Showing posts with label Yoo Byung-hwa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Yoo Byung-hwa. Show all posts

Monday, June 6, 2016

sketches at the Guui subway station


A 4

I visited the Guui subway station to pay my condolence to the young man(19 years old) who died just a day before his 20th birthday while repairing the screen door at that station. Cup-style instant ramen found in his bag with other tools aroused people's sympathy. Lots of sticky notes, flowers, ramen, bread bags and other heartfelt presents were laid on the desk. At first the shrine was on the place where the accident happened(9-4, Guui station), but the station office moved it to the passage under the scene of the accident, which caused people's fury. And the officials set the shrine at the first place as before. People could visit and leave notes at two places. 
After finishing several sketches I heard some noise at the passage and found a press interview was going at the passage. I stood near the post line to sketch more. The guard near me seemed to think of me as a reporter. Related officials announced some plans to prevent recurrence and responsible steps about the accident. Lots of questions continued by the journalists and social welfare persons. 
Today some related officials' resignation was accepted. While sketching the interview scenes I heard the statements of the officials. I felt same emotion as the reporters. 

Deep condolences,
Rest in peace.

지난 1일에 구의역을 방문하고 구의역에서 스크린도어 수리중 사고로 사망한 김모군의 추모 장소에 다녀왔습니다. 많은 분들의 쪽지에서 어린 나이에 힘들지만 희망을 잃지 않고 살아가려는 이 땅의 한 젊은이의 꿈이 무참히 부숴진 것을 애도하며 그의 명복을 비는 글이 대부분이었어요. 아마도 많은 분들이 이 사고에서 느끼는 것이 각별하지 않았을까 싶었습니다. 일면식도 없었던 중년 부인께서 눈물을 흘리며 다음생에는 대한민국에서 태어나지 말고 좋은 나라에서 태어나라고 말씀하시더군요. 다리가 아파서 파스 바르고 오셨다고요.  거칠게 한 드로잉들에 집에서 색칠하여 몇장 올립니다. 

삼가 고인의 명복을 빕니다.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

sketches on spring days

Back garden of Sejong Center, Gwanghwamun is always crowded with citizens. Especially the place is loved by nearby working office men and women for chatting after lunch.
pen, watercolor, A 4

The garden of Guui catholic church is next to the east gate of Children's Grand Park. So the scenery was very beautiful. The place seems very good for sketching and relaxing after walking all the ways in the park. 
pencil, watercolor, A 4

요즘 비도 내려주고, 바람은 세게 부는 날도 있지만 녹음 우거진 경치는 매우 아름답습니다. 어디를 가도 그림 소재가 많아 좋습니다.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

#51 World Wide SketchCrawl at MECENATPOLIS MALL

sketch at courtyard, pen, watercolor, A 4

elevator building at back garden, pastels, A 4

pen, watercolor, A 4

pencil, A 4

Lee Yong Hwan

Lee Yong Hwan and Don Yang from USA

sketch of Don Yang who had to leave at noon for his busy schedule

T-Shirt presented by Don Yang
Thank you so much for your participation and memorable present.

Im Bo Young(임보영) was selling succulent goods at the 2nd floor corridor mall. I talked with her after sketching about the raising cactus and her family farm. She wanted to present a small one which could be attached on refrigerator. I declined gently because of my poor ability to raise plants.  

Yun Young Sook arranging sketches

It was not fine by severe yellow dust. Six sketchers including two newcomers(Kim Ji Hyun and Kim Eun Ji) and Don Yang. The place was very good with various views it possessed by itself and selling events on weekends. I tried pencils(2B and 5B) together and it inspired me to do more often.
Much thanks for all the participants in spite of bad air and busy schedule.

