Showing posts with label Jongno. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jongno. Show all posts

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Sketches at Jongno

Nagwon Instrument(musical) Arcade

McDonalds, Anguk branch

Tower in Jogyesa(temple)
8B pencil, brush pen, water soluble pencils, 30 x 42 cm

Weather was not bad though the humidity was high by rain. Nagwon musical instrument Arcade is one of my favorite places for sketching. Lots of instruments are always attractive. It's the place where any kind of musical instrument can be found. So lots of music players visit to buy new one or sell old one or repair them. Above all it's good to sketch when it rains. 

Hope all to have nice time sketching Jongno in hot and rainy days and share them!

폭우 예보에도 불구하고 날씨는 그림그리기 나쁘지 않았어요. 우선 낙원 상가에 들러 한 장 그리고 점심후에 맥도날드에서 차 한잔하며 한장 더 하고 조계사 풍경을 붓펜으로 그려보았습니다. 붓이라 다른 재료보다 조심스럽더군요. 수용성 연필로 색을 마감하고요.  

어려운 날씨에 스케치 작업 많이 하시기 바라며, 아울러 건강히 지내시기 바랍니다.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Sketches on small papers

old buildings at the alley near the Jogyesa(temple) 

Pyeonghwa print company near the Jogyesa(temple), 19x27cm

buildings in Jogyesa with flower bowls

tower with lotus lanturns at Jogyesa, 12 x 16 cm

scenery of rocks at Geumsunsa(temple)

 inside scenery at the season of Buddha's birthday in Geumsunsa, 12.5 x 18.5 cm

Jogyesa is located at downtown, Jongno. Therefore I drop in often to appreciate the colorful lanterns decorated all around the temple. Citizens, office workers nearby, tourists and lots of believers come to there to pray or look around. And visiting the Geumsunsa near my villageI drew too. Pen and pencil sketching on small papers is easy to begin and finish. But to draw well seemed to be another matter. Drawing in monotonous materials was a helpful practice to see subjects in value.

부처님 오신 날 주변의 사찰은 화려한 연등으로 많은 사람들의 눈길을 끕니다. 종로의 조계사와 돌아가신 부모님이 모셔져 있는 금선사를 자주 방문합니다. 작은 종이라도 가지고 다니면서 틈날 때마다 그려보게 됩니다. 아름다운 연등의 색을 외면하고 펜과 연필로만 그려보았구요. 작다고 쉽지 않은 것을 알게 됩니다. 내년의 연등철에 다시 도전해보아야겠습니다.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

More sketches at Buam-dong

pencil, watercolor, 30.5 x 40.5 cm

conte, pastels, 30.5 x 40.5 cm

pen, watercolor, 39 x 27 cm

These are the drawings I'd done days before the sketchcrawl day, April 22nd. I surveyed there several times for the meetup. And I drew some every time. There were so many places which caught my eyes. Most of the sketchers who visited there agreed and wanted to sketch them again. I felt sorry that we couldn't visit the Baeksasil village which keeps the original scenery of countryside. We may have chance to capture all those beautiful scenes next time. 

부암동은 가까이 살면서도 늘 스쳐지나갔던 아름다운 마을입니다. 이번 기회에 스케치를 할 수 있어 숙제를 한듯한 느낌입니다. 아직 해야할 숙제가 많기는 하지만요. 욕심내지 말고 천천히 한장씩 그려보려고 합니다. 늘 함께 해주시는 스케쳐 여러분들께 감사드립니다.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

55th World Wide SketchCrawl

2017.4.22 (토) 서울 종로구 부암동에서
따스한 봄볕을 맞으며 스케치를 했다.

55th World Wide SketchCrawl

Women were choosing a jar. By BH Yoo

By John Lee

By John Lee

By Min Jeong Sook

By Choi Jong Suk

By Kim Hae Won

It was a fine day though hot under the sun. Some were old pals and some were new. The Buam-dong is one of the oldest village in Seoul with beautiful mountains such as Inwangsan, Bugaksan and Bughansan. It is not far from the Blue House and Gyeongbokgung(palace). Seoul fortress walls are surrounding. We can walk along the wall looking down the villages. Lots of citizens and tourists visit the wall. Small coffee shops and restaurants are located along the small alleys. Sketchers enjoyed all day drawing sights here and there while some were sharing talks under the parasols having tea. Life is long; we don't need to hurry to capture all at one time. We gather and draw what we observe and share all about we dream living together. 
Much thanks for all : Min Jeong Sook, Choi Jong Suk, Andy Oh, John Lee, Han Jung Sun, Kim Hae Won, Baik Kyung Won, Jung Young Kyeong, Han Mi Young, Choi Sung Ye, Joung Young Hee, Yi Ji Hyun, Kang Eun Young Eunice, Lee Yong Hwan, BH Yoo. 
Hope to see you next month! 

