Sunday, April 29, 2018

Okcheonam : 옥천암 스케치

서울인데 서울같지 않은 곳이였습니다.
주변을 감싸고 있는 높은 바위산들을 보니
경기도 어느 작은 암자에 온듯한 기분이였습니다.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Information for May Sketch Meetup!

안녕하세요! 2018년 5월 26일 모임 안내입니다.

장소 : 대학로 마로니에 공원
만나는 장소 : 아르코 미술관 앞
그림 그리는 시간 : 오전 10시 30분 - 오후 4시 30분

토요일이라 복잡하리라고 생각합니다. 그러나 낭만과 문화가 살아 숨쉬는 도심을 그려보는 기회가 될 것입니다.
관심있는 분을의 용기 있는 참여를 기다립니다.

Hi sketchers,

We sketch on May 26th (Saturday) at Maronnier Park located at Daehangno where to be arrived from exit 2, Hyehwa station, Subway line no. 4. We meet in front of ARKO Museum on 10:30am and will continue to 4:30pm. And at same place we'll have an on-spot exhibit with all the works we've done. 

Hope all the sketchers to join us with great courage and interest! 
See you there! Thanks!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Sketches by Shi Zhi Fang and Ying Meng from China

Sketches by Shi Zhi Fang

Shi Zhi Fang

Sketches by Ying Meng

Ying Meng

Thank you so much for sketching together and sharing your great works!
Please visit here for more works done on 59th World Wide SketchCrawl.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Sketching in Okcheonam


                   We had the meeting of Sketch Crawl in Okcheonam.
                   It is a smart temple on the roadside .
                   I thought the temple would be crowded, because
                   the Buddha's day is approaching, but the temple
                   was quiet and comfortable as if l were in the
                   The colorful lotus lamps were in harmony with
                   the spring flowers and trees.
                   The weather was best for drawing .
                    It's been a long time ,i had a hard time to sketch ,
                    but my mind was easy...

                   옥련암은 생각과는 달리 산이나 언덕위가 아닌
                   도심속 도로변에 위치한 조그마한 암자였다.
                   석가탄신일이 다가오고있어 많이 붐빌거라 생각했는데
                   마치 산속인양 고즈녁했다.
                   색색의 연등은 활짝핀 꽃과 더불어 봄의 정취를 더해주고
                   홍제천의 물소리,살랑거리는 바람,햇살에 어른거리는
                   연등의 그림자...
                   스케치하기엔 최적의 날씨였다~     

59th World Wide SketchCrawl at Okcheonam Temple

panoramic view of Okcheonam Temple, pencil and watercolor

looking up the temple complex inside the gate, pencil and watercolor

Rock-carved Seated Bodhisattva in Bodogak Hall, pen and watercolor

approaching the One Pillar Gate of Okcheonam Temple, pen and watercolor

a colorful scene of the neighboring village, pen and watercolor

distant view of the temple under the overpass, pen
(29.6 x 42cm sketchbook)
It was a little windy but pleasantly sunny and warm last Saturday. For the 59th World Wide SketchCrawl, USK Seoul members met at Okcheonam Hermitage, a small and peacefull temple in Hongeun-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul. Okcheonam Temple located at the foot of Samgaksan Mountain, and beneath the precinct Hongjecheon stream that flows throughout the year. The Temple dates back to the 14th century during the Goryeo dynasty. Lots of colorful Lotus Lanterns are beautifully embroidered on the temple and the street around the surrounding residential village. It was to celebrate the Buddha's Birthday on May 22. The temple buildings are built on narrow and steep bedrock linearly, and the natural combination of different architectures seems very interesting and beautiful features harmonized with the natural landscape. Especially the Rock-carved Seated Bodhisattva of Okcheonam Hermitage (Designation: Treasure No.1820) is famous for a large Buddhist image over five meters tall. The granite carving is concave and painted in a lovely seashell white, and so called "The White Buddah". Though the site of the temple is long narrow and rather small but the the precincts was crowded with Buddhists and visitors for lanterns ceremony to celebrate Buddha's Birthday. 
On entering the temple, I was fascinated with the panoramic scenes of the temple and the neighboring village, including access bridge over the stream and curved overpass, apartment buildings, etc. I enjoyed sketching several colorful scenes around the small and peaceful temple at the foot of the mountain nearby downtown Seoul.
석탄일을 앞두고 거리마다 연등으로 수놓은 신록의 새봄~
삼각산과 홍제천을 따라 도심속의 시골내음이 배어나오고
쉬지않고 달리는 고가도로 밑의 다정한 "하얀 부처님"
일상의 소재가 구석구석 담겨있는 명품 스케치의 장소입니다.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

