Showing posts with label Seoul City Hall. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seoul City Hall. Show all posts

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sketches at the Jeongdong observatory

a panoramic view of Seoul from the Jeongdong Observatory, 
pencil and watercolor, (36 x 51cm)

a scene around Seoul Anglican Cathedral (대한성공회 서울교구), 
pen and watercolor, (36 x 51cm)

Seoul City Hall and surrounding buildings, pencil, (36 x 51cm)

inside view of the Jeongdong Observatory, pen and watercolor, (30 x 42cm)

Yesterday, the weather was a bit cold and the first snow fell from dawn. The sudden sketch meetup was planned abruptly. When I went out of home it kept snowing. On the way going there the bus didn't move for long. There seemed to be a minor collision by slippery road. I arrived at the main gate of Deoksugung before 10:30 am but I couldn't find anybody looking like sketcher. I waited for somebody to join till 11am. It was so cold that I couldn't be there any more and moved to the Seoul city hall annexed building located at Seosomun near the palace. At the Jeongdong observatory (정동전망대) on 13th floor I took a seat and sketched four works. Though I couldn't meet Nick or any sketcher I could concentrate on studying and capturing the changing scenes from snow-covered roofs to shining planes. The place became to be one of attractions in Seoul. So many visitors such as tourists, citizens, and students with their teachers came and was surprised by the beautiful scenery. Snow and cold weather tested me with a difficult challenge. But I felt so happy for finishing the sketching with four sketches. It was a good "Special Experience Day" to me.
하필이면 첫눈과 진눈깨비, 폭설의 번개스케치날
약속되었던 Nick도, 스케쳐 한사람도 보이지 않았습니다.
빙판길 야외는 포기하고 혼자서 정동전망대 13층에 올라
한자리에서 뜨지않고 창너머 같은 장면을 다른 구도와 시각으로
삼매경에 취해 그린 "특별한 경험의 날"이었습니다.
백날 그려도 항상 새롭게 보이는 명당입니다~~

Saturday, January 27, 2018

#58th World Wide SketchCrawl sketchi meetup around Seoul City Hall

Kids were writing the texts after hearing from their teacher.

In the B1 there locates shop and cafe where people can buy organic goods imported from east Asian countries for fair trade. 

In same floor we can meet Seoul book shop where citizens or tourists can buy books or magazines related with Seoul. 

When the flute players "Pan Ulim Ensemble(팬울림앙상블)" began to play an old man started to dance. People enjoyed the music and his dance too.

Pan flute players, Choi Jeong Sook and Kim Soon Hee.

I sat near the sound engineer and drew him.

A singer and a acoustic guitarist 

camera woman and a singer of band Hanultari(통기타밴드 한울타리) 

performance of K-Crew

camera man and a piano member of K-Crew

sound engineer

audience dancer

I used 30 x 21.5 cm sketchbook with pastels, pencil, pen, conte, and charcoal. Hearing nice music all the while sketching was great. We were glad to be inside on cold winter day. In the newly built Seoul city hall there are enough space for exhibiting, performance of music or dance, and educational purposes, etc. Office workers or old people gather to hear music at noon. Especially on weekends four times' different programs are played. We enjoyed sketching and healing ourselves through performances with people. 
While I stayed inside the city hall other passionate sketchers went to other places nearby. We shared all the works done at the same floor after finishing on 4:30 pm. 
Participants : YH Lee, JE Choi, MO Kim, HS Lee, EJ Kang, MJ Kang(new comer), BH Yoo

Thank you all!

오늘 여전히 추운 날씨에 참여하신 분들께 감사드립니다. 장소 미확인으로 인한 감작스러운 스케치 장소 변경에도 불구하고 허탕치신 분이 안계셔서 천만 다행이라고 생각하며 감사드립니다.  시민청의 음악 공연 프로그람이 있어서 이색적인 스케치 기회를 갖게 되었고 아름다운 음악을 들으며 저절로 드로잉이 되는 듯한 착각도 들 정도였어요. 자주 공연자들을 그려야겠다는 결심을 했습니다. 오늘 두번째 순서에 댄스 공연 예정이었으나 팀원이 입원하시는 바람에 취소가 되어 좀 아쉬웠어요. 빠른 쾌유를 빌었구요. 정동 전망대와 종로타워로 스케치 나가신 분들의 열정에 감동했어요. 물론 멋진 작품들을 가지고 돌아오셔서 함께 감상하는 시간을 갖고 스케치를 마쳤습니다.

이번 행사는 제58차 월드 와이드 스케치크롤이니 그림을 올리시는 분들은 블로그 오른쪽에 있는 스케치크롤에 그림 올리는 방법을 참고하셔서 그곳에도 올려주시기 바랍니다. 좀 어려울지도 모르겠으나 한번 해보면 반복되는 것이라 할만 합니다. 외국의 여러 스케치도 감상하고 나누는 좋은 기회가 되리라고 생각합니다. 

