a long time and I will remember them forever.

휴가때면 늘 머물던 장소였고 둘러본 곳도 비슷해다보니 색다른 곳은 없지만
익숙해서 맘편하고 느긋하게 쉴 수 있어서 좋은 장소입니다.
아이들이 성인이 되어 앞으로 함께 여행할 기회가 많지 않을 것 같아
더 소중하게 느껴지는 순간입니다.
사진은 휴대폰에서 머물다 지워져버리기 쉬워
이렇게 스케치를 해보니 오래 간직되고 기억에 남을 것같습니다.

Sunday, May 14, 2017


I went to Chuncheon,Mangdaegolmok with my nice friend.
There had been an old building, but now there are already a new building instead.
When I sketch the remaining houses, I remember the memories of my childhood.
When I play in a small alley,I miss my mom's calls to eat, and I even remember
  going home.
I went to leave the dying things on top of the paper.

Charcoal sketch at Incheon wharf

27.5 x 42 cm

Incheon is the place I used to go for sketching since tens years. Incheon wharf has all I need to practice for drawing. Water, ships, workers, endless changes of the total feature on sea are there. But it's not easy not to be confused by moving sunlight. And the ebb and flow is another problem which makes a sketcher restless. Ships rise and fall. What's worst is that the ship I am drawing leaves without notice. 
While I was drawing this one I could hear creaking hoarse sound irregularly under the moving bridge by the flowing water. By the strong wind it was very hard to hold the paper on board. Always should I wear well against wind and strong sunlight. Today I didn't. Drawing in charcoal gave me special joy of playing on paper using eraser often. 

오늘 집을 나서고 나니까 바람이 좀 심하다 싶었으나 그래도 햇살이 좋으니까 하고 버스 전철을 갈아타며 인천에 도착하니 바람이 장난이 아니더군요. 모자 챙이 뒤집어지고 종이판이 날아갈까봐 꼭 붙들었구요. 강한 햇살에 반바지아래 종아리가 따가워 가방으로 덮기도 하구요. 인천은 역시나 만만한 장소가 아님을 절감하고 왔습니다. 변화무쌍한 그림 공부 장소를 제공하는 인천 부두에 감사하며 날 좋으면 다시 오리라 다짐하고 돌아왔습니다. 

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Sketches on small papers

old buildings at the alley near the Jogyesa(temple) 

Pyeonghwa print company near the Jogyesa(temple), 19x27cm

buildings in Jogyesa with flower bowls

tower with lotus lanturns at Jogyesa, 12 x 16 cm

scenery of rocks at Geumsunsa(temple)

 inside scenery at the season of Buddha's birthday in Geumsunsa, 12.5 x 18.5 cm

Jogyesa is located at downtown, Jongno. Therefore I drop in often to appreciate the colorful lanterns decorated all around the temple. Citizens, office workers nearby, tourists and lots of believers come to there to pray or look around. And visiting the Geumsunsa near my villageI drew too. Pen and pencil sketching on small papers is easy to begin and finish. But to draw well seemed to be another matter. Drawing in monotonous materials was a helpful practice to see subjects in value.

부처님 오신 날 주변의 사찰은 화려한 연등으로 많은 사람들의 눈길을 끕니다. 종로의 조계사와 돌아가신 부모님이 모셔져 있는 금선사를 자주 방문합니다. 작은 종이라도 가지고 다니면서 틈날 때마다 그려보게 됩니다. 아름다운 연등의 색을 외면하고 펜과 연필로만 그려보았구요. 작다고 쉽지 않은 것을 알게 됩니다. 내년의 연등철에 다시 도전해보아야겠습니다.

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Sketches at Jogyesa

Women who were wearing colorful Korean clothing for the parade celebrating the birth of Buddha by BH Yoo, A 4

Foreground scenery of the temple, Jogyesa, Jongno by BH Yoo, A 4

pen sketch of the foreground by Lee Yong Hwan, A 4

portrait sketch of Henry Aansten from Los Angeles 
By Lee Yong Hwan, pencil, A 4

Sketcher and model

YH Lee

Yesterday YH Lee and I visited the temple, Jogyesa to look around the beautiful scenery and a parade for the Buddha's birthday, May 3rd(April 8th in lunar calendar). All the ground was busy with visitors and believers preparing the street parade. We were excited together though we didn't walk in that parade. While sketching some I could see a couple of American man and Korean woman who left soon to the temple for praying(I guessed). The man looked like the actor "Richard Gear". Nobody would deny that as you can see in the photos. YH Lee agreed. I began to talk with him. He arrived at the day before yesterday. Sharing some talks we asked whether he would leave soon or not for the chance to draw him. He was pleased with the suggestion. While YH was sketching him in pencil roughly I kept talking with him. Some minutes later YH showed the drawing to him. Receiving the present he said "Wow, it looks better than I!" He liked and we took some photos. Though the time was short we could share the nice moment through sketching on the spot.

