Sunday, December 22, 2013

visiting the exhibition, "개항장 인천의 풍광" (Scenery of Incheon as an Open Port) by Artist Kim Jae Youl (김재열), Incheon

Lee Yong Hwan, Korea-China Cultural Center (한중문화관), Jung-gu, Incheon
pen and watercolor, A 4

Lee Yong Hwan, Incheon Art Platform complex (인천 아트 플랫폼), 
ball point pen and watercolor, A 4

Korea-China cultural center building

Artists, Kim Jae Youl and Lee Yong Hwan at the exhibition hall, 
1st floor of the Korea-China Cultural Center

Old buildings were remodeled as cultural space for arts and culture. 

site map for the Incheon Art Platform complex

Yoo Byung Hwa, Building C at the Incheon Art Platform complex near the Korea-China Cultural Center, pen and watercolor, 19.5 x 27 cm

Yoo Byung Hwa, Korea-China Cultural Center, pen and watercolor, 19.5 x 27 cm

YH Lee and I went to Incheon to see the exhibition of Artist Kim Jae Youl, which was held in Korea-China Cultural center, Jung-gu. We met him and enjoyed his great works. Most of them were about the features of Incheon spanning 120 years. Incheon port was opened on 1883 for the first time in Korea. We liked his recent works too. The exhibit will be on from Dec. 18 -  Dec. 31, 2013. Across the building Incheon Art Platform complex was created. Most buildings had been used as office, factory, or else of private companies previously. But they were transformed into good space for exhibition, education, and performance theater. We visited Modern Architecture Museum located nearby. Historical modern buildings were exhibited as miniatures in the museum. Incheon has lots of treasure as a great sketching place for its historical importance as the open port. Hope that Seoul sketchers go there for sketching them. 

오늘 이용환샘과 인천 한중문화관에서 열리는 김재열선생님의 "개항장 인천의 풍광" 전시회를 보고 왔습니다. 120 여년에 걸친 인천 개항 후의 모습을 담은 역작들을 감상하고 선생님도 만나 뵙고 설명도 들을 수 있어서 좋았습니다. 전시 감상후에 가까이에 있는 근대건축박물관도 방문하고 부근을 스케치하였구요. 늘 가던 인천이지만 새로이 변모된 인천 아트 플랫폼이 인상깊었어요. 차후에 서울 스케쳐들과 함께 방문하여 이곳 저곳을 그려봤으면 싶었습니다.
시간되시면 전시회 방문하시면 좋겠습니다.

Friday, December 20, 2013

four sketches on a very cold day

at the Anglican church of Korea

Namdaemun Gate

X trees on the passage between Lotte Outlets and parking building in Seoul Station

entrance doors in Lotte Outlets, Seoul Station
pen, watercolor, 20 x 27 cm

Today I walked from Gwanghwamun to Seoul Station. On the way I sketched one at the church and one more looking up the Namdaemun gate. Due to the low temperature some parts on paper water were frozen. It looked interesting anyway, which could be seen on winter too. Arriving at the station I made two more. Inside the station was always lively with people. Passengers in streets or in station showed interest in sketches encouraging by comments such as "You have a good hobby." or "You look nice!". Walking the streets I could find more spots where I would sketch later on warm days onwards. 

날씨는 매우 추웠지만 광화문을 지나 서울역으로 걸으며 스케치를 했습니다. 걸으면 확실히 많은 것을 찬찬히 볼 수 있었어요. 날 따뜻하면 저걸 그려야지 하면서 미리 찜해놓기도 하고 혼자 즐거워합니다. 성공회에서 더 추웠나 봅니다. 그림 오른쪽 하단에 얼은 흔적이 있는 것을 보면...영하에서 그리는 재미라고 생각됩니다. 

Yeouido. IFC building.

 여의도. IFC빌딩.
14.8x21cm. 라미만년필. 피그먼트펜. 수채화물감.
쇼핑몰안에 스타벅스에서 내부만 스케치 했습니다.
Yeouido. IFC building.
Lamy fountain pen. Pigment pen. Watercolor.
Starbucks in the mall, but the inside has been sketched.

