Friday, August 21, 2015

sketches at Petite France, Gapyeong, Korea

scenery of Petite terrace and observatory with Han river on left seen from Maestro Gang Cafe in the Beethoven Virus Filming site, pencil, watercolor, A 4

scenery of Petite France seen from Maestro Gang Cafe in the Beethoven Virus Filming site, 2nd floor,
pencil, watercolor, A 4

indoor scene of Antiques Gallery

scenery at Petite France with a standing plate of young couple for taking photos, pencil(8B), watercolor, A 4

Last Monday, Aug. 17 I went to Petite France, an imitated village of France. I heard many times about its pretty features. The first purpose was to sketch them and the second one was to confirm whether it might be able to be a sketching place for Seoul sketchers to go together. YH Lee accompanied me to sketch and to discuss together. It took over two hours by car even on Monday. And it seemed not easy by bus or train for a group to move and sketch enough. The scenery was good but the scale was smaller than the English Village in Paju city in my point of view. So I recommend you to visit personally for sketching because it's worth to capture exotic scenery with Hangang(river) downward. We didn't visit every building for the short of time. So we hope to go again for larger paintings in Autumn season. We may see different scenes by colored leaves in low mountains behind the village. 

지난 월요일에 가평군 청평면에 있는 쁘티 프랑스에 이용환샘과 다녀왔어요. 말로만 듣던바라 직접 보고 그림도 그리고 서울 스케쳐들과 함께 갈 수 있을지 확인도 해보고 싶었어요. 산비탈에 위치해서 파주의 영어마을처럼 넓지는 않았지만 나름 아기자기한 전시물도 있고 멀리 내려다 보이는 북한강 물도 보이는 것이 이색적이었습니다. 월요일이었는데도 방문객이 많더군요. 시간이 없어서 전시관들을 다 방문하지는 못했는데 가을에 다시 가 볼생각으로 아쉬움을 달래고 돌아왔습니다. 

Friday, August 14, 2015

sketches at Jongno, Seoul

Susong-dong scenery seen from 2nd floor of Burger King, Jongno, pencil 8B, watercolor, A 4

pencil (8B), watercolor, white conte pencil, 30.5 x 40.6 cm

lotus in containers at the foreground of Jogyesa, pen, watercolor, A 4

pencil, watercolor, A 4

I went downtown, Susong-dong, Jongno in successive two days. After sketching old buildings at Susong-dong from the 2nd floor of Burger King, Jongno district branch on Aug. 12, I visited Jogyesa temple. Wow I saw lots of lotus plants grown in water containers laid on foreground. Some blossomed and others were budded. It was a surprise to see lotus plants in such scale at the center of big city. Lotus is a symbol of buddhism because it blossoms in mud water. Though it was very hot still I couldn't just appreciate the beauty without sketching them. I visited the temple again the next day to draw more after sketching the old building on a bigger paper in different viewpoint. I'd like to go more to enjoy the atmosphere which the plants bring in downtown. 

지난 12일과 13일에 종로 수송동에 나가서 버거킹 건물 2층에서 바라보이는 오래된 건물을 그렸어요.  12일에 조계사를 방문하면서 만난 마당가득한 연꽃을 보고 그렸고 다음날도 가서 그렸습니다. 도심에서 그렇게 많은 연꽃을 만난 것이 뒤늦은 감이 있지만 다행이었어요. 뜨거운 날에 의자도 빌리고 너무 뜨거우면 천막에 들어가서 그리기도 했어요. 도심속에 행사를 자주 만나게되고 많은 신도와 방문객으로 붐비는 조계사같은 스케치 장소가 있어서 좋습니다.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Hanwha Aqua Planet Ilsan sketches

Hanwha Aqua Planet Ilsan building, conte, A 4

Walrus resting in the corner of aquarium, sepia conte, A 4

people in walrus aquarium, brush pen, pastels, A 4

trainers with walrus, conte, pastels, A 4

Deep blue ocean aquarium, conte, pastels, A 4

jaguar resting on rock, sepia conte, A 4

parrot on tree, sepia conte, pastels, A 4

It was too hot but lots of visitors didn't care about it for kids and parents. All the corridors were crowded with families. Young parents were eager to explain the fish and animal for kids taking photos here and there. How hard it is to be parents! I visit there for I could see different features which were made by visitors, fish and animals. This time I dared to draw the facade of the building though it blew harshly. I hope to know more about them and catch nice poses. 

전시회때문에 못갔던 아쿠아 플라넷에 가보았어요. 우선 입장에 앞서서 그려야지 머리에만 두었던 건물 외관을 주차장 연돌에 앉아 그렸어요. 간단히 점심을 먹고 올라갔어요. 와우...전에없이 입구에 줄이 겹으로 서서 입장객을 시간을 두고 들여보내는 것이었어요. 아뿔사 저는 항상 휴가중인데 젊은 분들은 휴가를 받아 아이들과 부모님을 모시고 온 것이었어요. 한참을 기다려 들어갔더니 역시나 입구부터 막혀있더군요. 보통 처음에는 꼼꼼히 보게 되는 것이라여기고 안으로 들어갔어요. 딥블루오션 앞의 넓은 공간이 꼭찼어요. 여름, 겨울 휴가중에는 피해야겠다 싶었습니다. 재규어가 모처럼 낮잠중이라 그릴 수 있었구요. 다들 더워서 지친 모습입니다. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