연일 황사로 많이 힘든 가운데 여섯명의 스케쳐들께서 모였어요. 멀리 미국에서 화가로 활동하시는 돈 양님께서 29년 만에 한국을 방문하여 짦은 시간이라도 스케치하려고 오신 것에 감동받았습니다. 시카고 어반 스케쳐에서도 활동하시며 티셔츠를 선물해주셨어요. 기념으로 간직하겠습니다. 사정이 생겨 일찍 귀가하신 새로 오신 분들께도 감사를 드립니다. 평소 잊고 지냈던 맑은 공기의 고마움을 다시 느낀 하루였습니다. 감사합니다!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

flower vases at the corner of the church

pen and watercolor, A 4

I saw this scene this morning at the Sejongro catholic church. The flowers will be used for the praying meetings of Legio Mariae(Legion of Mary). I felt those flowers so beautiful with attractive figure of shade around the desk. I enjoyed the sweet fragrance while sketching.

오늘 아침 세종로 성당 로비에서 아름다운 꽃을 보고 그렸어요. 풍성한 꽃에서 나는 향기를 맡으면서 즐거운 시간을 가졌습니다. 꽃도 꽃이지만 그림자의 모습이 매력적이었구요.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Gocheok Sky Dome - 고척 스카이 돔

Gocheok Sky Dome seen from the pedestrian bridge.

Players were practicing before the main game.

An old guy enjoying the game at the third base side

a camera man

Fans were waiting to see off their players (Doosan Bears) singing songs.

Last week I went to the stadium four times. Long time ago I went to Jamsil stadium several times just to see the games. This time I visited to see the dome stadium. It was big in my eyes though it was criticized by its scale compared to other countries' ones. I liked it because I could sketch without worrying about weather. Sketching the players' speedy gestures I felt some need to memorize or to think about their poses. Though it would be very hard to catch them it may come true some day as far as I go often. All the scenes were great and nice enough to make drawings. 
지난 주에 고척 스카이 돔에 다녀왔어요. 시범경기라 경기 입장료도 무료(평일)라서 좋았구요. 시범경기라고 해도 선수들과 응원단의 열기는 볼만했습니다. 움직이는, 그것도 순식간에 돌아가는 몸을 그린다는 것이 과연 가능한 것인가하는 의문이 들정도로 연습에 그친 경험이었습니다. 풍경들은 그래도 그릴만해서 이것 저것 담아보았구요. 이번의 계기로 스포츠 경기 스케치에 관심을 갖게 되었어요. 공부 엄청나게 했습니다. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

sketches at McDonalds

Jeong-dong branch, 27 x 19.5 cm

Myeong-dong branch, 27 x 39 cm

It gets warmer day by day. But blowing wind made me feel like sketching inside. After having lunch downtown I visited McDonalds branches for a cup of coffee. Branches' interior features are not all the same. The outside views and chairs and decorations are different from each other. I sketched the interior scenery including people who were busy with chatting. It's not easy at all to compose and draw exactly with perfect perspective points. And the decorated walls and lamp light add difficulty too. But challenging will bring development in handling them.

요즘 시내에서 점심후에 맥도날드 매장에 자주 갑니다. 매장마다 특색이 있고 분위기가 달라서 한가한 시간에 그려볼만 합니다. 물론 복잡한 실내 장식, 등불, 의자, 오가는 손님들로 쉽지는 않았지만 자꾸 도전해보면 발전이 되리라고 생각합니다. 그릴수록 어렵습니다.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

#51 World Wide SketchCrawl

안녕하세요! 어느덧 봄날입니다. 51차 월드 와이드 스케치크롤에 대해 안내드립니다.

날짜(Date) : 2016년 4월 23일 토요일 (April 23, 2016, Saturday)

장소(Place) : 메세나폴리스몰(MECENATPOLIS MALL),  합정역 9, 10 출구 (Hapjeong station, exit no. 9, or 10, Subway no. 2 or 6)

합정역 근처에 있는 메세나폴리스몰의 중앙 광장에서 10시 30분부터 스케치 시작하여 12시 30분경 점심후 4시까지 그리고 나서 광장에서 감상회를 갖습니다.

(We meet at the central garden inside the MECENATPOLIS MALL and start sketching from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm after

having lunch on 12:30 pm. We would like to have a pleasure to see all the works on the spot at the garden at 4: 00 pm.)