Thursday, December 19, 2013


 휴먼시아아파트 주변.소하1동.광명시.
14.8x21cm. 라미만년필. 9B연필. 수채화물감.
같은 장소에서 조금만 더 둘러보면 아름다운 곳이 더 많아서 다시 찾아가서 스케치했습니다.
Hyumeonsiah apartments around. Soha-dong,. Gwangmyeong.
14.8x21cm. Lamy fountain pen. 9B pencil. Watercolor.
Look around a little longer in the same place more beautiful place has many sketches went back.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

an old fashioned village in downtown Seoul

Recently, I visited Migeun-dong(미근동) several times,which is an old village and located in Seodaemun-gu(서대문구) near downtown Seoul. There are lots of old fashioned buildings built near by the side of railway on the Gyeongui Line over which Seosomun Overpass is crossing.The habitability of housing, including old Seosomun Apartment, is not so satisfied owing to the some noise and inconvenient environment. Nevertheless, the unique and lively sceneries of the village, which is scheduled for regeneration within the near future, are so colorful and somehow attractive for sketching. I drew some disordered but interesting sceneries around the old fashioned hidden village.

a scene of the village along the street

Seosomun Apartment(서소문 아파트), one of the oldest ones in Seoul

a scene viewed from the railroad crossing(서소문 건널목)

another scene viewed from the railroad crossing

a scene looking at Seosomun Overpass(서소문 고가)

the National Policy Agency(경찰청), a landmark at Migeun-dong

buildings around Migeun-dong including Gyeongui Line(경의선)

an old restaurant

a snack stall and a shoe repair shop

a narrow alley passing through Seosomun Apartment 
( pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm )
서소문과 서대문,충정로를 잇는 철길 주변의 오래된 동네 ,
해방 이전과 경제개발 시대의 잔상이 곳곳에 남아있습니다.
도심 빌딩의 틈사이로 비치는 그늘진 뒤안길 속을 헤치며
생생한 모습을 그리다 보면 왠지 이국적 느낌에 젖어듭니다.

my friend

<14x20cm,6B pencil,water colors>

She is my best friend.

We met at age 15.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Soha-dong, Gwangmyeong

 Hyumeonsiah apartments around. Soha-dong, Gwangmyeong.
14.8x21cm. 2H pencil watercolor.
Sketch was cold but the sun is good. If the nature of urgent memo to many mistakes it was time to look back at myself.
휴먼시아아파트 주변. 소하1동.광명시.
14.8x21cm. 2H연필.수채화물감.
춥지만 햇볕이 좋아서 스케치했습니다.
급한 성격 때문에 메모도 많이 하는데 그래도 실수하는 제 자신을 돌아보는 시간이었습니다.

sketches at Seoul Fork Flea Market

<14x20cm,6B pencil,water colors>
at the Seoul Fork Flea Market entrance
Wet people dry dress because of snow

<29x20cm,6B pencil,water colors>
sewing machine and a very kind shopkeeper

<14x20cm,6B pencil,water colors>
medicinal herbs+honey tea shop
i like calligraphy of this shop :)

<14x20cm,6B pencil>

I was treated to coffee by shopkeeper
consideration of my sketch.

예전에 청계천 공사하고 동대문 축구장으로 이전 했을 때 한번 갔었는데
그때는 야외라 너무 춥고 사람도 없고 상인분들 표정도 어두웠는데 
지금 위치로 이전하고 많이 활기차진거 같아서 기뻣어요.^^
늦어서 구경 못했어요 ㅜ다음에 가서 구경하고 맛있는거 먹고 와야지..
만나서 반가웠어요~^0^

Monday, December 16, 2013

sketches at Seoul Folk Flea Market, Sinseol-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul

Last Saturday, we Seoul usk members met at Seoul Folk Flea Market(서울 풍물시장) and enjoyed all the fun of the fair in the marketplace. Though it was a little cold and snowy, the temperature inside the building was so warm by many heaters and some hot tasty treats. There were lots of objects for sketching, including various antiques, daily necessities and all sorts of junk with interesting atmosphere. I sketched some new sceneries which I didn't draw before, roaming in and outside the market.

a front view of the market building, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm 

a rear view of the market building, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm 

indoors atmosphere around the ramp,  pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm 

restaurants and stores on the 2nd floor, ballpoint pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm 

a herbal shop on the 2nd floor, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm

talking together about sketches, pencil and watercolor, 14.8 x 21cm
풍물시장은 우리 생활의 축소판 같습니다. 세월을 거쳐 온 衣食住의 생활과 풍습에서 나오는 비품들을 언제나 쉽게 만날 수 있지요. 스케치를 위한 작은 만물상이라고 하겠습니다. 


진성고등학교. 철산동3동.광명시.
14.8x21cm. 2H연필. 스테들러피그먼트펜.수채화물감.
점심은 맥도날드 햄버거로 먹고 남는 시간에 빠른 스케치했습니다.
ginsungHighSchool. Cheolsan3dong. Gwangmyeong.
14.8x21cm. 2H pencil. Seutedeulreo pigment pen. Watercolors.
In his spare time to eat lunch at McDonald had a quick sketch.