Saturday, December 15, 2018

살떨리는 날입니다.
춥기도 하거니와 어반 스케치의 설렘때문일겁니다.
이름도 어려운 빌딩 그늘이 너무나 춥습니다.
커피집에서 뭉기적거리다가 거리로 나섰습니다.
이름났다는 찹살탕수육집을 찾아나섰지만 아뿔싸 휴일입니다.
망원시장 닭강정을 찾아 가던 길에
생선가게 쥔네의 방한복이 부러웠습니다.

망원동과 합정동은 이웃이지만 엄청나게 다른 곳이더먼요.

아름다운 메세나폴리스에서

참 아름다운 곡선과 사선과 직선의 환상적인 공간 너무 좋았어요
표현 하지못해서 스스로 안타까웠던 하루였습니다
하지만 스케치의 일상이 참좋았습니다
 27*19.5cm 수채화
 27*19.5cm 수채화

Friday, December 14, 2018

합정 메세나폴리스, 카페 파스쿠치

< A5 journal / pen, watercolor>

42일간의 포르투갈 여행에서 돌아온지 3일째 날, 처음으로 모임에 참석했습니다.
여행 중, 포르투갈 어반스케쳐스의 월 정기모임에 초대되어
그날의 좋은 기억으로 서울 어반스케쳐스 모임을 찾았습니다.
아직 한국의 추위에 적응하지 못해
따뜻한 카페 안에서만 그렸네요.
펼쳐놓은 그림과 열정들을 보며 당시의 좋은 기억을 이어갈 수 있어
좋았습니다 :)

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

합정동 메세나폴리스에서 드로잉..

<알록달록 우산이 있는 공간, 24x32cm, pen and watercolor>

<투썸플레이스에서, 24x32cm, pen and watercolor>

It's December when the cold begins.
This time, it was a weekday meeting, but there were many new people.
Despite the cold weather, I'm sure the passion for drawing outside is amazing.
It was an impressive place, with so many colorful umbrellas spread out.
So there were many things to draw, but I was sorry to draw only a few.
It was the place I wanted to visit again someday.
본격적인 겨울을 알리는 추위기 시작되는 12월입니다.
이번에는 보통때와는 다르게 평일 모임이였는데도 불구하고
새로오신분들도 많았네요.
추위에도 불구하고 밖에서 그리시는 몇분들보니 그 열정은 정말 대단하시구나 싶습니다.
합정 메세나폴리스는 우산이 참 인상적인 공간이라 그릴 소재가 많았음에도 불구하고
몇장 그리질 못한게 아쉽네요..
언젠가 다시한번 방문하고 싶은 곳이였습니다.
새로오신분들도 자주 뵙길 희망합니다...
연말 따듯하게 보내시길...

Enjoyable sketches at Mecenatpolis Mall, Seoul

surrounding scene seen from the open corridor on the 2nd floor of Mecenatpolis Mall, pen and watercolor, (36 x 51cm)

 Krispy Kreme Doughnuts restaurant on the central plaza, pen and watercolor, 
(29.6 x 42cm)

scene of the central plaza which opened to the sky with colorful umbrellas suspended above the mall, pencil and watercolor crayons, (29.6 x 42cm)

Mecenatpolis complex buildings viewed from outdoor garden, pencil, (36 x 51cm)
On Monday of this week, despite the cold weather, usk Seoul members met at Mecenatpolis Mall nearby Hapjeong Subway Station. Mecenatpolis is one of the most famous landmark complex buildings within sight of the Han River. I have visited this attractive location several times to sketch various drawings. I enjoyed and sketched the interesting spaces among buildings, soft curves of the colorful walls and decorations embroidered on the shopping mall. Although it was very windy and cold outdoors, various sketching materials made me forget about the cold. Thank you for all the participants including new comers!
직선과 곡선의 하모니, 사람과 도시의 스케일과 대비감,
닫힘에서 열림으로 이어지는 자유로운 공간의 흐름~~
차거운 유리빌딩 속에서도 인간적 풍요로움이 배어있는,
번잡한 도시속에 스케치를 위한 열린 콘서트 무대 같습니다.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018


            It was extra cold last weekend, so i was worried about
            the weather. But luckily it was warmer than last weekend
            and it was weekday, the mall was not crowded it's good for
            sketching. Before sketching, i dropped by at a cafe
            to drink hot coffee, but the scenery outside of the window
            was so attractive ,i drew a picture and after lunch
            I thought the temperature was higher than morning
            ,i drew a picture from the outside ,but my feet were
            cold as frozen, i only get one picture, i went to cafe
            for third picture
            I'v liked curves and diagonal lines for a long time.
            It makes me comfortable. So when I saw the buildings
            of M.P at first, i was a little excited .
            The buildings lines were curved gently and  very
            unique compared to other buildings ,and the umbrellas
            added vivid color to the monotonous buildings
            (The cafe was so crowded and the outdoor was so cold
             I painted  umbrellas at home)
             Winter is getting deeper and deeper .
             Take care of yourself
             I hope see you soon again ~~^^