관심있는 분 누구라도 간단한 도구 지참하시고 나오시면 됩니다. 따로 참가 신청서는 필요하지 않습니다. 함께 그리면 즐거

움도 배가 됩니다. 좋은 봄날에 만나뵙기 바랍니다.

(No need to register or send paper for joining this sketchcrawl. Hope all the sketchers to participate in the world wide

sketching meetup with simple tools. All is needed is interest and courage! See you all there!)

Friday, March 4, 2016

sketch at Seooreung

Workers were hammering small poles into the ground in front of Myeongreung.
pen and watercolor, 27 x 19.5 cm

I used a fountain pen which my son presented days ago. I promised that I would draw nice ones. This one was the first drawing with that pen. 

Today it was a real spring day. I enjoyed the walking and sketching inside the newly decorated royal tomb garden, Seooreung. I suffered from bad cold last 10 days. The fine weather and nice pen gave a great pleasure. Nature and history was always there. I wish to go there often in spring days.

지난 열흘넘게 독감으로 고생하다가 오늘 모처럼 서오릉으로 스케치를 갔어요. 아들이 선물한 만년필로 그림을 그렸구요. 좋은 그림 많이 그리마 약속을 한지라 오늘 한 숙제를 한 기분이었어요. 날이 이만만하면 참 좋겠다 싶었습니다. 능을 보면서 우리의 역사도 생각해보았구요. 인현왕후와 숙종은 한 자리에 나란히 있는데 조금 뒤로 자리한 인원왕후의 묘소를 보면서 여인들의 비애가 읽혀졌습니다. 

Monday, February 15, 2016

sketch at the exhibition in the Seoul Arts Center

pen, charcoal, A 4

Last Saturday I visited the Seoul Arts Center to see the exhibition of the masterpieces of the British Museum under the title "Human Image". The inside was crowded with visitors of course. I appreciated every piece ranging from BC to contemporary works. There were chairs for the keepers. I sat and sketched the scenery. Charcoal was very proper material for the dark and lighted inside. It might be an excuse if I say I couldn't draw them for the rushing visitors. Ratherly I would have liked to enjoy all those masterpieces. Hope you not to miss the exhibit. Thank you!

지난 토요일에 예술의 전당에서 대영박물관 전시회를 관람했어요. 주말이고 해외 박물관 전시라 방문객이 많았어요. 점심도 미리 김밥으로 때우고 들어가서 몇시간 관람하면서 그림은 한두장밖에 못그렸습니다. 다른 관람객에게 방해될 것같기도 했고, 저도 한 작품 한 작품 꼼꼼히 보고 싶었지요. 긴 시대를 아우르는 많은 작품들을 대하면서 많은 생각과 각오를 다지고 나왔습니다.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

sketches in acrylics at Cheonggyecheon and Jongno, Seoul

scenery with Mojeongyo (bridge), acrylics, crayon, 39 x 27 cm

street scenery at Sambong-ro, Jongno
acrylics, crayon, 39 x 27 cm

Today, the end of Lunar new year holidays, I went to downtown for sketching for the weather forecast said it would be warm. But doing something near the cold water was not easy at all. The fabric which I used for water-absorbing was frozen. It might be caused by my location in shade. Passengers asked "Aren't your fingers cold?" I replied "Absolutely freezing!" But expecting that the spring will come soon I enjoyed the outdoor sketching. 
After finishing the first one I moved to Burger King, Jongno district office branch to warm myself and sketch one more indoor. The place was excellent with my favorite views which I repeatedly kept drawing. This time I used acrylics and crayons. In both works changing light mattered as always, which compose the most attractive scenery in pictures. 

오늘 날이 따뜻하다고 하여 시내에 나갔는데 바람도 불고 쌀쌀하더군요. 청계천의 물가에 더구나 그늘에 자리를 잡고 보니 물 적시는 천이 얼었어요. 그래도 시내 가까운 곳에 이런 장소가 있어서 다가오는 봄을 기다리며 스케치를 즐겁게 했습니다.