Wednesday, January 20, 2016

sketching with Susan Robertson from Vancouver, Canada

     By Susan Robertson
 sketch at Seoul Station

sketch of stainless cup at Seoul station Food Court

sketches at Seoul Flea Market

indoor sketch at Doota Building Food Court

 Deuksugung seen from the observatory, Seosomun annexed building of Seoul City Hall

 Susan presented this beautiful apple sketch to me.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
by Yoo Byung Hwa

I sketched one at the waiting room in Seoul station. A 4

scenery including the Seoul Culture Station 284, A 4

sketch of the food court, Seoul Station, ㅁ 4

bakery scenery at Doota building, A 4

citizens resting in Seoul Citizens Hall, A 4

scenery seen from the observatory in Seosomun annexed building of Seoul City Hall, A 4

Though the weather was not warm, our outings were great. At Seoul station Rian, Susan's friend, joined us too. In spite of her busy working weekdays she was so eager to sketch Seoul, which inspired us so much. She enjoyed Korean food too. We had Korean traditional pancakes even at Gwangjang market, so crowded one. Much thanks for all her generous understanding about Korean culture and people. Hope her to come again soon and to be able to sketch all together! 

Thank you so much, Susan, for your pretty presents and drawing too! 

네번에 걸친 수잔님과의 스케치를 마치고 이제 그림을 올립니다. 추운 날씨에도 불구하고 주중에는 영어 선생님으로 일하시면서도 주말에 쉬지도 못하고 스케치에 임하는 자세를 보고 감동받았어요. 외국 생활을 많이 하셔서 우리나라에 대한 이해도 높았으며 특히 한국 음식을 아주 좋아하셔서 식사가 즐거웠습니다. 캐나다에서는 김치도 담가서 드신다고요. 광장시장에서 많은 인파로 긴 줄을 선 끝에 빈대떡을 사서 청계천에 나가 먹은 기억이 오래남겠습니다. 그림뿐만 아니라 많은 이야기를 하면서 즐거운 시간을 보냈으며 선물까지 마련해 오시기까지 해서 감동받았습니다. 앞으로도 한국에 자주 오셔서 많은 분들과 스케치 할 수 있기를 바랍니다.  감사합니다! 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

sketches in downtown Seoul with Susan

Departure lobby of Seoul Station (서울역 대합실), pen and watercolor

Main concourse of Seoul Station( 서울역 중앙홀), pen and watercolor

Antique shops of Seoul Folk Flea Market (서울 풍물시장 상점들), pen and watercolor

Tank motorcycle (탱크 오토바이) displayed in the Flea Market , pen

a scenery viewed from Doosan building near Dongdaemun Gate (동대문 두타빌딩에서), 
pen and watercolor

Open Lounge for concert at Seoul Citizens Hall (서울청 콘서트 마당),
marker pen and oil pastel

Newspaper publishing companies around Sejong-daero (세종대로) viewed from Jeong-dong Observatory (정동전망대)on the 13th floor in Seoul City Hall Seosomun Building,
 pen and watercolor

Sejongno Catholic Church (세종로 성당), pen and watercolor

Figure painting of Susan Robertson (수잔에게 즉석 스케치 선물), pencil and watercolor
( 21 x 29.6 cm sketchbook )
Recently Bh Yoo and I met Susan Robertson from Vancouver, Canada. We sketched at some well-known sites in downtown Seoul from Jan. 9 to 17 on weekends.
She seemed to be fascinated by colorful attractions in Seoul. We had a pleasant sketch time despite the cold weather.
1월 초 서울 스케치에 관심을 가진 캐나다 뱅쿠버의 스잔님과 함께  2주에 걸쳐 (토 일요
일) 주말 도심 스케치를 하면서 서울의 풍물을 소개하는 시간을 가졌습니다.
많은 분이 참여하지 못해 아쉬웠지만 스케치를 통해 국경을 초월하는 교감을 느끼는 것을
체험한 소중한 시간이었습니다.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

crane trucks on cold days

working scene at an electronic pole, Nogbeon-dong, Eunpyeong district, Seoul

charcoal, A 4
As you know it's very cold these days. I could pass the Eunpyeong-ro yesterday. I saw a great scene which I couldn't meet often. There were four crane trucks around an electric pole. They seem to change something in my thoughts. The scenery was so complicated with crane trucks, pockets of the extended arms, boughs and twigs, and signal post even that I just looked upward for minutes. And freezing weather was another barrier to me. But I began to sketch with charcoal regardless of results. Challenge to capture such scene was enough. 

* * * * * 
scene at the construction field

charcoal, A 4
Today I walked by the former Gong-pyeong building site where a new building was under construction. I saw a tall crane truck inside the yard. I came across the street (Wujeonguk-ro) and looked up. The horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines and shapes were attractive. Working engineers added another focus too.

