Tuesday, December 27, 2011

at Seoul Zoo, Gwacheon City

lift car building near the entrance
It passes over a lake. In winter season people wouldn't like to use it, perhaps. I couldn't see people in lift cars while I was drawing this one. Snow on southern side of the roof was melted to show the original color.

Snow remained on shade roofs and ground.
Animals such as gemsboks, zebras, and giraffes were in interior cages due to cold weather.

inside the botanical garden
It was so warm that I had to put off my long winter jacket.

charcoal, pastel, sepia conte, 25.7 x 35.7 cm sketchbook
I could see them inside the tropical animal building through the pane glass very closely.
I feel fully refreshed when I come home after staying all day in park despite of cold weather.


Kyoung Won JUNG said...

스케치에대한 열정 대단하십니다.한적한 겨울 공원이가슴에 와닿구요 기린 그림도 참으로 좋습니다.^^

BH Yoo said...

해가 좋았지만 워낙 산중이라 역시나 손을 녹여가면서 그렸어요. 실내에서 보는 기린이 장관이더군요. 밖에서 보다 다양한 모습을 볼 수 있었어요. ~~

Kim Mikyung said...

두 번째 그림이 눈길을 잡네요.^^
추운 겨울풍경이지만 그 풍경을 담고 있는 사람의 따뜻한 손길이 느껴집니다.
잘 지내지죠? 어반 식구들 모두 행복한 새해 맞으시길 빌어요. ^^

BH Yoo said...

이심전심이라...대공원에서도 김샘 생각이 많이 났어요. 화업 열심히 하시고 온 가족 복된 새해가 되기를 바랍니다. ^ ^

money tojiman said...

이 추운 날씨 속에서 이런 작품이 탄생 되어서 그런지 더 감동스럽습니당...