어제 저녁시간에 조계사에 가봤어요. 부처님 오신날 기념 시가 행진은 참여하지 못하더라도 리허설이라도 보며 스케치라도 했으면 했습니다. 조계사에서 운영하는 '승소'에서 맛있는 국수를 먹고 가니 이미 행진 준비가 거의 완료되어 스케치는 많이 못하였어요. 
그런데 옆에 앉은 외국인이 리차드 기어와 많이 닮아서 아니 그리고는 후회할 듯하여 이런 저런 인사와 더불어 시간있으면 스케치 좀 할 수 있느냐고 하니 쑥스러워하면서도 흔쾌히 허락을 해주셔서 이용환 샘께서 그릴 수 있었어요. 선물로 드리니 좋아하셨어요. 지나가는 분들도 다들 '리차드 기어'같다고 이구동성이셨구요. 짧았지만 즐거운 시간이었습니다.

Friday, April 28, 2017



   The day before yesterday,  I went to the Sejong culture center for sketching with my friend.   The weather was so clear and not cloud in the sky
   Flowers are fully blooming and trees boast their green leaves.
  As usual Gwang hwamum was crowded with people,protesters,    workers, and people who involved in the election.
   I sketched buildings sit down on the stairs of the Sejong center, and
  after lunch, it was a little hot, I entered Samsung service plaza and           drew the scenery out of the window.
   It was interesting and meaning day~~


Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Take me to Gwanghwamun, go out for the sketches., protesting, tourists and passers-by crowded Friday with travelers leaving.This is think that as a symbolic place in Korea life was spared....
I went to the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts.
I drew  a lot of people more  than many buildings.
This is a short break from the cleaners.
One spring day, I'd like to remember  a moment 's worth of time.

May sketching meetup

Place : Ewha Womans University
Date : May 27th, 2017 from 10:30 am to 3:30 pm
Meeting Spot : Food Court in ECC Building near the main entrance of the univ. accessible from the Ewha Univ. subway station (subway no. 2)

지난 55차 월드 와이드 스케치크롤에 참석하신 분들의 뜻을 모아 월 1회의 스케치 모임을 계속하기로 했습니다. 다음 달 이화여대에서 갖는 모임에 관심있는 분들의 자유로운 참석을 바랍니다. 회비는 없으며 사용하실 도구 지참하고 오셔서 아름다운 교정에서 만나 뵙기 바랍니다.

More sketches at Buam-dong

pencil, watercolor, 30.5 x 40.5 cm

conte, pastels, 30.5 x 40.5 cm

pen, watercolor, 39 x 27 cm

These are the drawings I'd done days before the sketchcrawl day, April 22nd. I surveyed there several times for the meetup. And I drew some every time. There were so many places which caught my eyes. Most of the sketchers who visited there agreed and wanted to sketch them again. I felt sorry that we couldn't visit the Baeksasil village which keeps the original scenery of countryside. We may have chance to capture all those beautiful scenes next time. 

부암동은 가까이 살면서도 늘 스쳐지나갔던 아름다운 마을입니다. 이번 기회에 스케치를 할 수 있어 숙제를 한듯한 느낌입니다. 아직 해야할 숙제가 많기는 하지만요. 욕심내지 말고 천천히 한장씩 그려보려고 합니다. 늘 함께 해주시는 스케쳐 여러분들께 감사드립니다.

Monday, April 24, 2017

55th World Wide SketchCrawl at Buam-dong (부암동)

Changuimun Gate (창의문)

Mugyewon 무계원 (Former Ojinam 오진암)

the front view of Jahamun Tunnel (자하문 터널)

the panoramic view of Buam-dong village

Seoul Museum (서울미술관)

Buam-dong street scene viewed from Seoul Museum
(26 x 37cm sketchbook, pen and watercolor)
Last Saturday, it was fine to sketch outdoors. For the 55th World Wide SketchCrawl, we Seoul urban sketchers met at Buam-dong, Jongno-gu in Seoul. Buam-dong is a charming village in central Seoul that was once occupied mostly by artists and writers. 
Today, modern galleries, coffee shops, and restaurants stand side by side with old mills and barber shops on the narrow alleyways. The historic village harmonizes with Bugaksan Mountain and Inwangsan Mountain, and is famous for various tourist attractions.
On the morning of SketchCrawl day, for some unavoidable reasons, I couldn't help joining with sketchers in the afternoon. The day before, I visited for preliminary survey and drew some sketches in advance. I was absorbed in sketching colorful sceneries of important places here and there around Buam-dong village till late in the afternoon. It was very pleasant sketch time in the beautiful village with Seoul usk members.
인왕산 기슭의 아름다운 동네~~
서울 한복판의 전원마을엔 역사의 향기가 감돌고...
예술과 멋과 맛의 흥취를 담고 자연속에 건강함을 선사하는
부암동의 다양하고 재미난 요소들은 스케치 소재로서 일품입니다.

Buam-Dong Sketch Crawl

It was just fantastic weather, and the best day to draw...
I made my mind to be a enthusiastic member!


서울 중심부 바로 뒤편에 알록 달록 꽃동산이 펼쳐졌습니다.
인왕산과 북악산 사이에 옛스러움을 고스란히 간직한 마을 입니다.
높은 바위와 성곽이 자리잡고 있는 아래에 산 비탈에 맞춰서 지은 집과 언덕의 나무들이 멋지게 어울려 있습니다.
돌계단과 집들이 옹기 종기 마주보고 있는 모습이 정겹습니다.