55th World Wide SketchCrawl page 를 방문하시고 지구촌 스케쳐들의 작품을 감상하시기 바랍니다. 

오늘 좋은 날씨에 많은 분들이 참여해주셔서 감사했습니다. 스케치가 많이 알려져서 간단한 도구로 커다란 즐거움을 얻는 기회를 나누는 듯합니다. 오랜만에 만난 분들과 나누는 그림 이야기도 소중하여 많은 그림 그리려는 조급함을 잠시 내려놓았던 하루였습니다. 그림을 매개로 하여 처음으로 만나는 분들과의 인연이 오래도록 이어지기를 바랍니다. 

Saturday, April 1, 2017

55th World Wide SketchCrawl 안내

어언 봄이 왔습니다. 이번 4월 22일 토요일에 온 세계의 스케치를 사랑하시는 많은 분들이 참여하시는 스케치 크롤 행사가 있습니다. 이번에도 스케치에 관심이 있으신 분은 누구라도 간단한 도구를 지참하시고 참가하시면 됩니다. 참가비는 없으며 약속 장소에 오시면 되며 각자 그리고 싶은 현장을 그리며 여러 스케쳐들과 교류하며 좋은 시간 보낼 수 있기 바랍니다.

서울의 숨겨진 보물같은 마을속의 여러 전시관과, 까페, 맛집을 그려보며 즐거운 하루를 보냈으면 합니다. 많은 시민과 외국인들도 즐겨 찾는 서울 성곽길을 오르시려면 신분증 지참이 필수입니다. 성곽에서 내려다 보는 풍경도 훌륭한 스케치거리가 될 것입니다. 
그날 뵙겠어요.

날짜 : 2017년 4월 22일 (토요일) - April 22, 2017
장소 : 서울 종로구 부암동 주변 - Buam-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul
만나는 장소와 시간 : 종로 부암동 주민센타 마당, 오전 10시 30분 - Buam-dong Community Center, 10:30 am
마치는 시간 : 오후 3시 30분경 
오시는 길 : 지하철 3호선 경복궁역 3번 출구에서 나와 7022, 7212, 1020 승차후 부암동 주민센터 하차 (You can arrive there by coming out from exit no. 3 of subway no. 3, Gyeongbokgung station. And transfer to green bus 7022 or 7212 or 1020. After getting off at Buam-dong Community Center you can see it across the street.)

(We try to sketch the beautiful village, Buam-dong, the hidden treasure in Seoul. There locates impressive art museums such as Whanki Museum, Seoul Museum, and Zaha Museum. Big and small cafes or restaurants are in rows or at narrow alleys of the old village. Civilians or foreign visitors like to walk up to Seoul Fortress Wall. But you have to show your ID card to be permitted to climb in. Hope anybody who has interest in sketching to spend nice day at one of the secret places in great mountain, Bughansan.)

Friday, March 3, 2017

sketches at Gwangjang Market (광장시장), Seoul

entrance to the Food Court

scene of the market crowded with people

cooking scene of Korean traditional Pan Cake (빈대떡)

scene of Korean traditional clothing shops

Underground Shopping Center connected with Gwangjang Market

the main gate of Gwangjang Market (정문)

the north gate of Gwangjang Market (북문)

the south gate of Gwangjang Market(남문) near Cheonggyecheon Stream
( 21 x 29.6 cm sketchbook, pen and watercolor )
Few days ago, I visited the old-fashioned Gwangjang Market locate in Jongno-gu, the central district of downtown Seoul. Gwangjang Market has over 110 years of history. The market is one of Korea's largest traditional market and continues to thrive as a popular tourist destination today. Moreover the market has long been famous for many non-stop shopping and exotic eating areas draw thousands of visitors to the market everyday. It was a cold weather, but the market streets were crowded with people ceaselessly. 
I sketched some colorful scenes in and outside the bustling Gwangjang Market and the 
surroundings in an exciting atmospheres.
북적거리는 종로의 새로운 관광명소...
110년 세월의 광장시장은 서울시민의 역사~
삶의 희로애락의 사연들을 쉴새없이 쏟아내며
발디딜 틈없이 바쁘게 돌아가는 먹거리 장터는
삶의 역동적인 풍물을 담는 좋은 스케치 장소입니다.