요즘 너무 춥습니다. 길에 걸어다니기도 만만치 않지요. 그런데 서울은 추위와 상관없이 활력이 넘칩니다. 어제 녹번동을 지나다 엄청나게 복잡한 현장을 만나서 결과에 아랑곳하지 않고 곱은 손으로 몇장 그렸습니다. 오늘은 예전 공평빌딩 터에 새로 들어서는 빌딩 공사 현장의 여러 모습이 인상적이어서 역시나 언 손으로 한장 그렸구요. 아마도 이 그림 볼때마다 그 추위가 느껴질듯합니다. 

추운 날씨에 건강히 지내시기 바랍니다.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Fourth Annual West Coast Urban Sketchers Sketch Crawls

제 4차 서부 해안 어반 스케쳐 스케치 크롤 행사 안내입니다. 
아래 내용을 참고하시고 관심있으신 분들의 많은 참석 바랍니다. 

Frances Buckmaster, USk-Tacoma Admin, and her team of co-admins, are putting together a fun-filled weekend of sketching in this fourth summer of sketching fabulous American West Coast cities. The Fourth Annual West Coast Urban Sketchers Sketch Crawl, will be held in Tacoma, Washington (USA) Aug. 19-21, 2016. Tacoma offers an historically and architecturally rich downtown area. San Francisco, Portland and San Diego were hosts of this annual event in previous years. See the blog for details. regarding past events, the agenda (schedule of events for Tacoma), lodging information, how to RSVP if you plan to attend, and our Facebook link. This is a free event.  

Jim Bumgarner, Founder
Annual West Coast Urban Sketchers Sketch Crawls

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Sketches at my cousin's apartment in Hochiminh, Vietnam

서울어반스케쳐 여러분,
새해 복 많이 받으세요!

저는 베트남에 있는 사촌 집에 놀러와서 지내고 있습니다. 제가 묵고 있는 방에서 내다본 풍경입니다. 사이공강이 보이고 크고 멋진 집들이 있는 동네입니다. 아파트에 제법 큰 수영장이 있어서 함께 간 딸아이는 매일 수영을 합니다.
호치민은 시내 어딜 가나 건설공사가 많고 젊은 사람들이 많은 활기찬 도시네요.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

sketches at Uiwang Railroad Museum (의왕 철도박물관)

DEC(diesel electric cars) Type Presidential Rail Cars  (대통령 특별동차)

Steam Locomotive manufactured in 1940  (박물관 입구의 증기기관차) 

Section of train tracks in front of the Museum building  (철도기점 체험 철로)

Railroad Panorama Exhibition Hall  (모형철도 파노라마실)

History Exhibition Hall  (역사 전시실)

Model train("The Pacific -1" Engine No.4288) is on display in the Main Hall  
(파시 1- 4288 스팀기관차) 모형
pen and watercolor ( 21 x 29.6cm sketchbook )
Last weekend I hopped a train to Uiwang City and visited the Railroad Museum, close to Seoul. The museum,5 to 10 minutes away on foot from Uiwang Subway Station, features various materials and items like artifacts and vehicles from the over 100 years of railroad history in Korea. There were many different types of train cars and engines on display outside. Inside they had model trains displayed, all sorts of train parts and information on the history of trains in our country. It was not a huge place, but I enjoyed it with interest. The highlight was a showing of the model train display where visitors were able to watch them run on the model tracks.
I sketched some interesting scenes in and outside the museum with fantastic atmosphere.
100년 넘는 우리 철도역사와 미래상을 보여주는 의왕 철도박물관
부모들의 어린 시절 추억과 함께 자녀들을 위한 생생한 산 교육장~~
실물과 모형, 영상을 통해 탐구해가며 스케치하는 좋은 장소입니다.
한 해를 마치며 밝아오는 새해를 달려가는 희망의 열차를 그려봅니다.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

sketches at E Mart, Eunpyeong branch

inside scene of the restaurant "Shabu Rian", pen, watercolor, A 4

pen, watercolor, A 4

Kids' cafe located on 8th floor of the shopping mall for kids and parents,
conte, watercolor, A 4

inside scene of the mall, conte, watercolor, A 4

On these winter days I like to sketch indoor scenes sitting on benches set here and there for customers. It was a pleasing experience to draw kids playing with kinds of toys with parents. Though they move in flashes usually they concentrate on the toys for minutes sometimes. Warm colors and kids harmonized well. 

추운 겨울 날씨에는 실내 풍경을 그리기 좋습니다. 자주 가는 은평 이마트에서 여러 장을 그려보았어요. 늘 지나다니기만 하다가 키즈 까페 유리창 앞에 의자가 있길래 재미나게 그릴 수 있었습니다. 따뜻한 색갈과 천진난만한 어린이들이 잘 어울리는 풍경이었습니다.