옥천암 스케치

          도시주변에  이런  고즈넉한  장소가  있다니~
          석가탄신일이   얼마남지않은 시기라  사람들로  붐빌거란  예상을  했는데
          소수의   예불드리는 사람들과  스님들의  목탁소리뿐 !
          어느때  보다  쾌적한 스케치장소였다.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Sketches around Okcheonam, temple : 59th World Wide SketchCrawl

pencil, pen, watercolor, 25 x 25 cm

Shi Zhi Fang(left) and Ying Meng(right)

The weather was really fantastic. The temple was decorated with colorful lotus lamps all around it. We enjoyed the beautiful scene hearing the Buddhist service while sketching. We had lunch served at the temple dining room. Two Chinese sketchers who were staying for study in Korea liked Korean temple food too. In the afternoon a family came for visiting the temple showed interest in art so much. I talked them about our activity and asked them to join next month. Different from the downtown temple like Jogyesa the temple was very quiet so we could spend a nice day drawing those great scenes. 
Thank you all the participants!

오늘 날씨가 너무 좋았습니다. 옥천암 분위기도 아름다왔구요. 그동안 저는 여러번 그렸지만 계절에 따라 다른 모습을 보여주는 곳입니다. 흐르는 홍제천의 맑은 물과 산책로도 좋고 내부순환로의 육중한 모습이 주변의 산과 도회적인 모습을 이루며 그림거리를 제공한다고 생각합니다. 그리며 만나는 여러 관객과의 대화도 즐겁고 스케쳐님들과 오랜만에 만나서 즐거운 시간 보냈습니다. 옥천암 보살님들의 맛있는 점심 공양도 너무 감사했습니다.

참가하신 분들: 이용환, 한정선, 백경원, 최정은, 정초혜, 변석현, 시지황(Shi Zhi Fang), 응몽(Ying Meng), 이미영, 유병화


20180421 옥천암

서울에서 오랜 시간 살았는데도 아직 모르는 명소가 많이 있네요.
마을버스를 내리고 도착하고 마주친 풍경이 저를 설레게 했습니다. ^^
얼마 전에 외국에서 온 친구를 데리고 서울 구경을 시켜 주었는데,
옥천암을 미리 알았다면 여기를 데려왔을 텐데 하는 마음이 들었습니다.
옥천암 주변으로 고가도로와 골목골목 사람 내음 나는 집들이 정말 다정하고 예뻤어요.매우 좋은 날의 스케치였어요. 오랜만에 참여했습니다.
늦게 참여해서 그림 그리느라 식사를 거르는 저에게 옥천암을 오고 가시는 분들이 공양 하시라고 계속해서 권해 주시는 마음도 너무 감사했습니다.
앞으로 시간 될 때마다 꾸준히 참여하겠습니다~!

It was great day for sketching scenery. The sky was clear, condition of the air was terrific. I had been in Seoul most of my lifetime so I thought I've known Seoul well but every time I participate in USK Seoul, I'm always impressed by the site.
When I encountered Okcheonam, those colorful lights and friendly houses and alley was really nice.
If I had chance to know Okcheonam before I showed around my foreign friend who visited Korea 1 month ago, I could've taken him to there. Maybe next time. :-)

Monday, April 16, 2018

타이완의 지우펀 거리

타이페이 외곽의 지우펀 거리.
일제 침략기의 금광과 광부들이 살던 곳으로 산비탈을 따라
이어진 골목길은 시간을 알 수 없는 곳으로 나를 끌어들였다.
당시에 쓰던 광구의 번호가 지금도 그대로 쓰이고 있다.
내가 머물던 숙소의 이름은 팔번갱(파판켕).
파판켕 광구의 오묘한 방(지중해실)에 풍덩 빠져 버렸다.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Pianos at the Nagwon Music Arcade

pencil, 13 x 17.5 cm

Last month I dropped in the Nagwon Music Arcade, Jongno-gu. On 3rd floor I found a piano shop where lids of grand pianos were open. The angle made by lids, piano planes, and prods looked good to me. I drew it looking through the window standing there. Maybe the features those grand pianos made if one is to be sold and new one to be set. I would like to visit there again to see new scene those pianos would create. 

