Saturday, May 16, 2015

fencing game sketches

on game, 39 x 27 cm

a boy resting lying on the floor after his game, 39 x 27 cm

parents encouraging their children, 39 x 27 cm

mother caring her son's play wear, 17.5 x 25 cm

a boy looking at his smart phone after his game, 17.5 x 25 cm

Today I went to the Korea National Sport University located near Olympic Park because I heard that the daughter JY of MK Kim would participate in the fencing game. It was my first experience to see the fencing game in gymnasium. Besides encouraging her I hoped to sketch their moving gestures on the spot. The fencing game was held by Seoul fencing association for the fencing groups ranging from elementary school students to adults. The inside of the gym was crowded with players, coaches of the institutes and their family with lots of shouting, yelling, cheering through all the games. 
Speedy gestures were not easy to catch up, but their nice figures were attractive. Kids who lost were ready to cry and their family were busy to console them feeling sorry. It's general that losers are far more than the winner as games proceed on. Thanks to the JY's participation in that special game I could have a nice chance to feel the exciting mood as if I were a player and to capture their nice poses. Though JY couldn't win the cup I wish her championship next time. Cheers, JY!

오늘 김 미경샘의 따님이 '서울특별시 펜싱 협회장 배 동호인 선수권대회에 참여한다는 소식을 듣고 올림픽 공원 옆에 있는 한국체육대학교에 가서 경기를 관람하면서 스케치도 했습니다. 펜싱경기를 직접 본 것은 처음이었어요. 경기장 안은 응원 나온 학부모와 코치 선생님들의 응원소리에 여러 곳에서 경기가 진행되는 통에 많이 복잡했어요. 경기 끝나면 승패에 따라 우는 아이들에 이겼다고 좋아하는 아이와 부모님들의 모습도 당연히 보게 되구요. 경기장 한켠의 벽에 기대 앉아서 우선 동작을 많이 그려보다가 큰 종이에 수채를 써서 몇장 그렸습니다. 넓은 경기장에서 스케치하는 것과 달리 실내 공간에서 다양한 선수들을 그려보는 귀한 경험을 하고 왔어요. 아직 어린 선수들이 승패와 관계없이 멋진 운동을 하게 된 것에 감사하고 계속 정진하기를 바랐습니다. 김미경 샘 여러 모로 감사했습니다!

Thursday, May 14, 2015



               크기           23cm  x31cm

Friday, May 8, 2015

sketches at the museum in Goyang City

entrance of sculpture park, pencil, watercolor, 39 x 27 cm

exhibition hall of cathedral church, charcoal, 39 x 27 cm

foreground garden of the museum, drawn on 2nd visit with Mikyung Kim, May 15, 2015
39 x 27 cm

scene at the gallery of Latin countries' traditional costume
27 x 39 cm

one of the traditional costume exhibited in gallery, 27.5 x 17.5 cm

I went to Centro Cultural de American Latina Y Museo (중남미 문화원) located at Goyang City. The place was very beautiful with brick buildings such as museum, art museum, religion building, sculpture park, and so on. Shiny weather added the pleasure to walk here and there seeing the great sculptures in nice garden. Of course I could see lots of cultural sculpture works inside the museum. And there was a souvenir shop too. There were various kinds of decorative goods such as ring, bracelet, necklace, wallets which are of characteristic design of Latin America. There was a special exhibition of the clothes and textiles of the traditional wearings. The museum was originated by the former ambassador Lee Bok-hyeong who had served as diplomat in Latin american countries for 30 years. He and his wife collected lots of precious works to establish a museum. It's said that such kind of museum about Latin America is the only one in Asia. Hope you to visit there some day.

I added three sketches drawn on today, 15 May 2015, with Kim Mikyung at the museum.
The quiet atmosphere with well trimmed garden trees was good enough to heal ourselves. The museum locates not far from Seoul. By subway or bus one may be able to go there within one hour more or less according to the distance. We enjoyed the serene mood as if the garden were ours. This time I captured two at the inside of the gallery where the Latin countries' traditional clothes were exhibited. We admired the efforts of the owner seeing all those exhibited works. 

오늘 고양시에 있는 중남미 문화원에 다녀왔습니다. 날씨도 좋아서 나무, 잔디, 꽃등이 야외 조각품들과 어우러져서 아름다왔어요. 물론 실내의 전시품도 잘 보았구요. 다양한 복장 전시도 뜻밖의 소득이었습니다. 일절 실내 사진 촬영이 금지되어있고 1994년 박물관 건립 이후 많은 소개가 되어 있어서 달리 사진을 찍지않았어요. 조용한 위치에 있는 작은 종교 전시관의 안과 밖이 감상하기 좋았습니다. 가끔 가서 그림도 그리고 휴식도 취하면 좋겠습니다.