sketches at Gwanghwamun Square

national flag on former integrated government building seen from the rooftop(8th floor) in National Museum of Korean Contemporary History, conte, pastels, A 4

a man was checking his mobile seated on bench in rooftop of the museum,
Blue house, president's residence, is seen down the top of the Bugaksan-mountain.
pen, conte, pastels, A 4

buildings seen from the 3rd floor of the museum, conte, pastels, A 4

swimming pools with two slides on the Sejong street, Gwanghwamun Square,
brush pen, pastels, A 4

exhibition "70 Voices of 70 Years" in the museum

Yesterday I went to Gwanghwamun to sketch there. Visiting the museum I could see lots of records in living, democracy, industrial developments after the Independence, 1945, which was held for the celebration of 70th anniversary of National Liberation Day, Aug. 15, 1945. After sketching some on the rooftop and 3rd floor I walked and found people enjoying in pools which were set up for kids on the Sejong Street reserving the passage of cars. Citizens with their children seemed happy. I enjoyed with them sketching too.

어제 광화문에 있는 대한민국 역사 박물관에서 광복 70년을 기념하여 전시중인 "70년의 세월, 70가지 이야기" 를 관람하고 나와서 보니 세종문화회관쪽에 물미끄럼대와 풀장에 아이들이 몰눌이하는 풍경을 보았어요. 하루뿐이지만 광화문에 차량을 통제하고 시민에게 그 공간을 돌려주는 것같아 그들과 함께 시원한 물놀이를 한 느낌이었어요. 간밤에 천둥벼락이 쳤는데 다행히 낮에는 비가 안와서 다행이다 싶었습니다. 신촌에서도 한차례 같은 행사가 있었다고 했는데 이번에 광화문에서 만나게 되어 한장 그렸습니다.

Monday, July 27, 2015

48th World Wide SketchCrawl at Seoul City Hall

Seoul City Hall, pen and watercolor

Seoul Metropolitan Council (서울시의회) across the road, pen and watercolor

entrance to the Seoul Citizen's Hall, pen and watercolor

Seoul Bookstore at Citizens' Hall, pen and watercolor

a moving performance at Citizens' Hall, pen and watercolor

Jazz Harmonica player, Jeon Jae Deok (전재덕) Band, pen and watercolor

Base player Jeong Yong Joon of Jeon Jae Deok Band, pen and watercolor

Base player and Drummer of Jeon Jae Deok Band, pencil and watercolor

African dance player of FONIKE, sepia conte and watercolor

African dance player, pen and oil pastel

African dance players, pencil and watercolor

Drawing Show with music and dance performance, Male artist, pen and oil pastel

meeting after sketch time,  pen and watercolor
( 21 x 29.6cm  sketchbook )
Seoul City Hall is one of the most favorite place to sketch in downtown Seoul, so I posted some sketches on usk blog several times. The old city hall building and newly built city hall show not only combination of the architectural style, but historical change of the modern Seoul.
Last Saturday, for the 48th World Wide SketchCrawl, Seoul usk members met at the Seoul Citizens' Hall that is located on the basement floor of Seoul City Hall. The Citizens' Hall serves as a courtyard where Seoulites share their creativity and individuality while participating in various programs such as discussion meetings, workshops, seminars, concerts, exhibitions, special events, and wedding ceremonies.
The day was wet weather with the rainy season, so at first I sketched city hall buildings and streetscape outdoors between rains in the morning. After lunch, enjoying various kinds of performances at Citizens' Hall, I drew some colorful and fantastic sceneries with excitement.
서울시청은 서울의 근대사와 오늘을 이어주며 내일을 그려보는 타임 캡슐입니다~~
소리없는 변화 속에 그릴 때마다 숨어있던 장면들이 되살아나오는 듯 새롭게 다가옵니다.
스케치의 소재가 주변 가까이에, 가는 곳마다, 갈 때마다 다르게 펼쳐 있는 것이 
서울 스케치의 매력입니다.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Seoul City Hall

The stone building of old city hall and glass building of new city hall shows the trend of each era, and I think it is a workpiece that shows gap of the era and history of two building.
The old city hall went through sudden change of history, on the other hand I tried to sketch the new city hall, hoping to be seen bright growing future.
By the view from old city hall stairway, I could see the round grass plaza and tall hotel buildings and on the middle of that Namsan Tower and Namdemun.
On the 5th floor of old city hall, I could see the glass wall of the new city hall by close. It was interesting to see the crowded buildings from the higher place.
The jazz performance by JEON je-duk band was like an ice coke that makes the summer cool.

구청사의 석조 건물과 신청사의 유리 건물은 그 당시의 각각의 트랜드를 반영하고 두 건물간의 역사의 간극을 보여준 멋진 작품 같앗습니다.
구청사가 우리나라의 격변의 역사를 겪었다면 신청사는 투명하고 밝은 성장을 하기를 바라면서 스케치를 했습니다.
구청사 입구 계단에서 바라본 관경은 둥근 잔디 광장을 중심으로 높은 호탤 건물이 서있고 그 틈사이로 남산 타워와 남대문이 멀리 보였습니다.
구청사 5층에서는 신청사의 유리벽이 가까이 보이면서 빌딩 밀집지역을 보니 재미있었습니다.
오후 전제덕 밴드의 재즈 연주는 여름을 시원하게 식혀주는 청량제와 같았습니다.

캔손지 24*32cm 300g/m2  연필과 수채화