50th World Wide SketchCrawl

Date : Jan. 23rd, 2016 (10:30 am - 4:00 pm)
Sketching Place : Myeong-dong
Meeting Spot : Bridge between Young Plaza(7F) and Lotte Cinema(6F), Avenuel Department, Sogong-dong.
We end sketching at Myeongdong Cathedral Church 1898+ plaza on 4 pm.

날씨가 추운 관계로 소공동 영프라자와 애비뉴엘 백화점을 잇는 '러브릿지' 다리에서 시작하려고 합니다. 점심 후에 명동 주변을 스케치하신 후 명동의 가톨릭회관 주차장 지하에 새로 지은 '1898+ 플라자'의 넓은 홀에서 4시에 만나 작품 감상을 하도록 하겠습니다.

관심있는 분들의 용기있는 참여를 기다리겠습니다.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Mint color Christmas

나는 크리스마트를 생각하면
시각적으로는 빨간색과 초록색을
청각적으로는 차임벨 소리를
덧붙여서 미각적으로는 달콤함이 연상됩니다.
이곳은 민트색과 흰색으로 크리스마스를 장식해서
나에게 신선함을 주었습니다.
부엉이장식도 새로웠습니다.
크리스마스 장식에는 눈결정모양과 방울이 으뜸인것 같습니다.
올해 크리스마스장식 예쁘게하시고 행복한 연말보내세요

Monday, December 7, 2015

sketches at a cafe in Nagwon shopping mall (musical instrument stores)

pen, pastels, 18.5 x 25 cm

I dropped in the Nagwon shopping mall of musical instruments last month. Having tea I saw a woman with grey coat. She was waiting for somebody. A guy came soon. They began to talk about some event related with performance. And two persons arrived at. Though I couldn't grasp what the exact contents they were discussing about, the mood looked good for sketching. Thanks to the pastels I kept I could enjoy drawings.

지난 달에 낙원 상가에 들러서 2층에 있는 까페에 앉아 쉬었어요. 잠시 후에 몇몇 분이 오시더니 회의를 하는 것같았어요. 책상위에 노트북, 수첩, 필기도구로 메모도 하며 공연에 관한 회의를 하는 하는 듯했습니다. 다행히 파스텔을 가지고 나간지라 두장 그렸습니다.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Sketching meetups in January 2016

We've got mail from Susan Robertson from Canada days ago. She asked to have sketching meetups with Seoul Urban Sketchers during her stay in Seoul.
We planned to have four times' meetups as follows :

Jan. 9th, 2016 : 3rd floor(Food Court) in Seoul Station - 서울역 3층 푸드코트
Jan. 10th, 2016 : Seoul Flea Market - 서울 풍물 시장
Jan. 16th, 2016 : 7th floor(Food Court) in Doota building - 두산타워 빌딩(두타빌딩)
Jan. 17th, 2016 : Seoul Citizens Hall in Seoul City Hall - 서울 시청내의 시민청

We'll meet at !:00 pm and may have lunch or start to begin sketching till 4:00 pm.
Hope anybody who has interest in sketching to join us!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


지난 주에 캐나다의 수잔 로버트슨씨로부터 메일이 왔어요. 다음달에 서울에 비지니스 방문을 하는데 서울 어반 스케쳐들과 함께 스케치를 하고 싶다는 내용이었습니다. 날씨가 추운 관계로 실내로 정했어요. 관심있으신 분들의 참석을 바랍니다.

Susan Robertson Blog : See it Sketch it 

즐거운 연말 연시 보내시기 바랍니다!

Friday, November 27, 2015

sketches at Korea University, Seoul

Main Hall, landmark of the campus square (본관)

Central Library of Korea University (중앙도서관)

Hae-song Law Library (해송 기념 법학 도서관)

Business School (경영본관)

KU-Lyceum (Institute for Continuing Education) 
(고려대 라이시움-평생교육원)

Anam Hospital (의료원-안암병원)

Hana Square and Science Library (하나 스퀘어 및 과학도서관)

International Center for Converging Technology (미래융합기술관)
( pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm sketchbook )
Last week for two days, I dropped in Korea University Anam Campus (고려대학교 안암캠퍼스) that is my alma mater. Korea University, established in 1905, is widely known as one of the oldest, largest and top-ranked universities in Korea. The campus is located in Anam-dong near the downtown Seoul, and is well arranged in a colorful and natural setting of old and new buildings harmonized with the surrounding environment. On
entering the campus, I was impressed with its stately stone architecture, new intelligent
buildings, sprawling lawns, seasonal trees and natural flora, and so on.
I sketched colorful sceneries here and there around the broad campus, enjoying beautiful fall leaves pleasantly. While sketching some familiar buildings existed from my college days, I was lost in old memories for some time.
푸르른 녹지와 주거단지로 둘러싸인 고려대학교 안암캠퍼스~~
오랜 석조 건축물과 다양한 현대식 건물들이 조화를 이루며
접근성과 쾌적성을 고루 갖춘 활기찬 스케치 장소입니다.