Tuesday, August 27, 2013

at the Cafe Gallery One

Lee Yong-hwan, cafe scene, pencil, watercolor, 23 x 32 cm

Yoo Byung-hwa, cafe scene with a painting of Lee Sang-jin
pencil and watercolor, 17.5 x 27.5 cm

Yoo Byung-hwa, cafe scene with Lee Yong-hwan, pencil and watercolor, 17.5 x 27.5 cm

Lee Yong-hwan

Yoo Byung-hwa

painting and sketch of Lee Sang-jin on the wall at the cafe

Yesterday I and YH Lee visited the Cafe Gallery One to see the works of Lee Sang-jin. The cafe was a remodeled house. The former rooms were designed newly with pastel tone colors keeping the old structure. We had red-bean sherbet(Patbingsoo) appreciating his nice works. In the cool room we sketched too. Hope your 1st exhibition to be successful, SJ Lee!

어제 이용환선생님과 이상진선생님 전시회에 다녀왔어요. 망원동에 위치한 예쁜 집에 크고 작은 그림들 잘 감상했습니다. 시원한 룸에서 스케치도 하구요. 첫번 전시회가 성공적으로 잘 마쳐지기를 바랍니다!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Sketchcrawl on Aug. 24, 2013 at Dongdaemun

Dongdaemun gate seen from 6th floor of Doota building, Dongdaemun-gu, 
pen and watercolor, 25 x 25 cm

food court scene on 7th floor of Doota building,
25 x 25 cm, 8B pencil

Pyunghwa markets, Cheonggyecheon flows between the markets, and part of Maxtyle building (right), sketched on 8th rooftop of Doota building
pencil, watercolor, 25 x 25 cm 

New comers, Lee Mun-su and Lee Jeong-gweon, were talking about sketches on a marvelous and creative tool for sketching outdoor, which was assembled by Mr Lee Mun-su.

new comers, Woo Jeong-hwan(left) and Lee Jeong-gweon(right) started to sketch in the plaza of Doota building

Lee yong-hwan and new comer Seo Joo-young were talking in the plaza of Doota building.

sketchbook of new comer Lee Mun-su

sketch of Lee Sang-jin

sketch ofnew comer, Woo Jeong-hwan

lunch at food court on 7th floor of Doota building

painting scene of Lee Yong-hwan on 8th rooftop of Doota building

I usually sketch in woman rest room on 6th floor because it's very clean inside with great view through big pane glass. 

Lee Yong-hwan, Lee Si-weon, Seo Joo-young, Lee Mun-su, Kim So-hyung, and Yoo Byung-hwa from left on 8th rooftop of Doota building after sketchcrawl

 I didn't expect many sketchers would come because the weather was still very hot. Wow, I was wrong. One by one, new comers appeared. Their aspiration and curiosity for sketching was far bigger than any excuse. Five new comers, Lee Mun-su, Lee Jeong-gweon, Woo Jeong-hwan, Seo Joo-young, and Kim So-hyung joined us, Lee yong-hwan, Lee Sang-jin, Lee Si-weon, bh yoo. Thank you all, and see you soon!

어제 여전히 무더운 날씨임에도 불구하고 새로이 다섯분, 이문수, 이정권, 우정환, 서주영, 김소형님들께서 참석하셨습니다. 지금 Cafe Gallery One 에서 스케치 개인전중인 이 상진님도 참석해주시고, 지난번 조계사 스케치에 참석하셨던 이 시원님도 합류하셔서 즐거운 모임을 가졌습니다. 새로 오신 분들도 서로 연락처를 주고 받으시는 모습이 좋았어요. 앞으로도 많은 만남과 교류의 장이 되었으면 합니다. 남은 여름 건강히 지내시고 그림 많이 올려주시기를 바랍니다.