지난 3월 낙원 악기 상가를 들러 이리 저리 둘러 보며 스케치 해보다가 3층의 그랜드 피아노 가게에서 열려진 피아노 뚜껑과 지지대가 이루는 멋진 모습이 눈길을 사로 잡았습니다. 종이가 좀 작아서 아쉬웠지만 연필로 그려 보았어요. 멋진 물건이 이루는 풍경을 보러 가끔 들러야 겠습니다.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Sketches at the Gocheok Sky Dome, baseball stadium

the Gocheok Sky Dome viewed from Dongyang Mirae Uinversity across the road, 
pen and watercolor

a scene of the square in front of the Sky Dome viewed from the pedestrian bridge, pencil

a sketch of playing scene inside the Sky Dome viewed from the outfield seats, pencil

 a dynamic motion of pitching a strike, pen and pastel

 outfield stands in the stadium, pen and watercolor

the entrance hall of the outfield in the stadium, pen and pastel
( 29.6 x 42cm sketchbook)
Last Saturday, the weather was a little cold and windy with fine dust all day. We Seoul urban sketchers met at Gocheok Sky Dome, the largest indoor baseball stadium in Korea, located in Gocheok-dong, west of Seoul. The day was the opening day of the professional baseball 2018 season. I've been to the stadium to sketch the colorful baseball game scenes for urban sketching two years ago. The Sky Dome and surroundings were crowded with lots of visitors, baseball fans, families on outing and many sports reporters. I enjoyed the festive atmosphere of baseball in and out the Sky Dome, sketching the impressive stadium and dynamic game scenes I didn't draw before. It was very exciting and pleasant sketch time with all participating sketchers!
스카이돔 개장 기념 스케치 이후 2년만에 다시 찾았지만 새로운 느낌입니다. 
거대한 외관과 실내 스타디움, 철구조물 사이로 빛과 조명이 어우러지며
현란한 전광판과 치어리더, 카메라맨들... 타구 소리 하나하나에 열광적인 함성~
녹색 그라운드 백구의 축제를 그리면서 "야구 격언"을 떠올립니다.
( 연습을 실전처럼..., 그라운드를 넓게 보라..., 공을 두려워 말라...,
실수는 잊어버려라..., 밤낮없이 스윙연습을 게을리하지 말라... )
--- 스케치에도 꼭 맞는 격언 같다고 생각합니다 ---

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Drawing in Gochok Skydome of NEXEN Heroes’ Home Stadium

Skydome and baseball shaped sculpture viewed from the pedestrian bridge (24*18 cm, pen & colored pencil)

        Inside Skydome (18*24 cm, pen & colored pencil)

Inside Hollys Cafe in the 1st floor of basement under the Skydome (41*13 cm, pen & colored pencil)

Yesterday, there was Seoul urban sketchers meeting in Gochok Skydome which is Korea's first dome baseball stadium. Gochok Skydome is Nexen Heroes’ home stadium that has been used since 2016. Even though it was a bit cold with full of fine-dust in the air, it was grateful to meet Urban sketchers. In the morning, I drew inside the Holly’s Café in the basement floor of Skydome. The atmosphere of the Cafe was enthusiastic, and there were many Nexen fans with their children; they were full of smiles with excitement to watch the game. Soon after lunch, we entered the stadium, sat in the outfield seats, and started sketching, since the game between Nexen Heros and Hanwha Eagles started at 2pm, By looking at fans cheering for their teams, a memory reflected myself in a college jersey cheering for my school team back in the 1980’s. It was great to see the dynamic unified movements from diverse age groups of fans whenever their teams scored a point.

어제 서울 어반스케치 모임에 참가하였습니다. 꽃샘 추위로 제법 쌀쌀한 날씨와 미세먼지 가득한 날씨였지만 반가운 스케쳐분들과 인사하는 자리는 항상 즐거웠습니다. 오전엔 지하1층에 있는 힐리스 카페안에서 그림을 그렸습니다. 카페안에서 아이들을 동반한 수많은 넥슨팬들이 함께 모여 경기에 대해 얘기하고 있는 모습이 활기차 보였습니다. 넥센 히어로즈와 한화 이글스의 경기가 2시에 있어서, 점심식사 후 경기장에 들어가 경기를 보면서 스케치를 하였습니다. 관중들의 열띤 응원모습을 보니 동대문 야구장에서 응원했었던 대학생시절이 생각났습니다. 응원하는 팀이 점수를 획득할 때마다 열광하는 아이와 함께 환호하는 가족들의 모습이 생동력있어 보여 참 보기가 좋았습니다.