Sunday, February 24, 2019

Sketches at the Geumsunsa(북한산 금선사)

sketch in the process of ancestral rite, brushpen, pastels, A 4

right side of the praying room, charcoal, A 4

outdoor scene of two buildings in the temple, pen, watercolor, A 4

Yesterday there was a special praying event to pray the peaceful rest of the ancestors. It was held to celebrate the finishing of the new big painting of seven buddhas at Banyajeon(praying hall). Lots of believers participated in the ceremony. It kept for three hours. During the service I drew two between bowing and reading ceremonial texts. 

After having delicious lunch I did one seated on bench under warm sunlight. The air was really fine. I could feel the coming of spring. Though I didn't much I enjoyed the most wonderful atmosphere of the temple in Bughansan.

Thank you, Leeky, for joining to such special event! We were pleased so much by your being together. 

Because I didn't draw many yesterday taking rest I add the previous drawings I'd done before as follows.

Every temple would be decorated by colorful lanterns on Buddha's birthday. I go there to celebrate and enjoy the beautiful scenery in spring season.

Ansimdang under construction

Though the scale of the temple is not big the nice features of big and small rocks make great scenery. I did this one with pencil.

I drew these ones during the ritual ceremony for my late father.

pencil sketch with lotus lanterns

There is a space under big rock where water springs. 

When water flows enough scenery is good too. 

Thank you!

1 comment:

leeky said...

초파일 등 달았을때 모습도 엄청 이쁘겠네요
그 때쯤 다시 와야 겠어요.