Friday, February 3, 2017

sketches at Seran General Hospital (세란병원), Seoul

blood test room on the 2nd floor(2층 채혈실 )

Radiology on the 1st floor (1층 영상 의학과)

main hall on the 1st floor ( 1층 대기홀)

 the front view of the hospital ( 병원 건물 전경)

mother and daughter at lunch time (간병 식사중)

nurses station on the 6th floor (간호사실)

Seodaemun Independence Park seen from the 6th floor 
(서대문 독립공원, 병원 6층에서 봄 )

 patients at roof garden on the 9th floor (옥상정원)

a distant view seen from the corridor on the 9th floor (남산쪽 원경)
( pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm sketchbook )
My close relative was hospitalized by pneumonia at Seran General Hospital in January.
The hospital is located at Muak-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul. There is a famous Seodaemun 
Independence Park across the Tongil-ro street. Though the hospital is middle scale with 250 beds founded in 1987, it is always busy with lots of patients and visitors by the traffic convenience of subway and bus transportation.
I visited my relative several times and sketched in and out of the hospital. At first I began to capture the whole figure of the hospital and the surroundings. Inside the hospital I drew some scenes such as waiting room, administration, blood test room, nurses station, etc. Staying at the hospital and drawing them, I felt warm relationship between patients and nursing people. And I wished their getting well too.
지하철 3호선 독립문역 가까이 세란병원~
구도심의 원활한 교통과 주민 접근성이 좋고
대형병원과 달리 지역 서비스 편리한 소형병원 
자연스럽고 인간적인 느낌의 좋은 스케치 장소입니다.

Monday, July 4, 2016

construction field at Gyonam-dong, Jongno-gu

39 x 27 cm

The area locates near the Independence Gate and is undergoing redevelopment. Construction field is always full of lively scenery. There exists only necessary things. Unnecessary tools or cars are removed soon for much more needed things. Moving vehicles and laborers, superintendents add intensive tension. I love to draw such scenes though the air is not good from the beginning to the last minute of finishing. We could see the features of the field till the end of completion of buildings. And such intermediate sights can never be seen after finishing. So I'd like to capture the bare face of the area before decoration after construction. 

얼마전 교남동 재개발 현장 가까운 곳에 볼일이 있어 갔다가 공사 현장을 보게 되었어요. 언제나 공사현장은 많은 인력과 중장비자등 긴장감이 넘치는 곳입니다. 더구나 현장이라는 것이 완공이 되고 나면 사라지는 모습들이라서 꼭 그려보고 싶은 현장이구요. 아직 완공에는 시일이 걸릴듯합니다. 기회가 되면 다시 가보고 싶습니다.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

sketches in acrylics at Cheonggyecheon and Jongno, Seoul

scenery with Mojeongyo (bridge), acrylics, crayon, 39 x 27 cm

street scenery at Sambong-ro, Jongno
acrylics, crayon, 39 x 27 cm

Today, the end of Lunar new year holidays, I went to downtown for sketching for the weather forecast said it would be warm. But doing something near the cold water was not easy at all. The fabric which I used for water-absorbing was frozen. It might be caused by my location in shade. Passengers asked "Aren't your fingers cold?" I replied "Absolutely freezing!" But expecting that the spring will come soon I enjoyed the outdoor sketching. 
After finishing the first one I moved to Burger King, Jongno district office branch to warm myself and sketch one more indoor. The place was excellent with my favorite views which I repeatedly kept drawing. This time I used acrylics and crayons. In both works changing light mattered as always, which compose the most attractive scenery in pictures. 

오늘 날이 따뜻하다고 하여 시내에 나갔는데 바람도 불고 쌀쌀하더군요. 청계천의 물가에 더구나 그늘에 자리를 잡고 보니 물 적시는 천이 얼었어요. 그래도 시내 가까운 곳에 이런 장소가 있어서 다가오는 봄을 기다리며 스케치를 즐겁게 했습니다.