Friday, August 23, 2013

sunflower bed at restaurant

pen and watercolor, 17.5 x 27.5 cm

Walking along the street at Mugyo-dong near Gwanghwamun I found a small bed of sunflower near the Yurim Nagzi (small octapus) restaurant which has a long history of 40 years. It's famous for the very hot taste. Seeing the sunflowers in downtown gave fresh feelings. 
무교동을 걷다가 유명한 낙지집 간판 아래에 작은 해바라기 화단을 발견하고 반가왔습니다. 음식점에 들어가 물을 얻어서 잠시 스케치했어요. 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

첫 모임 이후

어느 일요일 입니다.
역시 인물화는 재밌습니다.

이날도 추적추적...이라기 보단,
비가 쏟아지던 날이었습니다.

안써 버릇하던 회색 붓팬을 써봤습니다.

분위기 좋았던 인도 음식점.
더 머물고 싶고 그림을 더 그리고 싶었는데


총무님 말씀따라 안올리니 계속 안올리게 되네요.
구차하게 변명을 좀 하자면,
컴퓨터가 고장이 났습니다.
지금도 여전히 고장이지만요.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

some sketches around Ttukseom Hangang Park, Seoul

Ttukseom Resort Station on Seoul Subway Line 7., pen and watercolor

a riverside view of Han River, pen and watercolor

perspective view around Chungdam bridge, pen and watercolor

sunbathing around the outdoor pool, pen and watercolor

wind-surfing workshop for beginners, pen and watercolor

wind-surfing scenery, pen and watercolor
( 21 x 29.6 sketchbook )
A few days ago, the weather was oppressively hot and humid, I went out sketching to Ttukseom Hangang Park to avoid the hot summer. Ttukseom Hangang Park, located on the banks of the Han River in Seoul, is a very pleasant area to enjoy some leisure time in natural surroundings. Hundreds of people unable to leave Seoul's asphalt jungle crowded swimming pool or the Han River's banks to try to escape the heat. 
I sketched some lively sceneries from place to place around Ttukseom Resort near the Han River.

서울 천혜의 한강변 소재는 무궁무진합니다~~~
땡볕의 스케치는 극기훈련이지만 땀 흘린 후의 상쾌함은 뚝섬 유원지의 삼복더위를 날려 주는 듯 합니다.

Friday, August 9, 2013

at Dream Forest(former Dream Land)

scenery from the La Foresta Cafeteria in the Dream Forest

scenery from the observatory tower in the park, pencil, watercolor

mom and kids in the observatory tower
A 4 sketchbook

Last month I visited the Forest Park located at Weolgye-ro, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul. I went there with family long since when it was an amusement park as Dream Land(1987 -2007). The new park opened on 2007. The park was good for people to walk and rest. Kids were playing under the fountain water or in streamlet in park. Cafeteria, Chinese restaurant, gallery were located in too. The observatory tower was fantastic to see the cityscape. In Autumn the scenery will be beautiful with cool weather. 
예전에 자주 갔던 드림 랜드가 북서울 꿈의 숲으로 바뀐 후 몇년만에 처음으로 가봤습니다. 넓직한 공원으로 바뀌었더군요. 전에 눈 썰매장으로 쓰이던 곳에 전망대가 있었구요. 여러 단계로 올라가서 보니 참 시원했습니다. 후덥지근하고 비가 오락가락하는 날씨에 전망대 안은 시원해서 좋았어요. 가을이 오면 단풍든 모습이 아름답지 않을까 생각했습니다.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Sangjin이 전하는 일상으로의 여행스케치. < A illustrated Diary >

드디어!! 개인 전시회의 일정이 잡혔습니다.
그동안 끄적거렸던 그림들을 모아   A illustrated Diary  라는 개인 전시회를 열게되었는데요.
왠지 가슴이 설레이네요.
일상에서 일어나는 일들, 그림일기로 전시회를 하게 되다니.. ㅎㅎ
많은 분들이 도움을 주셨고, 앞으로도 많은 분들의 도움? 이 필요합니다.
 저의 이야기들을 담았지만 저만의 이야기는 아닐것입니다. 바로 여러분들의 이야기입니다.
최소 1개월에서 3개월정도 전시할 예정입니다.
모두 함께 이야기를 나눌 수 있으면 좋겠네요.
그리고 도움주신 많은분들 감사합니다~ ^^

Wednesday, July 31, 2013