Wednesday, November 6, 2013

two buildings overlap together

While passing by Insa-dong street, I came across an impressive scene two buildings harmonized united together. The small building is Chundogyo's Central Headquaters (천도교 중앙대교당) with brick built in Gothic and Baroque style, and another large one is Sueun Assembly House Building (수운회관) with concrete built in modern style architecture. Two historic buildings are well-matched together beautifully. So I took my seat in a good view point and sketched the harmonious scene carefully.

united composition with different buildings, pen and watercolor, 21 x 29.6cm
천도교 중앙대교당과 수운회관 건물은 같은 장소에 있으면서도
크기, 재료, 건축 양식, 배경, 상징성.....에서 전혀 다릅니다.
두 건물이 떨어져 있으면 서로 대비가 되는 좋은 소재이지만
겹쳐 그려도 조화를 이루는 컴포지션이 될 듯 합니다.

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