참여하신 분들 : 이용환, 김미옥, 이현숙, 강은정, 최정은, 강미자(새로오신 분), 유병화


Sunday, January 7, 2018

sketches around the Seoul Station and Seoul City Hall

panoramic view from the food court inside the Seoul Station, (26 x 37cm), 
pen and watercolor

a scene at the food court, (21 x 29.6cm), pen and watercolor

Seoul Plaza Ice Rink, (29.6 x 42cm), pen and watercolor

viewed from the Jeongdong Observatory, (29.6 x 42cm), pen and watercolor
Yesterday, we usk Seoul members met at the Seoul Station for the first sketch meeting this year. It was a bit cold to sketch outdoors from morning, we sketched around Food Court on the 3rd floor inside the Seoul Station. After lunch, I moved to the Seoul City Hall and the Jeongdong Observatory nearby. I sketched the fantastic scene of the ice rink in front of the city hall and the panoramic scene looking through the window on the 13th floor of the Jeongdong Observatory. It was a good sketch time in familiar places despite the cold weather.
새해를 맞아.. 서울역의 분주한 모습과 활기찬 아이스링크처럼
서울 어반스케쳐님들의 왕성한 스케치의 한해를 기원합니다~~

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

sketching with Susan Robertson from Vancouver, Canada

     By Susan Robertson
 sketch at Seoul Station

sketch of stainless cup at Seoul station Food Court

sketches at Seoul Flea Market

indoor sketch at Doota Building Food Court

 Deuksugung seen from the observatory, Seosomun annexed building of Seoul City Hall

 Susan presented this beautiful apple sketch to me.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
by Yoo Byung Hwa

I sketched one at the waiting room in Seoul station. A 4

scenery including the Seoul Culture Station 284, A 4

sketch of the food court, Seoul Station, ㅁ 4

bakery scenery at Doota building, A 4

citizens resting in Seoul Citizens Hall, A 4

scenery seen from the observatory in Seosomun annexed building of Seoul City Hall, A 4

Though the weather was not warm, our outings were great. At Seoul station Rian, Susan's friend, joined us too. In spite of her busy working weekdays she was so eager to sketch Seoul, which inspired us so much. She enjoyed Korean food too. We had Korean traditional pancakes even at Gwangjang market, so crowded one. Much thanks for all her generous understanding about Korean culture and people. Hope her to come again soon and to be able to sketch all together! 

Thank you so much, Susan, for your pretty presents and drawing too! 

네번에 걸친 수잔님과의 스케치를 마치고 이제 그림을 올립니다. 추운 날씨에도 불구하고 주중에는 영어 선생님으로 일하시면서도 주말에 쉬지도 못하고 스케치에 임하는 자세를 보고 감동받았어요. 외국 생활을 많이 하셔서 우리나라에 대한 이해도 높았으며 특히 한국 음식을 아주 좋아하셔서 식사가 즐거웠습니다. 캐나다에서는 김치도 담가서 드신다고요. 광장시장에서 많은 인파로 긴 줄을 선 끝에 빈대떡을 사서 청계천에 나가 먹은 기억이 오래남겠습니다. 그림뿐만 아니라 많은 이야기를 하면서 즐거운 시간을 보냈으며 선물까지 마련해 오시기까지 해서 감동받았습니다. 앞으로도 한국에 자주 오셔서 많은 분들과 스케치 할 수 있기를 바랍니다.  감사합니다! 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

musician drawings on autumn days

Oh Yu-hyeon and Woo Dong-myeong

Oksu Sajinkwan (옥수 사진관), 
Kim Dae-hong, Hong Seung-hyeon, Park Hye-min
Kim Jang-ho, No Gyeong-bo from left, 
A 4

Yi Yumi, Jazz singer

Drummer Choi Yo-seop, A 4

Choi In-hwan, Jo jeong-hyeon, Choi Yo-seop, Lee Yong-seok, Lim Seul-gi from left,
A 4

On fine autumn days I enjoyed outdoor or indoor concerts which were held at noon in downtown such as Gwanghwamun and Seoul city hall. It was a very valuable time for me to sketch them hearing nice music. Practicing drawing their poses I could learn tips one by one. Complicated musical instruments are still difficult huddle to me. Though hard it's an exciting experience anyhow.

요즘 여기 저기에서 열렸던 음악 공연을 많이 그려보았습니다. 복잡한, 유려한 악기들이야 여전히 어렵지만 해나가면서 요령도 좀 생깁니다. 연주자들의 다양한 모습을 보고 특색있는 음악도 들으면서 스케치도 할 수 있는 작은 음악회가 더없이 소중하게 느껴집니다.