********** 오늘(5월 15일) 김미경샘과 함께 그린 스케치들을 함께 올렸습니다. 여전히 조용하고 아름다운 분위기의 문화원에서 실내 풍경을 그리느라고 애를 먹었어요. 백에 넣은 물이 쏟아지고...서서 그리다가 급기야 바닥에 앉아 마감을 했구요. 가끔 들러서 많은 조각품들도 그려보면 좋겠습니다. 먼데 오셔서 함께 그림 그려서 즐거웠어요! 맛난 김밥, 약밥도 감사했구요! ^ ^ ***************************

at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art

과천 국립현대미술관에서 황규백전을 보고나서 야외데크에서 스케치했습니다.
"지나고보니 이런 순간이 행복이야."
라고 하신 유병화샘 말씀이 마음에 남습니다.
가을되면 키 큰 계수나무에 솜사탕냄새 솔솔 날텐데 그때 또 가보고싶네요.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

sketch at the Gwangjin Bridge, Han River

scenery seen from the Riverview 8th Avenue in the Gwangjin Bridge, Han River
39 x 27 cm

The Gwangjin Bridge is loved by people because it's possible for citizens to walk the bridge enjoying riverside scenery sitting on benches while crossing. And there's a nice place, the Riverview 8th Avenue in the middle of the bridge, where various kinds of art programs are held such as movies, exhibits, and lover's proposal events even. I could visit there with MK Kim, Seoul Urban Sketcher for sketching and looking round the gallery. It was very special for the visitors to be able to see the river run under the tempered glass of the gallery floor. I couldn't walk on it for the fear. You can see here. We enjoyed all the time after long time no see. 

김미경샘의 안내로 광진교 8번가에 처음 가보았습니다. 한강에 다리가 워낙 많아 가보지 못한 곳이 많은데 광진교는 죽 걸어가는 도중에 벤치가 놓여있어서 스케쳐들에게는 아주 좋은 장소더군요. 특히나 중간에 위치한 전망쉼터가 일품이었어요.

모처럼 만나서 이야기도 많이하고 편의점에서 라면을 직점 끓여주는 기계도 처음 접하고 놀라고 즐거웠어요. 비오는 날 뜨거운 라면이야 거부할 수 없지요. 맛난 커피마시며 바라보는 한강의 경치는 멋진 추억이 될 것같습니다. 김미경샘께 감사드리며 종종 만나 좋은 시간 가졌으면 합니다. 

at the Gwangjin Bridge

보슬비 내리는 봄날 유병화샘과 스케치 데이트.
광진교에서 스케치하고
한강공원까지 우산 들고 걷고
편의점에서 즉석라면도 첨으로 먹어보고
맛있는 커피 마시며 이야기 나누며
또 스케치하고.
즐거운 하루였습니다~~

I had such a lovely day with Byung Wha Yoo, just walking on the Gwangjin Bridge, sketching, eating Ramen, chatting and drinking coffee.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Monday, April 27, 2015

47th World Wide SketchCrawl, Gyeonggi English Village, Paju City

Main Gate of Gyeonggi English Village (영어마을 입구), pencil and watercolor, 24 x 32cm

City Hall (시청), pen and watercolor, 24 x 32cm 

a scenery around the main street (시청앞 중앙로), pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm

Concert hall(공연장), pen and watercolor, 24 x 32cm

a scenery around the market street (마켓 거리), pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm

Science Safari and Exciting Adventure (체험교육관), pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm
Last Saturday, It was very fine and clear weather to sketch outdoors. In celebration of the 47th World Wide SketchCrawl, we usk Seoul members met at Gyeonggi English Village (경기영어마을) in Paju City (파주시) close to Seoul. As soon as I entered the village through castle shaped gate, a new world of fantastic atmosphere with beautiful buildings and diverse performances impressed me.
The street is lined on each side with the typical western style buildings where English programs are conducted, with the the restaurants and convenience stores drawing the interested visitors and tourists. All facilities have been newly built to simulate a village in an English-speaking country. Students can learn English by enjoying a cultural experience in an exotic environment. Though it is located near urban areas for easy access, it is a suburban English village in harmony with its surrounding natural environment.
We enjoyed an exciting sketch time across the fantastic village in the outskirts of Seoul.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

47th World Wide SketchCrawl, Gyeonggi English Village, Paju City by Koo Bon-ok

pen, watercolor, 35 x 24 cm

pen, watercolor, 32 x 24 cm

47th World Wide Crawl Sketch Gyeonggi English Village in Paju city

 영어 마을은 학생과 이용자들에게 자연스럽게 영어로 말하도록 환경을 마련한 곳입니다.
건물들이 영국과 미국의 모습을 본떴을 뿐 아니라
곳곳에 외국인들이 있어서 영어를 해볼 수 있는 분위기 였습니다.

                                      18.2*25.7 canson pencel and watercolor

47th World Wide SketchCrawl at Gyeonggi English Village, Paju City

20 x 20 cm

24 x 32 cm

#47th World Wide SketchCrawl at Gyeonggi English Village by Kim Kyung-hee

148 x 210 mm