             지난주말 한파에 월요일의 스케치를 무척 걱정했는데 다행히
             추위가 조금 움추려들었다.한산한 주중의 메세나폴리스..스케치전에
             커피를 마시기위해 들른 카페창으로 보이는 풍경에 매료되어 한점.
             점심후에는 기온이 좀 오를거라는 기대로 바깥에서 두번째스케치를
             시작.점점 시려오는 발..겨우 한장을 대강 마치고..세번째 그림을 위해
             다시 카페로 갔다

             나는 오래전부터 곡선과 사선을 좋아했다
             곡선은 나를 편안하게 해준다.부드럽게 돌아가는 M.P의 건물의
             선들은 다른 건물에 비해 무척 특이하다.거기에  컬러풀한 우산이
             모노톤의 건물에 색감을 더해준다
             (카페는 복잡하고 밖은 추워서 우산은 집에서 채색~)

            겨울이 깊어지고 있네요
            감기조심하시고 see you again ~~^^


pen, oil pastels, watercolor crayon, watercolor, 30 x 40 cm

After the cold days it was still not good enough for outdoor sketching. Against such weather some sketchers challenged to get good views outdoor. I did one after two ones in cafe or fast food shop. Fingers didn't move well. 

MECENAPOLIS MALL was one of our favorite sketching places for its unusual features with lots of pretty umbrellas in air over the round courtyard. In sunny days the shadow moving by light on the wall or floor looks good. For the mall locates near the big subway station, Hapjeong, restaurants and cafes were crowded with visitors. It was very convenient for us to capture the nice features through the windows inside having hot milk or coffee.

Hoping all the participants to have enjoyed the meetup in cold weather and to continue the challenge of outdoor sketching however it would be hard, thank you all!

갑작스러운 추위후에 오후에는 풀어진다고 들었는데고 여전히 손이 시리더군요. 어려운 날씨에 참여해 주신 분들께 감사드립니다. 새로 오신 분들 반가왔습니다. 앞으로도 힘내어 자신만의 스케치 세계를 이룩해 나가시기를 바랍니다.  

Monday, December 3, 2018

Insadong, Seoul

(watercolor paper, watercolor, pencil)

Winter is coming! It wasn't that cold, but cold enough to make my hands feel numb. I really liked small shops, little pretty stuffs, unique building structure and various colors of Insadong's SSam-ji road. So I tried to draw many things in one page (because I thought it more make sense to show this area) but It didn't work well. haha :D

갑자기 날씨가 추워진 기분입니다. 하지만 아주 춥지는 않아서 야외에서 버티며 그릴 수 있을 줄 알았는데, 몇시간 후 손에 감각이 없어져 실내로 들어가야 했습니다. 인사동의 작은 가게들과 아기자기한 모습, 독특한 건물 구조, 알록달록한 컬러들을 담아보려고 했습니다.

Sewon shopping Center, Jongno

(watercolor paper, Watercolor, pencil)

Last October I visited Sewon shopping center. The weather was really really great. I was  obsessed with beautiful autumn trees and old style Sewon building. so I tried to capture that moment and I can still feel how it was! :)

가을 햇살이 너무 따뜻했던 기억이 납니다.
예쁘게 핀 단풍나무와 세운상가 건물이 함께 있는 모습이 인상 깊었습니다.

(watercolor paper, Watercolor, pencil)

I thought these old buildings, telephone poles, electric wires were very interesting. It looks like a part of history of Sewon shopping center. I don't know how these areas are old but It reminds me late 80's to early 90's Seoul street, quite interesting.

요즘은 보기 힘든 전봇대와 전선줄들이 흥미를 끌었습니다. 오래된 건물들이 마치 세운상가의 역사를 이야기하는 것 같았습니다. 마치 80년대 후반~90년대의 거리같았어요.

Friday, November 30, 2018

Several sketches during last year

Last Chusuk(Thanksgiving day in Korea) I visited the temple Geumsunsa located at Bukhan mountain to cherish my late parents. I drew the stream flowing through the temple buildings.

A girl with her phone in a bus. pencil

A man looking down his phone in subway, blue color crayon pencil

I visited the Jongno district office for some business to be solved. I saw this couple across my seat. They came for similar purpose. pencil

This was done at 3rd floor of Nagwon musical instrument shopping mall. I walked the floor to find something to sketch. And I got to see these lines of the grand pianos. pencil

I love to draw some stuffs on desk. They compose natural scenes without any artificial purposes. pen, watercolor

Scene in bus by pencil

Scene at the National Museum of Korea, Yongsan. pen, pastels on packing paper

Lamps at IKEA Goyang, sepia conte

Yellow bags for customers at IKEA Goyang, pen, pastels

War ship at Daemyeong port, pen, pastels

It gets colder day by day. Causing lots of chores I didn't go out for sketching. Looking back last year I felt sorry about myself who was very lazy in sketching. I hope to be more anxious to sketch and to find some unknown spots for sketching next year. 

지난 한 해는 참으로 어려운 날씨다 뭐다 여러 핑계로 스케치를 멀리 했지 않나 싶습니다. 그래도 간간이 그린 그림들이 있어 추운 날씨에 작은 즐거움이라도 되었으면 하는 마음으로 올립니다. 점점 추워지는 일기에 건강히 지내시기 바랍니다. 감사합니다.